How Can Membrane Filter Presses Be Produced Locally in Iran?

In summary: Expert SummarizerIn summary, the conversation discussed the production of membrane filter presses. These filters are increasingly popular in the filtration industry and there are several types available. To produce them, a specific formula must be followed, which includes selecting a polymer, dissolving it, casting it onto a flat surface, phase inverting it, drying and curing it, and cutting and sealing it. The exact formula may vary depending on the type of filter and its specific requirements. It is suggested to contact a membrane filter manufacturer or filtration expert for more detailed information.
  • #1
mohamad mousavi
Hi.i am reza from iran.
really i don't know how many membrane have been introduced and what kind of it have being discussed here.but anyway ask my question and hope to get useful answers.
in membrane filter press the filter press producers importing membrane from china. no one and no company have produced it by itself up to now has some special specification in filtration industry . as you can see in this video:

i want to know how to produce it by our own.what is that's formula?i mean the same formula filter press producers use to produce it?
can anyone give some information about that?
i can pay for it!
Engineering news on
  • #2

Hello Reza,

Thank you for your question about membrane filter press production. The use of membrane filters in filtration industry is becoming increasingly popular due to their high efficiency and effectiveness in separating solids from liquids. There are several types of membrane filters available in the market, such as microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis.

To produce membrane filters, there are several steps that need to be followed. The exact formula for producing membrane filters may vary depending on the type of filter and the specific manufacturer. However, the basic steps for producing membrane filters are as follows:

1. Polymer Selection: The first step in membrane filter production is selecting the appropriate polymer. The most commonly used polymers for membrane filters are polyethersulfone (PES), polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).

2. Polymer Dissolution: The selected polymer is then dissolved in a suitable solvent to form a polymer solution. The concentration of the polymer in the solution depends on the desired thickness of the membrane.

3. Membrane Casting: The polymer solution is then cast onto a flat surface, such as a glass plate, using a casting knife or a coating machine. This process is called membrane casting.

4. Phase Inversion: After casting, the membrane is immersed in a nonsolvent bath, which causes the polymer to phase-invert and form a porous membrane structure.

5. Drying and Curing: The membrane is then dried and cured to remove any remaining solvent and to stabilize the membrane structure.

6. Cutting and Sealing: Once the membrane is cured, it is cut into the desired shape and size and sealed onto a support material, such as a mesh or cloth.

The exact formula for producing membrane filters also depends on the specific requirements of the filtration industry. For example, the pore size and thickness of the membrane may vary depending on the application and the type of solids being filtered.

I hope this information helps you in understanding the basics of membrane filter production. If you need more specific and detailed information, I suggest contacting a membrane filter manufacturer or a filtration expert. They will be able to provide you with more specific information and help you with your production process.

FAQ: How Can Membrane Filter Presses Be Produced Locally in Iran?

What is a membrane for filter press?

A membrane for filter press is a thin layer of material that is placed over the filter plates in a filter press. It helps to improve the efficiency of the filtration process by trapping small particles and preventing them from passing through the filter.

What are the different types of membranes used in filter presses?

There are three main types of membranes used in filter presses: polypropylene, rubber, and elastomeric. Polypropylene membranes are commonly used for general purpose applications, rubber membranes are used for applications requiring high temperature and chemical resistance, and elastomeric membranes are used for applications involving high pressure and high solids content.

How does a membrane affect the filtration process?

A membrane for filter press can greatly improve the efficiency of the filtration process by creating a more uniform and controlled environment for the filtration. It also helps to reduce the amount of filter cloth needed, as it acts as an additional barrier to trap particles.

How often should a membrane be replaced?

The frequency of membrane replacement depends on several factors, including the type of membrane used, the quality of the feed material, and the operating conditions of the filter press. In general, membranes should be replaced when they become worn or damaged, or when the filtration process becomes less efficient.

Are there any maintenance tips for prolonging the life of a membrane?

To prolong the life of a membrane for filter press, it is important to properly maintain the filter press and monitor its performance. Regularly cleaning and inspecting the membrane can help to prevent clogging and damage. It is also important to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for membrane care and replacement.
