How Can We Efficiently Optimize Two Point Boundary Value Problems?

In summary, optimizing a two point BVP is a difficult task and one approach is to use the Euler-Lagrange method to minimize the error between specified and simulated conditions. However, this can be a lengthy process and using numerical optimization algorithms or analytical approaches may be more efficient.
  • #1
Hey everyone, I'm working on a project here to develop a two point BVP solver. As we all know optimizing a TPBVP is not the easiest thing in the world. Let me first start by giving you an example of what I'm doing. We wish to optimize the launch trajectory of a rocket assuming the only forces are inertial forces and inverse squared gravitation. (Neglect aerodynamic forces - at least for now). The result is a TPBVP in which 3 initial conditions are unkown. The way I'm approaching this optimization problem is using the Euler- Lagrange method. In the end I am summing up the error of each simulation. The error is the difference between the specificed terminal conditions and the actual simualted conditions. By modified the three initial conditions of the cofactos it becomes possible to eliminate the error. Since there are 3 IC's we must choose perfectly its like finding a point in the box. My current method is to evaluate the error in planes where 1 IC is held constant and the other two may vary. The find the minimum constraint violation and search 1 plane higher in the same "neighborhood" and 1 plane lower and determine which one is tending towards the minimum to choose the appropriate direction. This method is called the shooting method and is a very long iteration process. Is there any other way to solve these TPBVPS. I know this topic is fairly advanced and not many people know of the method but I am just looking for some decent input as this is taking FOREVER to simualte, i need a better computer :(
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  • #2
One way to speed up the shooting method is to use a numerical optimization algorithm such as gradient descent. This will help you quickly find the minimum error by iteratively changing the initial conditions and computing the resulting errors. You can also use other algorithms like simulated annealing or genetic algorithms, which may be better suited to problems with multiple local minima. Finally, you could try using an analytical approach, such as solving the equations of motion directly, or using a Lagrangian formulation.
  • #3

Hi there,

It sounds like you are working on a complex and challenging project. The optimization of two point BVPs can definitely be a difficult task, but it is also a valuable and important skill to have. Your approach using the Euler-Lagrange method is a good start, and it is great that you are taking into account the error in each simulation. However, I understand that this method can be time-consuming and may require a lot of computing power.

One alternative approach you could consider is using a numerical optimization method such as gradient descent or genetic algorithms. These methods can help you find the optimum solution by iteratively adjusting the initial conditions and minimizing the error. They may be faster and more efficient than the shooting method you are currently using.

Another option is to simplify your problem by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable parts. For example, you could first optimize the launch trajectory assuming only inertial forces and then add in the inverse squared gravitation as a secondary optimization step. This can help reduce the complexity of the problem and potentially speed up the simulation process.

Lastly, I would suggest reaching out to other researchers or professionals in the field for their input and advice. They may have experience with similar problems and can offer valuable insights and suggestions.

Overall, it seems like you are on the right track with your current approach, but there are certainly other methods and techniques that you can explore. Keep up the hard work and don't be afraid to ask for help when needed. Best of luck with your project!

FAQ: How Can We Efficiently Optimize Two Point Boundary Value Problems?

1. What is a two point boundary value problem (BVP)?

A two point boundary value problem is a mathematical problem in which the solution is required to satisfy certain conditions at two distinct points, known as boundary points. These conditions are typically specified as differential equations or algebraic equations.

2. Why is optimization important in solving two point BVPs?

Optimization is important in solving two point BVPs because it helps find the optimal solution that satisfies the given boundary conditions. This is especially useful when there are multiple solutions to the BVP and the optimal one needs to be identified.

3. What are the main methods used for optimizing two point BVPs?

The main methods used for optimizing two point BVPs include the shooting method, the finite difference method, and the variational method. Each of these methods has its own advantages and limitations, and the choice of method depends on the specific BVP being solved.

4. How do you determine the convergence of an optimization method for two point BVPs?

The convergence of an optimization method for two point BVPs can be determined by monitoring the changes in the solution with each iteration. If the solution approaches a stable value as the number of iterations increases, then the method is said to be converging. Additionally, convergence can also be determined by comparing the solution obtained from the method with the exact solution, if available.

5. What are some real-world applications of optimization of two point BVPs?

Optimization of two point BVPs has many real-world applications in fields such as engineering, physics, and biology. Some examples include determining the optimal shape of an aircraft wing for maximum lift, finding the optimal trajectory for a spacecraft, and optimizing drug dosages for maximum effectiveness with minimal side effects.
