How can we measure entanglement?

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of Von Neumann entropy from a state belonging to the four dimensional tensor product of two particles. Bob and Alice, who receive pairs of particles prepared in this state, can ignore certain directions and still compute the entropy. They can also determine the degree of correlation in the general case by relating it to the entropy of the whole system. Additionally, if they choose two orthogonal directions, they can measure the coefficients in a new basis and obtain the basis-independent entropy. This state is not a tensor product, but rather belongs to a space generated by tensor products.
  • #1
Gold Member
Let us begin with a state belonging to the four dimensional tensor product of two particles.
[tex] \sqrt {p_1}|+_x>|+_{x'}> + \sqrt {p_2}|+_x>|-_{x'}> + \sqrt {p_3}|-_x>|+_{x'}> + \sqrt {p_4}|-_x>|-_{x'}> [/tex]
We can compute the Von Neumann entropy by tracing out and taking the log of the matrix.
Suppose now than Bob and Alice receive a lot of pairs of particles prepared in this state.
They ignore the directions x and x'. Can they get the entropy out of theirs results when they compare them?
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  • #2
What do they measure, if they ignore x and x'?
I you measure them (-> distinguish +x from -x and the same for x'), you get access to the squared value of all amplitudes. This is sufficient to calculate the entropy. Getting the phases would need more work.
  • #3
Bob and Alice ignore what are x and x' but can do all the measurements they want as offten as they want.
suppose that p1 = 1 and p2 = p3 = p4 =0
they wil see that among their results x and x' are the only directions with absolute correlation and
that the S von neumann entropy is null (tensor product of two vectors.
With Bell states (without knowing (x and x') they will find S = 1.
My question is: can they find the degree of correlation in the general case?
My english is not very good have i to rephrase the question?
  • #4
If Alice and Bob know that the whole system is in a pure state, they needn't even compare their results. They could simply calculate the entropy of their subsystems from the reduced density matrices which are completely determined by local observables.

If they don't know whether the whole state is pure or mixed, the von Neumann entropy of the subsystems is not enough to specify the degree of entanglement. You have to relate it somehow to the entropy of the whole system. I don't know how this is done in practice. In principle, you could reconstruct the density matrix of the whole system by performing lots of measurements but there's probably an easier way.
  • #5
naima said:
Bob and Alice ignore what are x and x' but can do all the measurements they want as offten as they want.
suppose that p1 = 1 and p2 = p3 = p4 =0
they wil see that among their results x and x' are the only directions with absolute correlation
They see even more, they get the same result every time, if I understand your notation correctly.

If your measurement can distinguish between your four cases, you can simply count.
  • #6
the experimentalist has only told them that the whole system is in a pure state.
  • #7
naima said:
Let us begin with a state belonging to the four dimensional tensor product of two particles.
[tex] \sqrt {p_1}|+_x>|+_{x'}> + \sqrt {p_2}|+_x>|-_{x'}> + \sqrt {p_3}|-_x>|+_{x'}> + \sqrt {p_4}|-_x>|-_{x'}> [/tex]
We can compute the Von Neumann entropy by tracing out and taking the log of the matrix.
Suppose now than Bob and Alice receive a lot of pairs of particles prepared in this state.
They ignore the directions x and x'. Can they get the entropy out of theirs results when they compare them?

Thank you mfb i think i found the correct answer:
The unknown state is defined by coeffs in a peculiar basis.
If Bob and Alice choose two orthogonal directions this defines another 4 dimensional basis in the hilbert space. the state has coeffs in the new basis that can be measured an give the Von Neumann entropy.
I realized that this entropy must be basis independent (to be proved mathematically).
  • #8
naima said:
Let us begin with a state belonging to the four dimensional tensor product of two particles.
[tex] \sqrt {p_1}|+_x>|+_{x'}> + \sqrt {p_2}|+_x>|-_{x'}> + \sqrt {p_3}|-_x>|+_{x'}> + \sqrt {p_4}|-_x>|-_{x'}> [/tex]

If the above state is the tensor product of the states of two particles how can they be entangled, how can it be a Bell state? The combined 4-D state of two 2-D states has them entangled only if the 4-D state is NOT the tensor product. What am I missing?
  • #9
the state belongs to a space generated by tensor products. This pace is not a space of tensor products. A basis may be made with 4 tensor products.
  • #10
OK, I get it, thanks. I was misled by the phrase "a state belonging to the four dimensional tensor product of two particles", rather than the 4-D space generated by ...

Related to How can we measure entanglement?

1. What is entanglement and why is it important to measure?

Entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where two or more particles become connected in such a way that the state of one particle cannot be described independently of the state of the other(s). It is important to measure because it plays a crucial role in various quantum technologies, such as quantum computing and quantum cryptography.

2. How is entanglement measured?

Entanglement can be measured using various methods, including quantum state tomography, entanglement witness measurements, and Bell inequality tests. These methods involve performing measurements on the entangled particles and analyzing the results to determine the degree of entanglement.

3. What are the challenges in measuring entanglement?

One of the major challenges in measuring entanglement is accurately characterizing the state of the entangled particles, as this requires precise measurements and can be affected by noise and other sources of error. Another challenge is determining the appropriate measurements to use for a given type of entanglement.

4. How can we use entanglement to improve measurement precision?

Entanglement can be used to improve measurement precision through a process called quantum metrology. This involves using entangled particles to perform measurements, which can result in increased sensitivity and accuracy compared to classical measurement methods.

5. Are there any potential applications for entanglement measurement?

Yes, entanglement measurement has many potential applications, including quantum teleportation, quantum key distribution, and quantum error correction. It also has potential uses in fields such as precision measurement, quantum simulation, and quantum sensors.

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