How can the universe keep on expanding if it's infinite?

In summary, the expanding universe does not necessarily need to have a border or a surface like a cube of aluminium. The concept of a border only applies if one can get outside the universe, which is not possible for us as we are part of the universe itself. This idea is often compared to a bug crawling on the surface of a solid, unable to perceive the dimension needed to get off the surface. Thus, the nature of the universe may be different from our perception of it.
  • #1
Aarav Sangar
How can the universe keep on expanding if it's infinite? Expanding metal, like a cube of aluminium, has a surface area which forms a border for the matter contained inside. So the universe must have a border for the matter it contains.
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  • #3
Aarav Sangar said:
How can the universe keep on expanding if it's infinite? Expanding metal, like a cube of aluminium, has a surface area which forms a border for the matter contained inside. So the universe must have a border for the matter it contains.

You could do a big of reading on what an expanding universe really means. Try starting here:

The universe, whether it is finite or infinite need not have a border.
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Likes lekh2003 and Aarav Sangar
  • #4
It only has a border if you can get outside it. The nature of the universe is like the surface of a solid appears to a bug crawling on it. The bug can not get off the surface, so that dimension may as well not exist for it. The universe is like that for us, except that the dimension needed to get out of the universe really doesn't exist.
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Likes lekh2003 and Aarav Sangar
  • #5
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FAQ: How can the universe keep on expanding if it's infinite?

1. How can the universe have no edge if it is expanding infinitely?

While the universe may be expanding infinitely, it does not necessarily mean it has no edge. The concept of an infinite universe means that it has no definite boundary or limit, but it could still have a finite size. It is similar to how we can keep counting numbers infinitely, but there is no single largest number.

2. If the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into?

The universe is not expanding into anything. It is expanding within itself. The expansion of the universe refers to the increase in distance between galaxies and other celestial bodies, not the expansion into new empty space.

3. How do we know that the universe is expanding?

Scientists have observed the redshift of light from distant galaxies, which is a result of the expansion of the universe. This means that the wavelengths of the light have stretched as the galaxies move away from us at increasing speeds. Additionally, the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is a remnant of the Big Bang, provides further evidence of the expansion of the universe.

4. Will the expansion of the universe ever stop?

It is currently unknown whether the expansion of the universe will ever stop. The rate of expansion is determined by the amount of matter and energy in the universe, and we do not have enough data to accurately predict what will happen in the future. Some theories suggest that the expansion could eventually slow down and reverse, leading to a "Big Crunch" where the universe collapses in on itself.

5. How does the expansion of the universe affect us on Earth?

The expansion of the universe does not have a significant impact on us on Earth. The expansion is happening at a very large scale and is not noticeable in our daily lives. However, the expansion does play a role in the formation and movement of galaxies, and it could potentially affect the fate of the universe in the distant future.

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