How Can Physics Principles Shape Frisbee on the Moon?

In summary, the conversation was about a high school physics paper on developing a sport on the moon, specifically frisbee. The assignment required the use of three physics principles and a description of how the sport has been adapted for the moon. The first two concepts discussed were air resistance and inertia, with the proposed solution of building a dome filled with oxygen to allow for frisbee flight and player breathing. The third concept is still being determined.
  • #1
optimus prime

Homework Statement

So in my high school physics class we are asked to write a paper about devoping a sport on the moon. I choose to do frisbee on the moon. We are asked to use 3 physics principles for the sport and describe how each princible applies to my sport in detail. also describe how the sport has been espeacilly crafted for the moon and descirbe the rules to the sport. so i was hoping u could help me adapt frisbee or ultimate frisbee to the moon using physics concepts the apply to the sport

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

well so far i have figured out 2 concepts for fribee which is air resistance and inertia.
for air resistance i would build a large dome the size of a football fielde which i would then pump oxygen into and seal shut so no oxygen could get out. this way the frisbee can stay up and move forward, and the players can breathe without space suits. then for inertia i decided this concept would be adapted to my sport buy the fact that the frisbee can travel much farther without falling to the ground. meaning the players can throw the frisbee much further and strighter on the moon than on the earth. any help in finding the third concept would be great and the adaptation to the sport. thanks
Physics news on
  • #2
A science-fiction writer once wrote of people digging large cylindrical wells into the moon, filling them with air, and then people would be able to fly with wings attached to their arms. I don't know how realistic this would be.
  • #3

I would approach this homework assignment by first identifying the three physics principles that are most relevant to frisbee on the moon. In addition to air resistance and inertia, I would also consider the effects of gravity and Newton's laws of motion.

On the moon, the gravity is only one-sixth of that on Earth, which means that the frisbee will experience less downward force and can travel farther and higher before falling back down. This can be advantageous in the sport as players can throw the frisbee with more force and it will travel in a straighter path.

In terms of Newton's laws of motion, the first law states that an object will remain at rest or in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. On the moon, there is less external force acting on the frisbee, so it will continue to move at a constant velocity for longer periods of time. This allows for longer throws and more strategic gameplay.

The second law of motion states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. On the moon, with less gravity and less air resistance, the frisbee will experience less resistance and therefore can accelerate more easily. This means that players can throw the frisbee with less force and it will still travel at a high speed.

In terms of adapting the sport for the moon, the main consideration would be the lower gravity. This would require a larger playing field and possibly different rules to accommodate for longer throws and different trajectories of the frisbee. The dome concept mentioned in the homework statement could also be used to create a controlled environment for the game.

In conclusion, the sport of frisbee on the moon would rely heavily on the principles of air resistance, inertia, gravity, and Newton's laws of motion. Adapting the sport for the moon would require a larger playing field and possible rule modifications, but it would also allow for longer throws and more strategic gameplay.

Related to How Can Physics Principles Shape Frisbee on the Moon?

1. What is the "Physics of a Moon Sport"?

The "Physics of a Moon Sport" refers to the scientific principles and laws that govern the movements and interactions of objects on the surface of the moon during sports activities.

2. How does gravity affect sports on the moon?

Gravity on the moon is approximately 1/6th of that on Earth, which means that objects and athletes will experience less downward force and will be able to jump higher and farther. However, this also means that they will fall slower and have less stability, making movements more challenging.

3. Are there any other factors that impact sports on the moon?

Besides gravity, other factors that can affect sports on the moon include the absence of air resistance, different terrain and surface conditions, and the lack of an atmosphere to protect from harmful radiation.

4. How do sports equipment and gear need to be modified for moon sports?

Sports equipment and gear need to be modified to account for the lower gravity and other factors on the moon. This can include using lighter materials, adjusting the shape and size of equipment to improve balance, and adding protective layers to shield from radiation.

5. What are some potential challenges for athletes participating in moon sports?

Some potential challenges for athletes participating in moon sports include adapting to the lower gravity and different terrain, dealing with the lack of air resistance and atmospheric protection, and adjusting to the slower movements and reduced stability. Additionally, there may be technical and logistical challenges in organizing and executing sports events on the moon.

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