How Can Laser/ Light Guns Be Used for Unobtrusive Assassination Laser Tag?

  • Thread starter cmf
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In summary: This would allow us to send pictures and other messages as soon as they are taken, without people having to wait for a message to pop up on their screens. Second, we would create a software program that would be installed on the cell phone of the person being targeted. When they are in range of the gun, the software would take a picture and send it to the gun. The goal is to make it so that nobody would know that they are being targeted - it would just be another part of the game. In summary, the idea is to create a laser/light "gun" that people can play 24 hours/day, and it's basically a giant game of assassination laser tag that is always
  • #1
Making a laser/light "gun"


We are hoping to start a laser tag-like game that people play 24 hours/day, and it's basically a giant game of assassination laser tag that is always ongoing.

However...the typical laser tag 'ammunition' won't work because it won't penetrate pockets or bags..It has to directly hit the sensor. But we want something that is unobtrusive, where people don't need to wear visible sensors or anything..I want the signals to get through several layers, like cell phones and beepers do.

Here's some technical info of what won't work that may be helpful.

Honestly, I have very little knowledge about this aspect of what we want to do. But can anyone here think of a way to make something like this work? I could give more details about what we hope the prototype will look like/include, but I need to figure out if it's even possible to create..

Thanks...I appreciate any suggestions/input you may have.

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  • #2
cmf said:

We are hoping to start a laser tag-like game that people play 24 hours/day, and it's basically a giant game of assassination laser tag that is always ongoing.

However...the typical laser tag 'ammunition' won't work because it won't penetrate pockets or bags..It has to directly hit the sensor. But we want something that is unobtrusive, where people don't need to wear visible sensors or anything..I want the signals to get through several layers, like cell phones and beepers do.

Here's some technical info of what won't work that may be helpful.

Honestly, I have very little knowledge about this aspect of what we want to do. But can anyone here think of a way to make something like this work? I could give more details about what we hope the prototype will look like/include, but I need to figure out if it's even possible to create..

Thanks...I appreciate any suggestions/input you may have.


Welcome to the PF.

It seems like the best way to do it would be for the "gun" to actually be a camera, with some smarts behind the pictures that get taken. Each person would have to have some (unobtrusive as you say) identification numbers on them that can be seen from various angles, and pulling the trigger of the "gun" would snap a pic of them with their number. That would then trigger a hit notification to the person with that number, possibly in the form of a txt message.
  • #3

Also, if you're going to be doing this in general public areas, you will attract a lot less attention if you appear to be shooting cell phone camera pictures or similar camera pics. Anything that looks like a weapon will not go over real well in public...
  • #4

This is a cool idea. Like the old game of Assassin, but updated with modern gadgetry.
  • #5

DaveC426913 said:
This is a cool idea. Like the old game of Assassin, but updated with modern gadgetry.

What's the old game of Assassin?
  • #6

berkeman said:
What's the old game of Assassin?

Organized one once in High School.

My prize creation was a "bomb" made of a hollowed out encyclopediea volume, boobytrapped with pirated disposable camera flashes, delivered to my victom's door in a mail envelope.
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  • #7

DaveC426913 said:

Generally, elimination is carried out using items and methods that cause no actual damage and, in many cases, cannot be mistaken by bystanders for real weapons or acts of violence. People have been arrested by the authorities because of these mistakes.


I'm starting to think that the cell phone picture route is a good idea...
  • #8

berkeman said:
It seems like the best way to do it would be for the "gun" to actually be a camera, with some smarts behind the pictures that get taken. Each person would have to have some (unobtrusive as you say) identification numbers on them that can be seen from various angles, and pulling the trigger of the "gun" would snap a pic of them with their number.
Naa, no ID needed. The guns can tell who is being targeted by the orientation of the gun using attitude sensors and a compass - like on a cell phone. The only real need for the camera (or potential pitfall to this) would be to enhance the the speed and accuracy of the inertial sensors.

You could then use GPS data and two-way comms to have the targets identify themselves.

Not sure if this is all above the OP's level though...
  • #9

I considered the photo thing awhile ago, but here is how I wanted to do it..

I spoke with a guy who reprograms the laser tag modules...He said that everything else should be possible, except for needing the sensors to be visible.

First, these would be about the size of an altoids mint tin. We've had initial talks with a cell phone service provider to use their 3G network (similar to how Kindle uses AT&T's network). They were interested in the added exposure it would give them, plus if people on their networks had extra services/advantages, then it'd be good for them. We'd have to install/connect a chip which will resemble Verizon's mifi chip -

And so...People buy the "weapon". They sign up for a T.A.G tournament which will have a large cash grand prize..A program/website will arrange them in order, initially using their zip codes or whatever. Each person will have a time limit to find their next target, and then the next one, etc..Each weapon will have it's own id number, like laser tag weapons do, and so the person would only be able to eliminate their target if they shoot them...As soon as they do, the info is sent using the 3G network...etc. Once the contestants get whittled down enough, then the game would change slightly and we'd do a big final round...

And so...we've had several venture capitalists show interest, but we need to figure out if it's even possible to make the actual 'ammunition'. I have a programmer who's used to the laser tag system working with me, but - if anyone is interested if this is possible -we could use a couple of people who know more about this kind of stuff...

Anyways, that's the plan. Initially, I had thought that we could do it all with laser tag technology, and it IS possible to put the weapon/transmitter and the receiver/target in the same casing, but again...I don't know about the firing aspect...

If the frequency of the light wave is changed, would that affect whether the target needs to be in direct line of sight?

  • #10

ah..and i had to change my login name to mcf...i was having issues with logging in with the other account/id i just made..

Thanks for the welcome to the forum! :)
  • #11

mcf said:
ah..and i had to change my login name to mcf...i was having issues with logging in with the other account/id i just made..

Thanks for the welcome to the forum! :)

Thank you for posting the clarification. Normally duplicate accounts get deleted, but yeah, the PF software is having some issues right now. I'll post in the Mentor forums to let them know about your temporary duplicate account.
  • #12

russ_watters said:
You could then use GPS data and two-way comms to have the targets identify themselves.

I thought along the lines of GPS, but the public access GPS accuracy is way too wide to be of use, it would seem. And if you give out the PF access code for GPS enhancement, we'll get in trouble again...

FAQ: How Can Laser/ Light Guns Be Used for Unobtrusive Assassination Laser Tag?

1. How does a laser/light gun work?

A laser/light gun works by emitting a concentrated beam of light, typically in the form of a laser or LED, that is directed towards a target. The gun also has sensors that can detect when the beam has hit the target, allowing the gun to register a hit and score points in a game.

2. What materials are needed to make a laser/light gun?

To make a laser/light gun, you will need a laser or LED, a power source (such as a battery), a trigger mechanism, and sensors to detect hits. You may also need wires, a circuit board, and a casing to hold all the components together.

3. How accurate is a laser/light gun?

The accuracy of a laser/light gun can vary depending on the quality of the components and the design of the gun. However, with proper calibration and precision in the construction, a laser/light gun can be very accurate and provide an enjoyable gaming experience.

4. Can a laser/light gun be dangerous?

When used properly, a laser/light gun is not dangerous. However, if the laser is extremely powerful or used in an unsafe manner, it can potentially cause harm to the eyes or skin. It is important to follow safety guidelines and use caution when working with lasers.

5. Is it difficult to make a laser/light gun?

The difficulty of making a laser/light gun can vary depending on your experience with electronics and building projects. It may require some knowledge of circuitry and soldering, but with the right materials and instructions, it is a feasible project for many individuals.
