How Can We Calculate the Mass of an Electron Using Rydberg Constant Data?

In summary: R∞(1+me/12·1.66·10-27).In summary, the homework statement says that Table 8.6 shows the relative masses of the electron and a number of light atoms. TheAttempt at a Solution states that the Rydberg constant is derived from the values of the Rydberg constant (10967978.99 m^{-1}). The equation for finding the electron mass is then solved to obtain that m_{e}=1.6598\cdot10^{-27}kg which is not correct. If the calculated value for the Rydberg constant is compared with the theoretical value of 9.11\cdot
  • #1
b]1. Homework Statement
Table 8.6 shows the relative masses of the electron and a number of light atoms is derived from the values of the Rydberg constant (I have uploaded the table)
Turn the problem around and use the data inte last column [tex] \lambda_{12}[/tex] (means) to find the mass of the electron given that the mass of the atoms are exact multiples of the unit mass [tex] 1.66\cdot10^{-27}kg[/tex]

Homework Equations

I have started with calculating the Rydberg constant and used the formula

[tex] \frac{1}{\lambda}=R \cdotZ^2(\frac{1}{(n_{1})^2}-\frac{1}{(n_{2})^2})[/tex]
where Z=1

The Attempt at a Solution

I got [tex] R= 10967978.99 m^{-1}[/tex]

then to calculate the electron mass i use the formula
[tex] R=R_{\infty}(1-\frac{m_{e}}{M})[/tex]

where R - the theoretical value of the Rydberg constant
[tex]R_{\infty} [/tex] is the calculated one
[tex] m_{e}[/tex] is the electron mass
M- is a unit mass [tex] 1.66\cdot10^{-27}kg[/tex]

I solve the equation to obtain [tex] m_{e} [/tex] and I get:

[tex] m_{e}= M-\frac{RM}{R_{\infty}}[/tex]

but after plugging in the corresponding values I get
[tex] m_{e} = 1.6598\cdot10^{-27}kg[/tex] which is not correct...If i compare the calculated value with the theoretical...which should be [tex] 9.11\cdot10^{-31}[/tex]

Can someone tell me where do I make mistake? How to solve it?
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  • #2
I'm not sure where you are getting R=10967978.99 m-1 from, it is not one of the values in the table. Also, what did you use for R? And, did you use the same units m-1 for both R and R? (The table was showing cm-1 instead.)
  • #3
well I am not sure myself if I understood the problem correctly...
What I thought was to start with calculate the Rydberg constat from the wave number which is in the last column of the table. Then using the calculated value for the Rydberg constant compute the electron mass. Do it for every atom which is in this table.
How would you do this? Maybe you have some better ideas?

[tex] R_{\infty}=1.097 373 1569\cdot10^7 m^{-1}[/tex]

I found on wikipedia one formula for calculating the Rydberg constant

[tex] R_{m}= \frac{R_{\infty}}{(1+\frac{m_{e}}{M})}}[/tex]

I have solved it to obtain [tex] m_{e} = (\frac{R_{\infty}}{R_{m}}-1)M[/tex]

Yes I used the same units for both constats. I just multiplied the one from the table by 0.01 to obtain m instead.

then I plug in
[tex] R_{\infty} [/tex] as above and for [tex] R_{m}[/tex] corresponding value from the table. [tex] M= 1.6605387\cdot10^{-27}kg[/tex] but the result is always way much greater that the electron mass...I am stuck here...
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  • #4
Okay, it is looking like we are not to use R, i.e. pretend that we don't know it's value.

Let's look at the equation you had earlier,
rayman123 said:
then to calculate the electron mass i use the formula
[tex] R=R_{\infty}(1-\frac{m_{e}}{M})[/tex]
If you write that equation out for two different elements in the table*, then you'll have two equations in two unknowns, R and me. And just use the R's from the table and Mnuc for whatever two elements you choose.

*I recommend using the heaviest and the lightest elements in the table.
  • #5
I am not sure if I follow you...

did you mean to solve it like this?

[tex] 109677.6\cdot10^{-2}=R_{\infty}(1-\frac{m_{e}}{1.66\cdot10^{-27}})[/tex]

[tex] 109732.2\cdot10^{-2}=R_{\infty}(1-\frac{m_{e}}{12\cdot1.66\cdot10^{-27}})[/tex]

and solve it to obtain [tex] R_{\infty} [/tex] and [tex] m_{e}[/tex]?
  • #6
Yes, though we really just need me.

Another hint: based on the two equations you just wrote, what is

[tex]\frac{109677.6\cdot10^{-2}}{109732.2\cdot10^{-2}} \ = \ ?[/tex]​

equivalent to?
  • #7
those are values from the table 8.6 (converted to meters)
It is equivalent to 0.999502425 I guess we could say 1.
But I still do not get your suggestion of how the problem can be solved...
  • #8
Okay, a couple more comments are in order:

1. We are not converting cm to m, instead we are converting cm-1 to m-1. That means the numbers would get multiplied by 10+2, not 10-2. This could have been your error before.

2. In addition to calculating the ratio as 0.999502425, you can replace each number in
\frac{109677.6\cdot10^{+2}}{109732.2\cdot10^{+2}} \ = \ ?
with the equivalent expressions you had in Post #5. I.e., replace 109677.6·102 with R(1+me/1.66·10-27)

Related to How Can We Calculate the Mass of an Electron Using Rydberg Constant Data?

1. How was the mass of the electron first discovered?

The mass of the electron was first discovered through experiments conducted by J.J. Thomson in the late 1800s. By studying the deflection of electrons in a cathode ray tube, Thomson was able to calculate the ratio of the electron's charge to its mass.

2. How is the mass of the electron measured?

The mass of the electron is measured using a device called a mass spectrometer. This instrument uses electromagnetic fields to separate particles based on their mass-to-charge ratio. By comparing the deflection of electrons to that of known particles, the mass of the electron can be determined.

3. What is the current accepted value for the mass of the electron?

The current accepted value for the mass of the electron is 9.109 × 10^-31 kilograms. This value was determined through numerous experiments and is considered to be a fundamental constant in physics.

4. How does the mass of the electron affect atomic structure?

The mass of the electron plays a crucial role in the atomic structure of an atom. It determines the size of the electron cloud and the spacing between energy levels. The mass of the electron also affects the strength of the electromagnetic force between the nucleus and the electrons.

5. Can the mass of the electron change?

The mass of the electron is considered a constant, meaning it does not change under normal circumstances. However, in extreme conditions such as high-energy collisions, it is possible for the mass of the electron to be altered. This phenomenon is studied in the field of high-energy physics.

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