How can we prove that if a sequence is decreasing and has a sum of infinity, then the limit of n times the nth term of the sequence is zero?"

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In summary, a decreasing sequence is a sequence of numbers where each subsequent term is smaller than the previous one. A sequence with a sum of infinity means that the sum of all its terms is infinitely large. The nth term of a sequence refers to the term in the nth position. Proving that the limit of n times the nth term of a decreasing sequence with a sum of infinity is zero is important because it shows that the overall trend of the sequence is approaching zero. This can be proven using the Cauchy condensation test, which states that the condensed series (where each term is multiplied by n) also has a sum of infinity. Therefore, the limit of n times the nth term of the sequence is zero.
  • #1
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Here is the first problem for 2015! ______________

Show that if $(a_n)$ is a decreasing sequence of positive real numbers such that $\sum_{n = 1}^\infty a_n$ converges, then $\lim_{n\to \infty} na_n = 0$. As a consequence, prove that the series $\sum_{n = 1}^\infty (n^{1/n} - 1)$ diverges.


Remember to read the to find out how to!
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  • #2
Fallen Angel gets honorable mention for correctly answering the second part of the problem. You can find my solution below.

Let $s_n$ be the sequence of partial sums of $\sum_{n = 1}^\infty a_n$. Let $t_n := na_n$. Since $a_n$ is decreasing,

$$s_{2n} - s_n = a_{n+1} + \cdots + a_{2n} \ge na_{2n} = \frac{1}{2}t_{2n}$$

and similarly

$$s_{2n+1} - s_n \ge (n+1)a_{2n+1} = \frac{1}{2}t_{2n+1} - a_{2n+1}.$$

Since $\sum a_n$ converges, $\lim a_n = 0$. Therefore, since $s_n$ converges, the above inequalities imply $\lim_{n\to \infty} t_{2n} = 0 = \lim_{n\to \infty} t_{2n+1}$. Therefore, $\lim_{n\to \infty} t_n = 0$.

In the case of the example, the sequence $a_n := n^{1/n} - 1$ is positive decreasing sequence such that $\lim na_n \neq 0$. Hence, by the theorem, $\sum_{n = 1}^\infty (n^{1/n} - 1)$ diverges.
  • #3

I sincerely apologize for overlooking some of the POTW solutions for this week's POTW. Thanks to anemone for notifying me! After reviewing the solutions, I found that Opalg has correctly solved this week's problem. You can read his solution below.
Given $\varepsilon>0$, choose $M$ so that $\sum_{n=M}^\infty a_n <\varepsilon/2$. Then choose $N>M$ so that $n>N\;\Rightarrow\; a_n < \varepsilon/(2M)$. If $n>N$ then $$\begin{aligned} na_n &= Ma_n + (n-M)a_n \\ &< Ma_n + \sum_{r=M+1}^n a_r \\ &< \varepsilon/2 + \varepsilon/2 = \varepsilon . \end{aligned}$$ Since $\varepsilon$ is arbitrary, it follows that $\lim_{n\to\infty}na_n = 0.$

Now let $a_n = n^{1/n} - 1$. This gives a decreasing sequence of real numbers. So if $\sum a_n$ converges then $na_n \to0$ as $n\to\infty.$ But $na_n = f(1/n)$, where $f(x) = \dfrac{\frac1{x^x} - 1}x$, so it would help to know whether $f(x)\to0$ as $x\searrow0$.The function $x^x$ converges to $1$ as $x\searrow0$. Its derivative $(1+\ln x)x^x$ goes to $-\infty$ as $x\searrow0$, so its graph has a vertical tangent at the point $(0,1)$. The reciprocal of this function, $g(x) = 1/x^x$ (with $g(0)=1$), also has a vertical tangent at $(0,1)$. Therefore the Newton quotient $\dfrac{g(x) - g(0)}x$ must go to $+\infty$ as $x\searrow0$. But $\dfrac{g(x) - g(0)}x$ is exactly the expression $f(x) = \dfrac{\frac1{x^x} - 1}x$ from the previous paragraph. Therefore $f(x) \to+\infty$ as $x\searrow0$. So it certainly does not tend to $0$. Conclusion: $\sum a_n$ diverges.

FAQ: How can we prove that if a sequence is decreasing and has a sum of infinity, then the limit of n times the nth term of the sequence is zero?"

What is a decreasing sequence?

A decreasing sequence is a sequence of numbers where each subsequent term is smaller than the previous one.

What does it mean for a sequence to have a sum of infinity?

A sequence with a sum of infinity means that if you add up all the terms in the sequence, the result will be infinitely large.

What is the nth term of a sequence?

The nth term of a sequence refers to the term in the sequence that is in the nth position. For example, in the sequence 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, the 3rd term is 6.

Why is it important to prove that the limit of n times the nth term of a decreasing sequence with a sum of infinity is zero?

This proof is important because it shows that even though the individual terms of the sequence may be getting smaller, the overall trend of the sequence is approaching zero. This has important applications in calculus and other areas of mathematics.

How can we prove that if a sequence is decreasing and has a sum of infinity, then the limit of n times the nth term of the sequence is zero?

This can be proven using the Cauchy condensation test, which states that if a series is decreasing and has a sum of infinity, then the sum of the condensed series (where each term is multiplied by n) is also infinite. By applying this test, we can show that the limit of n times the nth term of the sequence is zero.
