How Can Optimal Bounds for Sum of Reciprocals Between Two Numbers Be Determined?

In summary, the conversation discussed finding optimal upper and lower bounds for the number of terms in a sum of reciprocals without any direct calculation. One suggestion was to use the integral of a characteristic function over a given range. Another point of discussion was finding bounds for the sum of reciprocals in an arithmetic progression.
  • #1
given any two numbers a,b and an upper and lower bound for the sum of reciprocals of a certain class of integers between a and b, without any direct calculation how can optimal upper and lower bounds for the number of terms in the sum be found
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  • #2
I don't see how one could do this without 'any direct calculation'. However, one can find the integral of the characteristic function * (1/x) over [a,b] to estimate the sum.
  • #3
What does optimal mean?
  • #4
I have to assume that when you say "a certain class of integers" you mean a congruence class, something like the integers in an arithmetic progression a+n b. In that case this is not difficult. Given two numbers A,B, B>A, the number of integers in an arithmetic progression a+n b that are equal to or between two Numbers A, B , and therefore the number of terms in the required sum is [(B-a)/b]-[(A-a)/b] where [] denotes the integer part of the quantity in the brackets. A more interesting question is: given the integers A, B and an arithmetic progression (a,b) to come up with upper and lower bounds for the sum of the reciprocals of the terms in the arithmetic progression that are between or equal to A,B.
  • #5

To find optimal upper and lower bounds for the number of terms in the sum of reciprocals of integers between a and b, one could use mathematical techniques such as the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality or the Euler-Maclaurin formula. These methods involve using the properties of the sum of reciprocals and the values of a and b to derive an expression for the upper and lower bounds. Another approach could be to use computer algorithms or simulations to test different combinations of integers within the given bounds and determine the maximum and minimum number of terms needed to reach the desired sum. Additionally, one could also analyze the pattern of the sum of reciprocals for different classes of integers and use that information to estimate the optimal bounds for the number of terms. Ultimately, finding the optimal upper and lower bounds would require a combination of mathematical reasoning, computational methods, and pattern analysis.

Related to How Can Optimal Bounds for Sum of Reciprocals Between Two Numbers Be Determined?

1. What is the formula for finding the sum of reciprocal of integers?

The formula for finding the sum of reciprocal of integers is:
1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/n = Hn, where Hn is the n-th harmonic number.

2. Can you explain the concept of "reciprocal of integers" in simpler terms?

The reciprocal of an integer is simply the fraction where the numerator is 1 and the denominator is the integer. For example, the reciprocal of 5 is 1/5.

3. How is the sum of reciprocal of integers related to the concept of diverging series?

The sum of reciprocal of integers is an example of a diverging series, which means that the sum of its terms increases without bound. In this case, as we add more terms to the series, the sum gets closer and closer to infinity.

4. Are there any real-life applications of the sum of reciprocal of integers?

Yes, the sum of reciprocal of integers is used in various fields such as physics, economics, and mathematics. One example is in the calculation of resistance in electrical circuits.

5. Can the sum of reciprocal of integers be calculated for an infinite number of terms?

No, it is not possible to calculate the sum of reciprocal of integers for an infinite number of terms as the sum would approach infinity. However, we can approximate the value by adding a large number of terms.

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