How can I view a star catalog in a txt file?

  • Thread starter OrangKaya
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In summary, the conversation discusses the process of opening and reading a downloaded star catalog, as well as wanting to view the positioning, distance, and angle between stars. The person also asks for recommendations for software to view the catalog.
  • #1
Hello expert

I have downloaded several star catalog. But how can I open the file? How can I read the file? I would like to see the positioning of the stars.

I would also like to know the distance and angle between stars.

If anyone here know, would appreciate if you can share. I have tried to google but cannot find one.

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  • #2
1. this should be in astronomy

2. you aren't communicating what specific software you're trying to use

3. it is probably trivial to find the answer, try using a more focused search, asterisks, etc.
  • #3
Thanks for your reply.

Is there any astronomy section in this forum? Sorry i am beginner, didn't find the section. I would like to know if there is any recommended software to view the star catalog which is in txt file.

<thread moved to Astronomy forum>

FAQ: How can I view a star catalog in a txt file?

1. What is a star catalog?

A star catalog is a database containing information about stars, such as their positions, magnitudes, and other characteristics. It is used by astronomers and scientists to study and track stars in the sky.

2. How do I read a star catalog?

To read a star catalog, you will need to understand the format and symbols used. The most common format is known as the Henry Draper Catalog (HD), which uses a number and letter combination to identify each star. Other catalogs, such as the Hipparcos Catalog, use different naming systems. It is important to refer to the catalog's documentation for guidance on how to read it.

3. What information can I find in a star catalog?

A star catalog contains various information about stars, such as their coordinates, magnitudes, spectral types, and proper motions. Some catalogs also include data on multiple stars, variable stars, and binary stars. You can use this information to study the properties and movements of stars in the sky.

4. How accurate is the information in a star catalog?

The accuracy of the information in a star catalog can vary depending on the source and the methods used to gather the data. However, most modern catalogs have high levels of accuracy, with positions and magnitudes measured to within a few arcseconds. It is always best to refer to the catalog's documentation for more information on its accuracy.

5. Can I access a star catalog online?

Yes, many star catalogs are available online for free. Some popular catalogs include the Hipparcos Catalog, the Tycho Catalog, and the Guide Star Catalog. You can also access catalogs through astronomical databases and software programs. It is important to note that some catalogs may require a subscription or payment to access their data.
