How Can Predicate Calculus Prove a Unique Solution in Set Theory?

In summary, we can prove the existence and uniqueness of a value, x, in the set {2, 4, 6} such that for all values of y in the set {0, 1, 2}, the inequality x^{2}y<10 holds true. This can be proven using the laws of universal and existential quantifiers, propositional calculus, and algebra. We can also prove that x is unique within the set using the theorem of predicate calculus (with equality).
  • #1
How do we prove in predicate calculus using the laws of universal end existential quantifiers,propositional calculus,and those of algebra the following??

There exists a unique x, xε{ 2,4,6} such that if yε{ 0,1,2} then x[tex]^{2}[/tex]y<10.
or in quantifier form:

[tex]\exists !x[/tex][ xεA & [tex]\forall y[/tex](yεB------> x[tex]^{2}[/tex]y<10)]

where A={ 2,4,6} and B={ 0,1,2}
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  • #2

I will try to give a proof of the above problem without mentioning the laws of logic, theorems or axioms and definitions used,you will have to do that.

By a theorem in predicate calculus (with equality) we have.

[tex]\forall z\exists !x[/tex](x=z)....................1

and for z=2 we have

[tex]\exists x[/tex](x=2)......................2

drop the existential quantifier and


but x=2 ====> x=2 v x=4 v x=6......................4

and from 3 and 4 we have : x=2 v x=4 v x=6............5

but xεA <====> x=2 v x=4 v x=6......................6

and from 5 and 6 we get: xεA......................7

now let yεB............................8

But yεB <====> y=0 v y=1 v y=2.......................9

and from 8 and 9 we get: y=0 v y=1 v y=2.....................10

Now let y=0.....................11

but y=0===> y^2=0====>.x[tex]^{2}[/tex]y=0<10.....................12

and hence y=0 =====> x[tex]^{2}[/tex]y<10.....................13

in a similar way we prove .

y=1 ====>x[tex]^{2}[/tex]y<10................14

y=2 =====>x[tex]^{2}[/tex]y<10................15

hence: y=0 v y=1 v y=2=======>x[tex]^{2}[/tex]y<10............16

and from 10 and 16 we get: x[tex]^{2}[/tex]y<10..............17

hence : yεB======>x[tex]^{2}[/tex]y<10..............18

And introducing universal quantification: [tex]\forall y[/tex]( yεB====>x[tex]^{2}[/tex]y<10)..............19

And thus: xεA & [tex]\forall y[/tex]( yεB====>x[tex]^{2}[/tex]y<10).........20

And introducing existential quantification we get; [tex]\exists x[/tex][ xεA & [tex]\forall y[/tex]( yεB====>x[tex]^{2}[/tex]y<10)]...............21

NOW for the uniqueness part you have to prove that.

[tex]\forall x\forall w[/tex]{[ xεA & [tex]\forall y[/tex](yεΒ=====>x[tex]^{2}[/tex]y<10)] & [ wεA & [tex]\forall y[/tex](yεΒ=====>w[tex]^{2}[/tex]y<10)] =====> x=w}

FAQ: How Can Predicate Calculus Prove a Unique Solution in Set Theory?

1. What is predicate calculus?

Predicate calculus is a formal system of mathematical logic used to represent and manipulate logical statements. It is often used as a foundation for formal mathematical proofs in areas such as computer science, philosophy, and linguistics.

2. Why is proof important in predicate calculus?

Proof is important in predicate calculus because it allows us to demonstrate the validity of logical statements and arguments. It ensures that our conclusions are based on sound reasoning and helps us avoid errors and contradictions.

3. What is the difference between a proof and a truth table in predicate calculus?

A proof in predicate calculus is a step-by-step demonstration of the validity of a statement or argument using logical rules and axioms. A truth table, on the other hand, is a table that shows all possible combinations of truth values for a given set of propositional variables and the resulting truth values for a logical statement.

4. How do you construct a proof in predicate calculus?

To construct a proof in predicate calculus, you must first clearly state your assumptions and the goal of the proof. Then, you must use logical rules and axioms to derive new statements until you reach the desired conclusion. It is important to follow a logical and systematic approach and to justify each step in the proof.

5. What are some common pitfalls to avoid when constructing a proof in predicate calculus?

Some common pitfalls to avoid when constructing a proof in predicate calculus include making assumptions that are not explicitly stated, using incorrect logical rules, and making invalid deductions. It is also important to pay attention to the syntax and semantics of the symbols used in predicate calculus to avoid errors.
