How Can We Calculate Accurate Temperature Drops in an Unstirred Tank?

In summary, the author is trying to solve a problem where the heat transfer rate changes depending on time. He is thinking about how to calculate the temperature drop more accurately. He suggests using a differential equation and empirical data.
  • #1
Hello all,

I'm stuck with following problem:

At our plant we have a tank filled with a liquid maintained on 80°C with a steam coil.
During the night the steam is switched off and the liquid temperature start to drop.
Tank mass not taken into account atm.

mass liquid: 20000 kg
cp liquid: 1.76kJ/(kg °C)
tank surface sides As: 82m²
tank surface top At: 7m²
Heat transfer coeff sides Us: 0.6W/(m² °C)
Heat transfer coeff top Ut: 0.8W/(m² °C)
Tstart: 80°C
Tair: 10°C
Cooling time t: 8h

I used following formulas:
Q=U x A x dT [kJ/s]
E=m x cp [kJ/°C]
Temperature drop = Q/E x t x 3600

Now the heat transfer rate Q is dependable of the dT but that changes in function of time.
The used method is simplified in that aspect and only uses the max heat transfer rate possible in given process.
in other words: this method is linear while reality is not. probably logarithmic i guess.

How can i calculate the temperature drop more accurately?
I'm thinking in direction of thermal equilibrium, get a expression of temperature in function of time of the process.


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  • #2
Have to model the system using a differential equation in order to get more accurate predictions. Suppose T(t) is the temperature as a function of time t. An infinitesimal temperature drop dT(t) is equal to
[itex] \frac{dT(t)}{dt}=\frac{Q}{E}[/itex].

But Q is also a function of temperature difference T(t)-Tair(t) hence a function of time t, so we get
[itex] Q(t)=UA(T(t)-T_{air}(t)) [/itex].

Hence the differential equation with unknown the function T(t) is:


if Tair(t) is constant 10C then this simplifies the equation to
  • #3
If you don't want to go through the pain of the differential equations, you can do an iterative method with a spreadsheet.
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  • #4
I think we would need some empirical data to formulate a proper differential equation.
For example, You gave the Tstart and T air but did not give a T finish after 8 hours
Do you have any data for that?
I worked out a (very) rough calculation of how long it would take the tank to lose all of it’s heat energy above 10ºC to the ambient air, assuming the heat loss is linear.
To lose all the heat energy, E = Q
That is, cmΔT = UAt
t (in seconds) = [(1.76 kJ/kgºC) (20000 kg) (80ºC-10 ºC)] / (54.8 m^2 ºC)
= 45,000 seconds 12.5 hours
If the loss is linear in 8 hours the tankT decreases by 45ºC from 80ºC to 35ºC
Or about 0.0016ºC per second
Do those numbers roughly agree with any actual data you may have?
  • #5
Delta² said:
Have to model the system using a differential equation in order to get more accurate predictions. Suppose T(t) is the temperature as a function of time t. An infinitesimal temperature drop dT(t) is equal to
[itex] \frac{dT(t)}{dt}=\frac{Q}{E}[/itex].

But Q is also a function of temperature difference T(t)-Tair(t) hence a function of time t, so we get
[itex] Q(t)=UA(T(t)-T_{air}(t)) [/itex].

Hence the differential equation with unknown the function T(t) is:


if Tair(t) is constant 10C then this simplifies the equation to
This approach is right on target. The only change I would make is that there should be a minus sign on the right hand side of the equation, since the contents are cooling.

  • #6
Thanks chet for the correction. I didnt have time to complete my post. The solution to the differential equation assuming Tair is constant is

T(0)=80C so can determine constant c1=70C easily from this initial condition.

But i don't know whether we can safely assume that Tair remains constant, depends on the cooling of the environment around the tank. Theoretically at least the air around the tank can't have perfectly stable temperature cause of the continuous heat transfer from the tank.
  • #7
Delta² said:
Thanks chet for the correction. I didnt have time to complete my post. The solution to the differential equation assuming Tair is constant is

T(0)=80C so can determine constant c1=70C easily from this initial condition.

But i don't know whether we can safely assume that Tair remains constant, depends on the cooling of the environment around the tank. Theoretically at least the air around the tank can't have perfectly stable temperature cause of the continuous heat transfer from the tank.
There might also be some significant resistance to heat transfer on the water side of the wall, in addition to the outside resistance, especially if the tank is not stirred. What do you think?

I also like Tom_K's idea of calibrating the model parameters to experimental data.

  • #8
Chestermiller said:
There might also be some significant resistance to heat transfer on the water side of the wall, in addition to the outside resistance, especially if the tank is not stirred. What do you think?

I also like Tom_K's idea of calibrating the model parameters to experimental data.


yes this seems to be true, depending on the type of liquid an whether the tank is stirred or not the temperature will not be the same throughout the volume of the tank.
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Related to How Can We Calculate Accurate Temperature Drops in an Unstirred Tank?

What is the cause of a temperature drop in a tank?

The most common cause of temperature drop in a tank is heat loss due to the surrounding environment. This can be caused by factors such as inadequate insulation, drafts, or temperature fluctuations in the room where the tank is located.

How can I prevent a temperature drop in my tank?

To prevent a temperature drop in your tank, it is important to ensure that the tank is properly insulated and that there are no drafts in the area. You can also consider using a heater or heat lamp to maintain a consistent temperature in the tank.

What are the potential consequences of a temperature drop in a tank?

If the temperature in a tank drops too low, it can have negative effects on the inhabitants of the tank. This can include stress, illness, and even death for some species. It can also disrupt the balance of the tank's ecosystem and lead to other issues such as algae growth or bacterial infections.

How can I measure the temperature in my tank?

The most accurate way to measure the temperature in a tank is by using a thermometer specifically designed for aquariums. These can be found at most pet stores and are typically placed inside the tank to give an accurate reading of the water temperature.

What is the ideal temperature for a tank?

The ideal temperature for a tank can vary depending on the species of fish or other inhabitants in the tank. In general, tropical fish require a temperature between 75-80°F (24-27°C), while cold water fish prefer temperatures between 50-68°F (10-20°C). It is important to research the specific needs of your tank's inhabitants to determine the best temperature for them.

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