How Can Uniform Random Variables Simulate a Markov Chain?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter power3173
  • Start date
In summary, the first question is about how to simulate a Markov chain with a given state space and transition matrix. The second question is about finding the mean recurrence time of a given state in a Markov chain. The answers to these questions can be found by using the inverse transformation theorem and the recurrence relation.
  • #1
Hi people,

I am a newbie in Markov chains and I have difficulty to solve some questions. I would appreciate very much if I get some help:

1) First question is about: I am given a sequence of U1, U2,U3,... of independent random variables, uniformly distributed on the unit interval (0,1). I am asked to describe how this sequence can be used to simulate Markov chain with state space {0,1} and transition matrix (p11,p12,p21,p22) starting in state 1.

2) Second question is about: an Markov process {Xt} with state space S={1,2,3}, and generator Q (a 3X3 size matrix), starting in state Xo=1. I am asked:
a) Finding limits (t goes to infinite) lim P(Xt=j), j=1,2,3.
b) Finding the mean recurrence time of state 1, i.e. finding expected value of T, where T=inf {t>J1 : Xt=1 | Xo=1} and J1 denotes the time for the first jump.

Thanks in advance...
Physics news on
  • #2
Let's start with question 1).
Uniformly distributed random variables are often used to simulate random variables and thus also stochastic processes. What you need here is a theorem known as 'the inverse transformation theorem'. Since we're working with Markov chains we need a discrete version of the theorem.

The state space is $\{0,1\}$ that means there're four possible transitions with their probabilities given by the transition matrix. The chain starts in $X_0 = 1$. We want to simulate $X_1$. There're two possible outcomes, the chain could go from state $1$ to state $0$ or it can stay in it's original state (namely $1$). In other words, $X_1$ is a Bernoulli distributed random variable with probabilities $\mathbb{P}(X_1 = 1) = p_{2,2}$ and $\mathbb{P}(X_1 = 0) = p_{2,1}$. To simulate such $X_1$ we need the transformation theorem. Generate a uniformly distributed random variable $U_1$ and set $X_1 = 0$ if $U_1 \leq p_{2,1}$ and set $X_1 = 1$ if $U_1>p_{2,1}$. According to the state of $X_1$ we can similarly simulate the r.v $X_2$. If $X_1 = 1$ then repeat the above process. If $X_1 = 0$ then also follow the above process (with a new uniformly distributed r.v $U_2$) with the only difference that the probabilities you have to use now are in the first row of the transition matrix.

Clearly this algorithm can be extended to simulate Markov chains with bigger state spaces.
  • #3
power3173 said:
Hi people,

I am a newbie in Markov chains and I have difficulty to solve some questions. I would appreciate very much if I get some help:

1) First question is about: I am given a sequence of U1, U2,U3,... of independent random variables, uniformly distributed on the unit interval (0,1). I am asked to describe how this sequence can be used to simulate Markov chain with state space {0,1} and transition matrix (p11,p12,p21,p22) starting in state 1.

2) Second question is about: an Markov process {Xt} with state space S={1,2,3}, and generator Q (a 3X3 size matrix), starting in state Xo=1. I am asked:
a) Finding limits (t goes to infinite) lim P(Xt=j), j=1,2,3.
b) Finding the mean recurrence time of state 1, i.e. finding expected value of T, where T=inf {t>J1 : Xt=1 | Xo=1} and J1 denotes the time for the first jump.

Thanks in advance...

Wellcome on MHB power3173!...

... regarding the second question [point a)] if Q is the transition matrix, then by definition is...

$\displaystyle P \{ X_{t} = j | X_{0}=1 \} = u\ Q_{j}^{t}\ (1) $

... where u = [1,0,0] and $Q_{j}^{t}$ is the vector corresponding the the j-th column of $Q^{t}$ ... the required limit depends from the value, if it exists, of $\displaystyle \lim_{t \rightarrow \infty} Q^{t}$...

... for the point b) You have to find first the so called hitting time which is defined as...

$\displaystyle T_{1}= \text {inf}\ \{t \ge 1 : X_{t}=1 | X_{0}=1 \}\ (2)$

... then the quantity ...

$\displaystyle f^{(n)}_{\ 1,1} = P \{T_{1} = n \}\ (3)$

... and finally...

$\displaystyle E \{T_{1} \} = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} n\ f^{(n)}_{\ 1,1}\ (4)$

Kind regards

$\chi$ $\sigma$
Last edited:
  • #4
Thanks a lot for your contributions #Siron and #chisigma

Related to How Can Uniform Random Variables Simulate a Markov Chain?

What are Markov chains?

Markov chains are mathematical models used to describe the probability of a system moving from one state to another over time. They are named after Russian mathematician Andrey Markov and are commonly used in fields such as physics, finance, biology, and computer science.

How are Markov chains used?

Markov chains are used to model a wide range of systems, such as weather patterns, stock market trends, and genetic mutations. They can also be applied in natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine learning algorithms.

What is a state in a Markov chain?

A state in a Markov chain is a description of the system at a specific point in time. It can represent a physical state, like the weather, or an abstract state, like the sentiment in a piece of text. Each state is associated with a probability of transitioning to another state.

What is a transition matrix in a Markov chain?

A transition matrix is a square matrix used to represent the probabilities of transitioning from one state to another in a Markov chain. The rows and columns of the matrix correspond to the different states in the chain, and the values in the matrix represent the probabilities of transitioning between the states.

How can I use Markov chains in my research or work?

Markov chains can be a powerful tool in analyzing and predicting various systems. You can use them to model and understand complex systems, make predictions, and test different scenarios. They can also help identify patterns and trends in data, which can be useful in various fields such as finance, biology, and computer science.

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