How can we measure these Hermitian operators?

In summary, the Gell-Mann form of a quantum logic gate can be found by taking the trace of its product with the hermitian matrix rho. It is easy to measure the local 2*2 Pauli matrices, but difficult to measure the same things about pairs of particles.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
generalization of Pauli matrices
Hi Pf,
I am reading this article about generalization of Pauli matrices
When i receive a qubit in a given density matrix , i can measure the mean values of the Pauli matrices by measuring the spin projections in the x, y, z directions.
I read that the generalized Gell-mann matrices are also hermitian, with null trace and like pauli matrices in a higher dimension.
suppose that the density matrix is no more 2*2 but 4*4
I wonder how one could measure the (1,4) element of the density matrix.
it is given by the trace of the product rho * gellmann(1,4)
but how to get it?
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  • #2
My first idea was to make something like the EPR experiment: Bob and Alice share the pairs. They make measurements along different directions. At the end they meet and compare their results the correlations. With the hope to have both measured the density matrix.
It was a bad idea. Only one experimentalist must make measurements on each pair when it is produced. At the source.

I read that quantum logic gates can act on two qubits. and the way they act is described with a matrix. If a logic gate had for matrix the Gell-Mann form it would answer my question.
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  • #3
It is easy to find how to measure the density matrix of one particle.
Why is it so hard to find the same things about pairs of particles?
  • #4
There are many ways to do this, but it is never trivial
A good search term would be "two qubit tomography".
Put that in Google scholar and you should get lots of hits.
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Likes Heidi and vanhees71
  • #5
Good idea. I only used google. not google scholar.
  • #6
Heidi said:
Good idea. I only used google. not google scholar.

The main keyword here is "tomography" because I think that is what you are actually asking about.
  • #7
If ρ is the bipartire density matrix, i know that it is the sum of 16 orthonormal matrices in the sense of the trace.
i have only to compute the 16 mean values s_i of the Omegas in the state rho si=Tr(ρΩi)
  • #8
I wonder how to relate this to the local measurements of Alice and Bob say with their Stern Gerlach.
  • #9
take the example of the matrix Omega =
how to get its mean value s from the mean value of the local 2*2 Pauli matrices (and coincidences labels)?
  • #10
We have 4 diagonal projectors
|dd><dd| , |du><du| , |ud><ud| , |uu><uu|
and 6 pairs of off diagonal Omegas. from
(|dd><du| + |du><dd|)/[itex]\sqrt 2[/itex] and (i|dd><du| - i |du><dd|)/[itex]\sqrt 2[/itex]
(|ud><uu| + |uu><ud|)/[itex]\sqrt 2[/itex] and (i|ud><uu| - i |uu><ud|)/[itex]\sqrt 2[/itex]

when the local observers measure the spin projection on z they get -1/2 or 1/2
for the pairs we will find -1 0 or 1.
Given a peculiat Omega in these 12 cases what is the recipe to get its mean value from the local measurements? what have we to throw away among the results before averaging?

FAQ: How can we measure these Hermitian operators?

1. How do we determine the eigenvalues of a Hermitian operator?

The eigenvalues of a Hermitian operator can be determined by solving the characteristic equation for the operator. This involves finding the roots of the polynomial equation formed by subtracting the identity matrix from the operator and setting the determinant equal to zero.

2. What is the significance of the eigenvectors of a Hermitian operator?

The eigenvectors of a Hermitian operator represent the basis vectors of the operator's vector space, and they correspond to the observable states of the system. The eigenvalues associated with these eigenvectors represent the possible outcomes of a measurement of the operator.

3. How can we measure the expectation value of a Hermitian operator?

The expectation value of a Hermitian operator can be measured by taking the inner product of the operator with the state vector of the system. This involves multiplying the operator by the state vector and then taking the complex conjugate of the result, followed by multiplying the result by the state vector again.

4. What is the relationship between the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Hermitian operator?

The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Hermitian operator are related by the fact that the eigenvectors are the basis vectors of the operator's vector space and the eigenvalues represent the possible outcomes of a measurement of the operator. Additionally, the eigenvectors are orthogonal to each other and their corresponding eigenvalues are real numbers.

5. Can we measure the uncertainty of a Hermitian operator?

Yes, we can measure the uncertainty of a Hermitian operator by calculating the standard deviation of the operator's measurements. This involves finding the variance of the measurements and taking the square root to obtain the standard deviation. The smaller the uncertainty, the more precise the measurement is.

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