How can Nanotubes store electicity ?

  • Thread starter Abidal Sala
  • Start date
In summary, carbon nanotubes are tiny cylinders of carbon atoms that can act as tiny wires and store electrical energy due to their unique molecular structure. They have potential uses in improving the efficiency of lithium batteries, but they do not inherently store electricity better than lithium batteries.
  • #1
Abidal Sala
In they site they say nanotubes can store electricity

"Carbon nanotubes (CN) are cylinders of carbon atoms that are 1 or 2 nanometers in diameter. The molecular structure of the carbon atoms resembles wire mesh with six sided holes, similar to chicken wire. A carbon nanotube resembles an extremely tiny seamless tube of chicken wire. Carbon nanotubes have at least two potential uses. They can serve as tiny wires due to a property called electron tunneling, which let's them propagate electrical signals at scales where ordinary current flow is impossible. Carbon nanotubes can also store electrical energy."

So how does it store electricity? and does it store it better than Lithium batteries?
Engineering news on
  • #2
Carbon nanotubes store electricity much the same way as anything does. i.e. they can be configured to act as capacitors. Surfaces made out of nanotubes have a large surface area to mass ratio, and capacitance increases with surface area.

In comparison to lithium-oin batteries, the short answer is no. However, they can be used to greatly improve the amount of electricity you can get out of one. eg:

Related to How can Nanotubes store electicity ?

1. What are nanotubes and how do they store electricity?

Nanotubes are tiny cylindrical structures made of carbon atoms. They have a high surface area and can conduct electricity, making them ideal for storing electrical energy. The carbon atoms form strong bonds, which allow them to store and release energy efficiently.

2. How do nanotubes compare to traditional battery materials?

Nanotubes have a higher energy storage capacity compared to traditional battery materials like lithium-ion or lead-acid. This is because of their unique structure and composition, which allows them to store more energy in a smaller space.

3. What makes nanotubes a promising option for energy storage?

Nanotubes have several properties that make them a promising option for energy storage. They are lightweight, have a high surface area, and are highly conductive. Additionally, they can be easily produced in large quantities and have a long lifespan, making them a sustainable and cost-effective option for energy storage.

4. How are nanotubes used in practical applications for energy storage?

Nanotubes can be used in various forms for energy storage, such as in batteries, supercapacitors, and fuel cells. They can also be incorporated into materials like textiles and coatings to create energy storage devices that are integrated into everyday objects.

5. What are the current challenges in using nanotubes for energy storage?

One of the main challenges in using nanotubes for energy storage is their production cost. The process of synthesizing nanotubes is still expensive, making it difficult to mass-produce them for commercial use. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential toxicity of nanotubes, which need to be addressed for their safe and widespread use.

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