How Can I Verify Results for My Grade 9 Science Experiment?

In summary, the conversation is about a student who did not have enough time to finish an experiment and was instructed by their teacher to copy someone else's work to verify if it was correct. The experiment involves identifying an unknown gas using known properties of three different gases. The procedure for the experiment was given by the teacher, and the student's friend was able to correctly identify the unknown gases as hydrogen and oxygen. The student also mentions the "squeaky pop" test as a way to identify hydrogen and the splint test for oxygen. The conversation ends with the friend hoping they did the experiment correctly.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I didn't get time to finish the experiment, and didn't get much done, so my teacher told me to copy someone elses work and varify if it was correct, but i don't know how. here is the info i have:

Qualitative Analysis of Unknown Gasses

In this experiment, you will be using known properties of 3 gases in order to ultimately identify an unkown gas.

Procedure (the teacher gave us this):

1. using a clean test tube, fill the test tube approximately 1/3 full with hydrochloric acid
2. with your Bunsen burner lit and ready, place a 2 cm piece of Mg ribbon into the test tube with the acid stopper immediately
3. keep your thumb on the stopper to prevent any gas from escaping.
4. Preform the flame test to identify the gas either hydrogen or oxygen.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 using hydrogen peroxide and manganese dioxide
6. repeat steps 1-4 using zinc metal and hydroclhloric acid.

Homework Equations

given in # 1

The Attempt at a Solution

Okay. So I got that Mg in Hydrocloric acid is hydrogen because it made a poping noise. But I couldn’t figure out the others on time, (I only had a half hour) so this is what my friend got:

Unknown Gas : Magnesium
Observation: Loud pop
Hydrogen or oxygen: hydrogen

Unknown Gas: Zinc
Observation: Loud pop
Hydrogen or oxygen: Hydrogen

Unknown Gas: Magnesium + Peroxide
Observation: Splint + Glowed Bright
Hydrogen or oxygen: Oxygen.
Physics news on
  • #2
Your friend sounds pretty smart...
  • #3
Thanks, i hope what you mean is i/they did it right! :D
  • #4
Those seem correct to me. For completeness, however, you should be able to describe why hydrogen will give you a loud pop when you perform the flame test and why oxygen causes the splint to glow.
  • #5
Squeaky pop test = win

FAQ: How Can I Verify Results for My Grade 9 Science Experiment?

What is the scientific method and how does it apply to grade 9 science experiments?

The scientific method is a systematic approach to conducting experiments and acquiring knowledge in the scientific field. It involves making observations, formulating a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis through experimentation, analyzing the results, and drawing conclusions. This method is applicable to grade 9 science experiments as it provides a structured and logical approach to conducting experiments and understanding the results.

What are the key components of a successful grade 9 science experiment?

The key components of a successful grade 9 science experiment include a clear research question or hypothesis, a well-designed experiment with controlled variables, accurate data collection, and detailed analysis and interpretation of the results. Additionally, proper safety measures should be followed to ensure the safety of the experimenter and others.

How can I ensure the accuracy and reliability of my grade 9 science experiment?

To ensure the accuracy and reliability of your grade 9 science experiment, it is important to have a large sample size, repeat the experiment multiple times, and use precise measurement tools. It is also important to control variables and eliminate any sources of bias. Additionally, having another person replicate your experiment and comparing results can also help to validate your findings.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when conducting a grade 9 science experiment?

Some common mistakes to avoid when conducting a grade 9 science experiment include not following proper safety procedures, not controlling variables, using inaccurate measurement tools, and not recording data accurately. It is also important to avoid bias and to be open-minded when interpreting results.

How can I make my grade 9 science experiment more engaging and interesting?

To make your grade 9 science experiment more engaging and interesting, you can choose a topic that you are personally interested in, use creative and interactive methods for data collection, and present your results in a visually appealing way. You can also try to think outside the box and come up with unique and innovative research questions or hypotheses.
