How can the Extended Euclidean Algorithm be simplified for faster computation?

In summary, the conversation discusses the Extended Euclidean Algorithm and the process of finding the equation of ax + by = 1 in order to compute the inverse of a modulo b. The example provided is concise and efficient, and the speaker is asking for clarification on the steps involved. The response explains that the second part is a condensed version of using the lines in the first part in reverse order, substituting equations for numbers in the Diophantine equation for 1. The speaker hopes this explanation helps.
  • #1
Hi all, ok so below is an example of the Extended Euclidean Algorithm, and i understand the first part perfectly to find the g.c.d.

701 − 2 × 322 = 57,
322 − 5 × 57 = 37,
57 − 37 = 20,
37 − 20 = 17,
20 − 17 = 3,
17 − 5 × 3 = 2,
3 − 2 = 1,


1 = 3 − 2
= 6 × 3 − 17
= 6 × 20 − 7 × 17
= 13 × 20 − 7 × 37
= 13 × 57 − 20 × 37
= 113 × 57 − 20 × 322
= 113 × 701 − 246 × 322.

Now on the second part, it is finding the equation of ax +by = 1, which i am generally having to find so i can compute the inverse of a(modb). They have managed to do this in 7 steps. It always takes me like more than twice as many in a really longwinded fashion. Has the example below missed out some steps for the sake of conciseness? I just don't understand how they are doing what they are doing.

For example I would have said

1= 3- 2
1 = (20-17) - (17 - (5x3))
1 = ((57-37) - (37-20)) - ((37-20) - 5(20-17))

Which is obviously far more longwinded, but equally as methodical. I want to know how to do this more concisely so in an exam it would be far less confusing and time consuming.

Thank you!
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  • #2
Hi, "Sir", :P
yes, the second part looks abridged. This is how it would work:

You use the lines in the first part in reverse order, bottom to top. The bottom line says
1 = 3 - 2
(which is a Diophantine equation equal to 1, as required) so you just copy it. Now, each successive line of the first part gives an equation for a number, that you can substitute in the second part. The next one (bottom to top) on the first part says
2 = 17 - 5 x 3
and, substituting in your current Diophantine equation for 1, you get
1 = 3 - 17 + 5 x 3 (and, grouping the terms in 3 together,)
= 6 x 3 - 17
The next equation will give you an equation for 3 in terms of 17 and something else, so you'll be able to substitute, and then group the terms in 17 together. See how it works?

Hope this helps--

FAQ: How can the Extended Euclidean Algorithm be simplified for faster computation?

1. What is the Extended Euclidean Algorithm?

The Extended Euclidean Algorithm is a mathematical algorithm used to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers, along with their respective coefficients. It is an extension of the Euclidean Algorithm, which only finds the GCD.

2. How does the Extended Euclidean Algorithm work?

The Extended Euclidean Algorithm uses a series of steps involving division and subtraction to find the GCD of two integers, along with their respective coefficients. It begins by dividing the larger integer by the smaller one, and then uses the remainder to continue the process until the remainder is equal to 0. The last non-zero remainder is the GCD, and the coefficients can be found by working backwards through the steps.

3. What is the purpose of the Extended Euclidean Algorithm?

The Extended Euclidean Algorithm is commonly used in number theory and cryptography to solve problems involving modular arithmetic, such as finding modular inverses and solving linear congruences. It is also used in solving linear Diophantine equations in two variables.

4. Can the Extended Euclidean Algorithm be used for more than two integers?

Yes, the Extended Euclidean Algorithm can be extended to find the GCD and coefficients for any number of integers. This is known as the generalized Euclidean Algorithm and follows a similar process as the Extended Euclidean Algorithm.

5. Are there any limitations to the Extended Euclidean Algorithm?

The Extended Euclidean Algorithm can only be used for integers and is not applicable for other types of numbers, such as fractions or decimals. Additionally, the algorithm may become computationally inefficient for very large integers, making it impractical to use in certain situations.
