How can I use L'Hopital's rule to evaluate this exponential limit?

In summary, to evaluate the limit of the given expression, one can take the exponential and use L'Hopital's rule. Another approach is to rewrite x as 1+y and use the binomial expansion, keeping the first three terms. The reason for keeping only three terms is that the contributions beyond the third term go to zero as y approaches 0.
  • #1

Homework Statement

evaluate :
[tex] \lim_{x\longrightarrow1}\ \left\ ( \frac{p}{1-x^p} - \frac{q}{1-x^q} ) \ \right p,q\in N [/tex]

2. What I've tried.

I s'pose L`Hopital's Cant be applied as this is not 0/0 form.
I took the LCM and put them in this form :

[tex] \lim_{x \longrightarrow 1}\ \frac{p-px^q -q+qx^p}{1-x^p-x^q+x^{p+q}} [/tex]

But still i can't replace x-1 by h. How do i proceed
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  • #2
take the exponential of this limit, and then youll have a limit with which you can calculate it via lhopital's rule.
  • #3
loop quantum gravity said:
take the exponential of this limit, and then youll have a limit with which you can calculate it via lhopital's rule.
Sorry i don't understand what taking exponential means. Could you please explain ?
  • #4
well, calculate the limit of e^([p/(1-x^p)]-[q/(1-x^q)]), and use the fact that: lim e^g(x)=e^(lim (g(x))). (this is correct only if the limit is finite).
  • #5
loop quantum gravity said:
well, calculate the limit of e^([p/(1-x^p)]-[q/(1-x^q)]), and use the fact that: lim e^g(x)=e^(lim (g(x))). (this is correct only if the limit is finite).

THx for the help, but how do i simplify the exponent? And since the denominator is constant, how do i apply lhopitals rule?
  • #6
Try another approach. Since x->1, write x=1+y where y->0. Now write x^p as (1+y)^p and use the binomial expansion. Since y->0 you can ignore a lot of the higher powers in y. In this case you'll only need to keep the first three terms.
  • #7
Dick said:
Try another approach. Since x->1, write x=1+y where y->0. Now write x^p as (1+y)^p and use the binomial expansion. Since y->0 you can ignore a lot of the higher powers in y. In this case you'll only need to keep the first three terms.

Thx, that worked perfectly. I simplified and got (p-q)/2 which is the right answer.
But i have one question to ask, how did you decide to restrict to only 3 terms of the binomial expansion?

Once again, thanks a lot
  • #8
Because I tried keeping just one term and it canceled exactly. Then realized I'd better keep another term. You can keep all of the terms if you want. But then you'll realize that the contributions beyond the third term go to zero as y->0.
  • #9
Dick said:
Because I tried keeping just one term and it canceled exactly. Then realized I'd better keep another term. You can keep all of the terms if you want. But then you'll realize that the contributions beyond the third term go to zero as y->0.
Yeah, fine.
Thank you very much

FAQ: How can I use L'Hopital's rule to evaluate this exponential limit?

What is the definition of an exponential limit?

An exponential limit is a mathematical concept that describes the behavior of a function or sequence as its input values approach infinity. It is typically denoted as lim_x→∞ f(x), where f(x) is an exponential function.

How do you calculate the exponential limit of a function?

To calculate the exponential limit of a function, you can use the properties of limits and apply them to the exponential function. In many cases, you can simply substitute infinity for the variable in the function and evaluate the resulting expression.

What does it mean if the exponential limit is equal to infinity?

If the exponential limit is equal to infinity, it means that the function or sequence is growing without bound as the input values approach infinity. This indicates that the function has no upper limit and will continue to increase indefinitely.

Can an exponential limit be negative?

Yes, an exponential limit can be negative. This occurs when the exponential function has a negative coefficient or a negative exponent. In this case, the limit will approach negative infinity as the input values approach infinity.

What are some real-world applications of exponential limits?

Exponential limits are used in many fields of science and engineering, including population growth, radioactive decay, and financial investments. They can also be used to model the behavior of physical systems, such as the growth of bacteria or the decay of a radioactive substance.

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