How Can We Best Understand a System?

In summary, the author is discussing the idea that if we want to understand a system, we need to reason on the level of the system, and not on the level of its parts. They provide a few sources for more information.
  • #1

I was wondering if this makes sense and would appreciate pointers to relevant topics...

Basic idea is that if you want to understand a system you need to 'reason' on the level of the system and not on the level of its parts.

Analogy (borrowed from Tania Lombrozo from here) is that of baking a cake - when you bake a cake you care about 'system properties' like texture, color, smell, shape and so on and not various chemical properties of the underlying materials.

The problem is that texture, color, etc. are defined in completely different terms from various chemical properties+processes and these terms are very difficult (maybe impossible) to link causally. So, if what interests us is making the best cake does it even make sense to study the 'underlying basics' or should we study what actually interests us?

A slightly more refined version - when does studying the underlying processes stop yielding any interesting information from a 'systems viewpoint'?

Or is this all just hopelessly confused?

Thanks :)
Physics news on
  • #2
Sounds like a convoluted version of 'emergent behavior in complex systems'.
  • #3
I know the term, though from what little I've seen it's often used as a catchphrase to replace 'we don't know why this happens'.

Are you familiar with sources that give rigorous mathematical definitions, toolkits for exploring emergent behavior or, barring anything concrete, a guide on how to think about emergent behavior? Maybe a course/textbook that you're familiar with and could recommend?

  • #4
This is the problem when trying to 'reverse engineer' systems. You can end up with two boxes which do the same thing . . . usually.
  • #5
query_ious said:
Are you familiar with sources that give rigorous mathematical definitions, toolkits for exploring emergent behavior or, barring anything concrete, a guide on how to think about emergent behavior? Maybe a course/textbook that you're familiar with and could recommend?

I don't know your level of preparation, so here's a few:
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  • #6
Thanks for the links, I'll see what my library has and give it a go...

FAQ: How Can We Best Understand a System?

What is the first step to researching a system?

The first step to researching a system is to define the scope of your research. This includes identifying the specific system you want to study, the goals and objectives of your research, and any limitations or constraints that may affect your research.

What methods can be used to gather information about a system?

There are several methods that can be used to gather information about a system, including observation, surveys, interviews, experiments, and document analysis. The appropriate method will depend on the type of information you are seeking and the resources available.

How can I ensure the accuracy and reliability of my research?

To ensure the accuracy and reliability of your research, it is important to use multiple sources of information and to verify the information through cross-checking and fact-checking. It is also important to use standardized research methods and to document your research process.

What are some common challenges in researching a system?

Some common challenges in researching a system include limited access to information, bias or conflicting viewpoints, and the dynamic nature of systems that may change over time. It is important to anticipate these challenges and have a plan to address them in your research.

How can I effectively communicate my research findings?

To effectively communicate your research findings, it is important to use clear and concise language, visual aids such as charts or graphs, and to provide context and explanations for your findings. It is also important to consider your audience and tailor your communication to their level of understanding.
