How can ||P|| = 1 be used to show that P = P*?

In summary, the conversation discusses the proof of the statement that for a projection P, if P = PP, then ||P|| >= 1 with equality if and only if P is orthogonal. The conversation also includes a discussion on how to use the 2-norm to show that P = P* when ||P|| = 1. The suggested approach involves using the fact that the square roots of the nonzero eigenvalues of P*P or PP* are the singular values of P and P*, and that the 2-norm is the maximum singular value. It is also suggested to consider the inner product and the fact that a normal matrix is self-adjoint.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let P be a projection. The definition used is P is a projection if P = PP. Show that ||P|| >=1 with equality if and only if P is orthogonal.

Let ||.|| be the 2-norm

Homework Equations

P = PP. P is orthogonal if and only if P =P*

The Attempt at a Solution

I've proved the first part of ||P|| >= 1 and the first part of the equality portion. Assume P is orthogonal prove ||P|| = 1. However, I'm having a lot of trouble with the second part: Assume ||P|| = 1 show P is orthogonal.

Can someone point me in the right direction or suggest any ideas on how to use ||P|| = 1 to show that P = P*?

I've been playing around with inner products to try to solve this part but haven't gotten anything good out of it that uses the fact that ||P|| = 1
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  • #2
I know that the square roots of the nonzero eigenvalues of P*P or PP* are the singular values of P and thus also P*. The ||P|| = max{singular value} thus P and P* have the same 2-norm. ||P||=||P*||=1.
I write <(PP*-P*P)x,x> = <P*x,P*x>-<Px,Px>=||P*x||^2-||Px||^2
||P|| = sup (||Px||) where ||x|| = 1.
Does this necessarily mean that ||Px||=||P*x||? I'm thinking the max values of both norms are equal but does that mean that they are equal for all other x values?

If that is true then <(PP*-P*P)x,x> = 0 thus PP*=P*P so P is normal

and a normal matrix is self adjoint so this would complete the last part of the proof.

Does this make sense? I'm worried because I don't really use the fact that ||P|| = 1

I was thinking that maybe since the norm is 1 that could maybe imply ||P*x||=||PX|| and then I would follow as above.

I'm not sure if this is the right direction to go in or if I'm way off.

Thanks for any help

FAQ: How can ||P|| = 1 be used to show that P = P*?

1. What is an orthogonal projection?

An orthogonal projection is a type of projection in mathematics and engineering where the projection lines are perpendicular to the projection plane. This means that the projected image is an exact representation of the original object, without any distortion or skewing.

2. How is an orthogonal projection different from other types of projections?

Unlike other types of projections, such as oblique or perspective projections, an orthogonal projection preserves the relative sizes and shapes of objects in the original image. It is also commonly used in technical and engineering drawings to accurately represent 3-dimensional objects in 2 dimensions.

3. What is the purpose of using orthogonal projections?

Orthogonal projections have a variety of applications, such as in computer graphics, architecture, and engineering. They are used to create accurate representations of 3-dimensional objects in 2 dimensions, making it easier to visualize and analyze complex structures or designs.

4. Can orthogonal projections be used in higher dimensions?

Yes, orthogonal projections can be extended to higher dimensions, such as 4-dimensional space. In higher dimensions, the projection lines are perpendicular to the projection hyperplane, and the projected image is an exact representation of the original object in 3 dimensions.

5. Are there any limitations to using orthogonal projections?

While orthogonal projections are useful for accurately representing objects in 2 or 3 dimensions, they have limitations when it comes to representing curved or distorted objects. In these cases, other types of projections may be more appropriate.

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