How can leaders promote optimism among Americans in the face of obstacles?

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  • Thread starter ramsey2879
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In summary, a new verb has been coined in the Japanese language, "obamu", after Obama's campaign slogan "Yes, we can". It means to proceed optimistically despite challenging obstacles. However, there are differing opinions on whether the current administration and the future of America should be a cause for optimism. Some projections suggest that America will become a largely Spanish-speaking country by the end of the 21st century, leading to potential optimism for Spanish-speaking individuals but potential challenges for other ethnic groups. Additionally, there are concerns about increasing economic inequality and the dominant influence of multinational corporations in US politics. However, there is also hope that the American government is resilient and capable of change, and that minorities are being integrated into the American dream. The
  • #1
There is a new verb in the Japanese language coined after the name "Obama".

Obamu: v. To proceed optimistically despite challenging obstacles.


Using Obama's campaign slogan "Yes, we can, Yes, we can" in the face of apparent signs to the contrary has caused the word "obamu" to be coined in Japan. One explanation is that the meaning is contrary to the Japanese word "kobamu" which means to reject or oppose.

One could hope that the early optimism that has led to Obama's election in 2008 and reelection in 2012 can eventually bear fruit, regardless of the success or failure of the current administration. Whether you are Republican or Democratic, to spread optimism among all Americans in the future of America is seen by me to be an important and necessary step of rebuilding America's greatness. To this end, how can our leaders best promote the feeling of optimism among Americans under the current obstacles now facing us?
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  • #2
Optimism needs to be founded on something. False hope and nationalistic behavior simply for the sake of feeling happy gets you nowhere.
  • #3
AnTiFreeze3 said:
Optimism needs to be founded on something. False hope and nationalistic behavior simply for the sake of feeling happy gets you nowhere.
I agree. It seems that Obama's lovely (to some) rhetoric is mostly empty, as he's, arguably, a staunch conservative masquerading as a progressive. What his administrations have been primarily engaged in, it seems, is maintaining the conservative status quo.

It's predicted by some, projecting from current trends, that by the end of the 21st century America will be a largely Spanish speaking, Latino-Hispanic country. So, for Spanish speaking people (especially the descendents of Mexican immigrants, both legal and illegal) there seems to be reason to be optimistic about America, because it looks like they're going to be running the US, or at least a majority of its inhabitants, by the turn of the century. On the other hand, for those of Western European-English descent, the prospects are not quite as rosey, as they might quite possibly become a distinct, and oppressed, minority in the next 100 years or so. Projections don't look quite as bad for African Americans as for Western European-English Americans, but it seems that they will also be a minority and subject to the rule of a historically racially biased Latino-Hispanic majority.

But these are just possibilities based on certain projections from current trends.

Other projections suggest that the rate of unemployment must, in the long term, increase with continued automatization of many tasks and outsourcing to foreign labor.

It also seems likely that the big multinational business and financial sectors will continue to be the dominant forces in US politics during this century, more or less ensuring increased economic inequality.

By 2100 the US will still be a real nice place to live. For some people. But, unlike now, probably not for most people. The US is, regarding some estimates based on some projections, trending toward becoming more like the currently more or less backward Latino-Hispanic countries of the Americas than like the progressive countries of Western Europe.

So, should we ("we" meaning the common, working people, not the extremely tiny percentage of rich people) be optimistic about the US? I really don't know. But one answer, based on certain projections, is no, we shouldn't be. It seems just as likely, to me, that the world, including the US, will become a much less nice place to live in the next 100 years than it is now, for most of its inhabitants, than that it will become a better place to live, for most of its inhabitants.
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  • #4
nanosiborg said:
It's predicted by some, projecting from current trends, that by the end of the 21st century America will be a largely Spanish speaking, Latino-Hispanic country. So, for Spanish speaking people (especially the descendents of Mexican immigrants, both legal and illegal) there seems to be reason to be optimistic about America, because it looks like they're going to be running the US, or at least a majority of its inhabitants, by the turn of the century. On the other hand, for those of Western European-English descent, the prospects are not quite as rosey, as they might quite possibly become a distinct, and oppressed, minority in the next 100 years or so. Projections don't look quite as bad for African Americans as for Western European-English Americans, but it seems that they will also be a minority and subject to the rule of a historically racially biased Latino-Hispanic majority.

But these are just possibilities based on certain projections from current trends.


By 2100 the US will still be a real nice place to live. For some people. But, unlike now, probably not for most people. The US is, regarding some estimates based on some projections, trending toward becoming more like the currently more or less backward Latino-Hispanic countries of the Americas than like the progressive countries of Western Europe.

So, should we ("we" meaning the common, working people, not the extremely tiny percentage of rich people) be optimistic about the US? I really don't know. But one answer, based on certain projections, is no, we shouldn't be. It seems just as likely, to me, that the world, including the US, will become a much less nice place to live in the next 100 years than it is now, for most of its inhabitants, than that it will become a better place to live, for most of its inhabitants.

I am a white American, but I am optimistic about America because I feel that
1) The American government is by nature resilient and not locked into the status quo; when problems mount, the American people will see to it that the necessary changes are made.
2) More and more, minorities are being integrated into the American dream and Americans are coming to realized that a better system of education of the masses is both necessary and beneficial to a more productive and free society. American ingenuity and creativity will persevere in a free society to overcome all impediments.
3) New technology is enabling America to discover and tap the wealth of fossil fuel reserves previously unknown. The combination of both fossil fuels and clean energy will enable America to become energy independent within the next 25 years.
4) The constitutional constraints on government will prevent America from regressing too far into a third class society.
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  • #5
Wake up. Obama is no less owned by the finance sector than Hank Paulson et al.

Asimov wrote about 1950 that a few tens (or hundreds) of millions of well balanced productive people is a better load for this planet than twenty billion starving half-mad wretches.
There's a population density that supports the industrialization necessary to provide the modern comforts without the overcrowding. Seems we passed that in the first half of the 20th century. I remember when we didn't need freeways.

Unrestrained growth is the philosophy of the cancer cell.
I'm not feeling very optimistic.

To this end, how can our leaders best promote the feeling of optimism among Americans under the current obstacles now facing us?
To your question:
for starters,
Stop devaluing the currency.
Outlaw lobbying.
Pillory executive excess.
  • #6
What? Optimistic about United States of Soviet America? No way.
  • #7
jim hardy said:
Wake up. Obama is no less owned by the finance sector than Hank Paulson et al.

Asimov wrote about 1950 that a few tens (or hundreds) of millions of well balanced productive people is a better load for this planet than twenty billion starving half-mad wretches.
There's a population density that supports the industrialization necessary to provide the modern comforts without the overcrowding. Seems we passed that in the first half of the 20th century. I remember when we didn't need freeways.

Unrestrained growth is the philosophy of the cancer cell.
I'm not feeling very optimistic.

To your question:
for starters,
Stop devaluing the currency.
Outlaw lobbying.
Pillory executive excess.
I agree with everything you say with the exception that 1) the world produces more than enough food for everyone; and, if not, the famine, riots and disease would restrain growth as the affected people would be less apt to give birth -- and 2) one can't outlaw lobbying under the 1st amendment. To writ: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. What we are beginning to see is that big business no longer has a monopoly of the press as long as we keep access to the internet free for all.
  • #8
nanosiborg said:
I agree. It seems that Obama's lovely (to some) rhetoric is mostly empty, as he's, arguably, a staunch conservative masquerading as a progressive. What his administrations have been primarily engaged in, it seems, is maintaining the conservative status quo.

Kholdstare said:
What? Optimistic about United States of Soviet America? No way.
So we have one side complaining that Obama is conservative and the other saying he is a communist? Good!
  • #9
HallsofIvy said:
So we have one side complaining that Obama is conservative and the other saying he is a communist? Good!

He has double standards and separate agenda for separate things, but all over its for worse. Most of all, he is an opportunistic.
  • #10
Kholdstare said:
He has double standards and separate agenda for separate things, but all over its for worse. Most of all, he is an opportunistic.
Please post links to back these statements up.
  • #11
Evo said:
Please post links to back these statements up.

Applies to everyone, btw. My spidey senses tell me this thread has the potential to go off the rails - please, everyone stay on their best behavior.
  • #12
nanosiborg said:
I agree. It seems that Obama's lovely (to some) rhetoric is mostly empty, as he's, arguably, a staunch conservative masquerading as a progressive. What his administrations have been primarily engaged in, it seems, is maintaining the conservative status quo.
Post the mainstream source where it states this.

It's predicted by some, projecting from current trends, that by the end of the 21st century America will be a largely Spanish speaking, Latino-Hispanic country.
Post the mainstream source that says this.
So, for Spanish speaking people (especially the descendents of Mexican immigrants, both legal and illegal) there seems to be reason to be optimistic about America, because it looks like they're going to be running the US, or at least a majority of its inhabitants, by the turn of the century.
This is false. Hispanics will only be part of a predicted majority which includes all minorities.

predicted to post the most dramatic gain is the Hispanic population. It is projected to nearly triple, from 46.7 million to 132.8 million, from 2008 through 2050, the bureau said. Its share of the total U.S. population is expected to double from 15 to 30 percent. "Thus, one in three U.S. residents would be Hispanic," the Census Bureau said in a news release.

By 2100 the US will still be a real nice place to live. For some people. But, unlike now, probably not for most people. The US is, regarding some estimates based on some projections, trending toward becoming more like the currently more or less backward Latino-Hispanic countries of the Americas than like the progressive countries of Western Europe.
Post the mainstream sources that validate this.
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  • #13
I'm optimistic because even with falling wages our standard of living is very, very high. At the US's minimum wage I am among the 10% richest people on the planet (link) and I consume about twice what the Earth can support, per person (link).

Regression towards the mean feels painful, but we are still far, far above the mean and will likely remain so for the next generation.
  • #14
ModusPwnd said:
At the US's minimum wage I am among the 10% richest people on the planet ... and I consume about twice what the Earth can support, per person
To be honest this just makes me even more depressed.
  • #15
Evo said:
Post the mainstream source where it states this.

Post the mainstream source that says this. This is false. Hispanics will only be part of a predicted majority which includes all minorities.

Post the mainstream sources that validate this.
I apologize and should have stated up front that these are my opinions based on my assumptions, estimates, projections, interpretations, etc. The data is in the public domain, and where numbers are involved (such as with opinions regarding demographic projections) the numbers can vary depending on the source.

Looking at Obama's policies and actions I label him a conservative, not a progressive, and see him as a defender of the current status quo.

The intent of my statement was to convey my opinion that there's no particular reason to be optimistic about the long term prospects for the common working people of certain ethnic and racial groups in the US, and that depending on one's assumptions, estimates, projections, interpretations, etc. there are reasons to be pessimistic about those prospects for certain groups and in general for all common working people in the US.

None of this applies to the wealthy who will, I suppose, continue to be as comfortable as the wealthy have always been in any location during any historical time.
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  • #16
HallsofIvy said:
So we have one side complaining that Obama is conservative ...
It wasn't a complaint. :smile:
  • #17
In the long run, we're all dead. Yet I remain optimistic. My death will be no worse than that of a pessimist, but my life will be better.
  • #18
Jimmy Snyder said:
In the long run, we're all dead. Yet I remain optimistic. My death will be no worse than that of a pessimist, but my life will be better.

On the other hand isn't "in the long run, we're all dead" the most pessimistic thing anyone could say?

AntiFreeze3 said:
Optimism needs to be founded on something. False hope and nationalistic behavior simply for the sake of feeling happy gets you nowhere.

How about using historical precedence as a foundation? We've seen this kind of pessimism and declinism before, perhaps more recently in the 1980's when everyone assumed Japan was going to become the dominant economic power in the early 21st century. There have even been other such predictions made throughout the 20th century...and they were all wrong. I think the current sentiment will also find it's way to the dustbin sooner or later.
  • #19
AnTiFreeze3 said:
Optimism needs to be founded on something. False hope and nationalistic behavior simply for the sake of feeling happy gets you nowhere.

Reagan vs Carter? I think it's safe to say Reagan made people feel a lot better about America than Carter did.

nanosiborg said:
It's predicted by some, projecting from current trends, that by the end of the 21st century America will be a largely Spanish speaking, Latino-Hispanic country.

Asian ethnicities are increasing faster than Latino/Hispanic ethnicities right now. Third fastest growing group is evangelicals (not an ethnic group, but still a demographic group just to expand the groups beyond two). I think there's some risks in just projecting a snapshot in time (current growth rates) into the future, based on the assumption that it won't change.

For one thing, if immigration progresses at a steady number, that number slowly becomes a lower and lower percentage of that group's population. It probably isn't coincidence that the smallest group (Asians) have the highest growth rate, while the largest group (evangelicals) have the lowest growth rate of the three. To maintain a constant growth rate, the number of immigrants each year would have to increase.

But, yes, I think it's safe to say that by the turn of the century, America will largely be made up of immigrant descendants. Oh, wait, I think that's been true every turn of the century in American history.
  • #20
BobG said:
Reagan vs Carter? I think it's safe to say Reagan made people feel a lot better about America than Carter did.

Asian ethnicities are increasing faster than Latino/Hispanic ethnicities right now. Third fastest growing group is evangelicals (not an ethnic group, but still a demographic group just to expand the groups beyond two). I think there's some risks in just projecting a snapshot in time (current growth rates) into the future, based on the assumption that it won't change.

For one thing, if immigration progresses at a steady number, that number slowly becomes a lower and lower percentage of that group's population. It probably isn't coincidence that the smallest group (Asians) have the highest growth rate, while the largest group (evangelicals) have the lowest growth rate of the three. To maintain a constant growth rate, the number of immigrants each year would have to increase.

But, yes, I think it's safe to say that by the turn of the century, America will largely be made up of immigrant descendants. Oh, wait, I think that's been true every turn of the century in American history.
Thanks, my optimistic view is that you are an optimist also. I guess that by asking what our leader can do to increase optimism about America, I am asking which is the more urgent goal: stop devaluing the dollar, bringing manufacturing jobs back to America, improving the system of education in America, stop the increase of crime in our major cities, or other. Once we have defined our goals, then we can talk about the most optimistic course of action.
  • #21
aquitaine said:
On the other hand isn't "in the long run, we're all dead" the most pessimistic thing anyone could say?
That's why the word 'Yet' appears in my post.
  • #22
BobG said:
Reagan vs Carter? I think it's safe to say Reagan made people feel a lot better about America than Carter did.

Not me.

Carter, understanding the roll of oil in the world, and it's affect on the future health of America, installed solar panels on the white house.
Reagan, listened to Regan's "Solar panels are a joke" comment, and had them removed.
Obama, installed solar panels on the white house.

I am Obamu.

ps. I was so disgusted with Reagan getting elected, that I stopped following politics until Obama showed up.
Carter served with H.G.Rickover, and may have been influenced by him:
H.G.Rickover said:
1957 (two years before Omcheeto was freakin' born)
In the face of the basic fact that fossil fuel reserves are finite, the exact length of time these reserves will last is important in only one respect: the longer they last, the more time do we have, to invent ways of living off renewable or substitute energy sources and to adjust our economy to the vast changes which we can expect from such a shift.

Reagan made a movie with a monkey.
Case closed. For me anyways.

I am Obamu.
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  • #23
"An optimist is a pessimist with no work experience" (Scott Adams, the Dilbert cartoonist).

So the way to make America more optimistic is obvious: increase unemployment. :biggrin:
  • #24
AlephZero said:
"An optimist is a pessimist with no work experience" (Scott Adams, the Dilbert cartoonist).

So the way to make America more optimistic is obvious: increase unemployment. :biggrin:

But unequally - those who have work experience should remain employed, and those with no work experience should remain unemployed.

ramsey2879 said:
Obamu: v. To proceed optimistically despite challenging obstacles.

Well, he dared to nominate Hagel. I like that he wasn't an officer. OTOH, I thought Merkel was going to be good too.
  • #25
OmCheeto said:
I am Obamu.

I suppose, that my views might be tainted, because of where I live:

12 Cities Leading the Way in Sustainability
January 4, 2013

Over half of Portland’s energy comes from renewable sources.

Hence, I am obamu.
  • #26
ModusPwnd said:
I'm optimistic because even with falling wages our standard of living is very, very high. At the US's minimum wage I am among the 10% richest people on the planet (link) and I consume about twice what the Earth can support, per person (link).

Regression towards the mean feels painful, but we are still far, far above the mean and will likely remain so for the next generation.

Hear, Hear!
  • #28
Jimmy Snyder said:
In the long run, we're all dead. Yet I remain optimistic. My death will be no worse than that of a pessimist, but my life will be better.
Maybe, maybe not (ie., your 'life' and 'death' might be 'worse' than that of a pessimist). Is unfounded optimism a desirable attitude? Is unwarranted wishful thinking a good habit? We can say that we want to make the world a better place for all people, or most people, and a relatively very few of us will actually try in every way that we can to do that, instead of primarily applying our efforts to benefit relatively much smaller groups (subsets of the set of all human beings) that we identify with. What does the historical record suggest?
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  • #29
AnTiFreeze3 said:
Optimism needs to be founded on something. False hope and nationalistic behavior simply for the sake of feeling happy gets you nowhere.

Here's an interesting quote I read recently that has to do with this:

“Those who fail to exhibit positive attitudes, no matter the external reality, are seen as maladjusted and in need of assistance. Their attitudes need correction. Once we adopt an upbeat vision of reality, positive things will happen. This belief encourages us to flee from reality when reality does not elicit positive feelings. These specialists in "happiness" have formulated something they call the "Law of Attraction." It argues that we attract those things in life, whether it is money, relationships or employment, which we focus on. Suddenly, abused and battered wives or children, the unemployed, the depressed and mentally ill, the illiterate, the lonely, those grieving for lost loved ones, those crushed by poverty, the terminally ill, those fighting with addictions, those suffering from trauma, those trapped in menial and poorly paid jobs, those whose homes are in foreclosure or who are filing for bankruptcy because they cannot pay their medical bills, are to blame for their negativity. The ideology justifies the cruelty of unfettered capitalism, shifting the blame from the power elite to those they oppress. And many of us have internalized this pernicious message, which in times of difficulty leads to personal despair, passivity and disillusionment.” - Chris Hedges
  • #30
BobG said:
Reagan vs Carter? I think it's safe to say Reagan made people feel a lot better about America than Carter did.
OmCheeto said:
Not me.
Me either.
OmCheeto said:
I am Obamu.
If by this you mean that you think it's good "to proceed optimistically despite challenging obstacles", then I guess I would say that I think it's good to proceed with what you think is the right course of action despite challenging obstacles, one of which might be that there's no reason to be optimistic that your action will bring about the results that you desire.

I think that "Obamu" is something of a misnomer in that I have no way of knowing if Obama is actually optimistic or not, and that he seems to me to be something other than the image that his public relations projects. That is, I think he's a poser, a phony, of sorts. Not a heavyweight progressive champion of the interests of common folks that his rhetoric suggests, but rather a defender of the status quo and primarily a protector of the interests of the rich (interests which are arguably, and in my opinion, necessarily at odds with the interests of the common working folks, and thereby also and in general at odds with the best interests of most of the people who inhabit the US, and the world).

BobG said:
I think there's some risks in just projecting a snapshot in time (current growth rates) into the future, based on the assumption that it won't change.
Agree. Lots of uncertainties. Very iffy.

BobG said:
But, yes, I think it's safe to say that by the turn of the century, America will largely be made up of immigrant descendants. Oh, wait, I think that's been true every turn of the century in American history.
This isn't in itself a reason for either optimism or pessimism. But the US is composed of many subgroups which are in some ways significantly at odds with each other.

ramsey2879 said:
I guess that by asking what our leader can do to increase optimism about America, I am asking which is the more urgent goal: stop devaluing the dollar, bringing manufacturing jobs back to America, improving the system of education in America, stop the increase of crime in our major cities, or other. Once we have defined our goals, then we can talk about the most optimistic course of action.
Do you know of any particular reasons to believe that any of these things will happen? I get that you're optimistic. I'm just wondering why.

My point is to express my opinion that I see no particular reason to be optimistic about the future circumstances of the common working people.

Here's something to consider. Is there a point at which unsupported optimism can become little more than dishonesty?
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  • #31
nanosiborg said:
I think he's a poser, a phony, of sorts.

He strikes me as very honest.

I suppose the reason that I'm obamu, is because people are listening to my crazy, late night, mid day, streams of consciousness, and have stopped laughing...

443 dtg...
  • #32
nanosiborg said:
What does the historical record suggest?
If something bad happens to you and you are optimistic, you have a problem. If something bad happens to you and you are pessimistic, you have two problems. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
  • #33
dydxforsn said:
"Suddenly, abused and battered wives or children, the unemployed, the depressed and mentally ill, the illiterate, the lonely, those grieving for lost loved ones, those crushed by poverty, the terminally ill, those fighting with addictions, those suffering from trauma, those trapped in menial and poorly paid jobs, those whose homes are in foreclosure or who are filing for bankruptcy because they cannot pay their medical bills, are to blame for their negativity. .” - Chris Hedges
Nice Chris. Look those people in the eye and tell them to abandon hope. That'll help. I don't blame them for their negativity, I just recommend they abandon it.
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  • #34
nanosiborg said:
Ramsey2879 said:
I guess that by asking what our leader (sic - should be leaders) can do to increase optimism about America, I am asking which is the more urgent goal: stop devaluing the dollar, bringing manufacturing jobs back to America, improving the system of education in America, stop the increase of crime in our major cities, or other. Once we have defined our goals, then we can talk about the most optimistic course of action."

Do you know of any particular reasons to believe that any of these things will happen? I get that you're optimistic. I'm just wondering why.

My point is to express my opinion that I see no particular reason to be optimistic about the future circumstances of the common working people.

Here's something to consider. Is there a point at which unsupported optimism can become little more than dishonesty?
I feel your pain. You seem disappointed that Obama hasn't improved the lot of the common working people as much as you would like. In fact you may feel that the lot of the working people has declined and that Big Business will see to it that they, not the working people improve their lot.
I am optimistic for working people partly because my family was a working class family of 9 children. My father worked as a machinist and my mom worked as a secretary so that we could afford to pay the mortgage which had an interest rate of 15%. The schools I attended were not well funded, I remember 6th grade and having to keep my history book bound together with rubber bands because the book was old and the binding had broken. Others in the classroom had to sit in chairs meant for first graders because there were not enough bigger chairs for us. I did a lot of reading. I much enjoyed reading about Thomas Edison who invented the incandescent lamp and many other rags to riches stories. We still have many rags to riches stories, many of them based on the creativity of a person from the working class who managed to get a patent his idea. The American people are a generous people and helped my mother and father raise us children. The library received many donated books. My older daughter got a scholarship to George Washington University in Washington, D.C. My English and History grades were poor and I couldn't pay for college; but, I managed to work my way through school to become a mechanical engineer. All of my brothers and sisters managed to do fairly well for themselves except for Marie who had mental problems as a result of being raped while only 14. She committed suicide at age 20.
I am also optimistic for the working people because of the reasons I gave earlier and since the internet gives the working people more of a voice and along with this voice a more representation in Congress.
  • #35
dydxforsn said:
Here's an interesting quote I read recently that has to do with this:

“Those who fail to exhibit positive attitudes, no matter the external reality, are seen as maladjusted and in need of assistance. Their attitudes need correction. Once we adopt an upbeat vision of reality, positive things will happen. This belief encourages us to flee from reality when reality does not elicit positive feelings. These specialists in "happiness" have formulated something they call the "Law of Attraction." It argues that we attract those things in life, whether it is money, relationships or employment, which we focus on. Suddenly, abused and battered wives or children, the unemployed, the depressed and mentally ill, the illiterate, the lonely, those grieving for lost loved ones, those crushed by poverty, the terminally ill, those fighting with addictions, those suffering from trauma, those trapped in menial and poorly paid jobs, those whose homes are in foreclosure or who are filing for bankruptcy because they cannot pay their medical bills, are to blame for their negativity. The ideology justifies the cruelty of unfettered capitalism, shifting the blame from the power elite to those they oppress. And many of us have internalized this pernicious message, which in times of difficulty leads to personal despair, passivity and disillusionment.” - Chris Hedges
Thread closed, this is too far out there.

Related to How can leaders promote optimism among Americans in the face of obstacles?

1. How can leaders effectively communicate optimism to the American people?

Leaders can promote optimism among Americans by using clear and positive language in their communication. They should acknowledge the challenges and obstacles, but also emphasize the potential for growth and progress. Leaders should also provide concrete examples and evidence of past successes and future plans to inspire hope and confidence.

2. What strategies can leaders use to promote optimism during difficult times?

Leaders can promote optimism by focusing on the strengths and resilience of the American people. They can also highlight the progress that has been made and the potential for future success. Additionally, leaders can encourage collaboration and unity, as well as offer support and resources to those who may be struggling.

3. How can leaders address skepticism and negativity among Americans?

Leaders can address skepticism and negativity by actively listening to people's concerns and acknowledging their perspectives. They can also provide factual information and address any misconceptions or misinformation. Leaders should also focus on finding solutions and taking action, rather than dwelling on problems.

4. What role does empathy play in promoting optimism among Americans?

Empathy is crucial in promoting optimism among Americans. Leaders should demonstrate understanding and compassion towards the struggles and challenges that individuals and communities may be facing. By showing empathy, leaders can build trust and connection with the American people, which can lead to a more positive outlook and sense of hope.

5. How can leaders maintain a balance between promoting optimism and being realistic?

Leaders can maintain a balance between promoting optimism and being realistic by being transparent and honest in their communication. They should acknowledge the obstacles and challenges, but also offer solutions and a plan for moving forward. It is important for leaders to strike a balance between acknowledging the difficulties and inspiring hope for the future.

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