How can we prove the equality of orders for finite subgroups of a group?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter mathmari
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses a counting formula that shows the number of elements in the set $HgK$, where $H$ and $K$ are finite subgroups of $G$, is equal to $\frac{|H||K|}{|K\cap H^g|}$ where $g\in G$. The formula is derived using the fact that the product set $HgK$ is bounded by the product of $|Hg|$ and $|K|$, and each element is counted exactly $n$ times, where $n=|H^g\cap K|$. The conversation also mentions a slicker proof using a bijective map and the concept of groups.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hey! :eek:

I want to show that if $H, K\leq G$ are finite subgroups of $G$, then $|HgK|=\frac{|H||K|}{|K\cap H^g|}$ where $g\in G$.

We have that $H^g=g^{-1}Hg$ and $|HK|=\frac{|H||K|}{|H\cap K|}$.

So we have that $|HgK|=|gH^gK|=\frac{|gH^g||K|}{|(gH^g)\cap K|}$, or not? (Wondering)

What how can we get the desired result? (Wondering)
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  • #2
It's a counting formula.

So basically, you want to count the elements of the set:

$HgK = \{hgk: h\in H, k \in K\}$.

We can think of this as the PRODUCT set:

$(Hg)K = \{ak: a\in Hg, k \in K\}$.

We know that the product set is bounded by $|Hg|\cdot|K| = |H|\cdot|K|$.

So the question becomes: which elements do we count more than once?

Suppose $h_1gk_1 = h_2gk_2$.

This means $h_1g = h_2gk_2k_1^{-1}$.

Since $K$ is a subgroup, $k_2k_1^{-1} \in K$, let's call it $k'$.

So we have: $h_1g = h_2gk'$. Continuing:

$g^{-1}h_2^{-1}h_1g = k'$.

Since $H$ is a subgroup, $h_2^{-1}h_1 \in H$, say, it's $h'$.

Then $g^{-1}h'g = k'$, that is, if $x = k'$, we have $x \in H^g$ and $x \in K$, so $x \in (H^g) \cap K$.

I sincerely hopes this convinces you that if we *do* count something more than once, it is *because* we have something in the intersection of $H^g$ and $K$.

So let's turn this around, now, suppose we have $x = g^{-1}hg=k$.

Then $g = h^{-1}gk$. If the elements of $H^g \cap K$ are:

$g^{-1}h_1g = k_1$
$g^{-1}h_2g = k_2$
$g^{-1}h_ng = k_n$

This gives us $n = |H^g \cap K|$ ways to write the element $g \in HgK$, as $g = h_j^{-1}k_j$, for $j = 1,\dots,n$.

Similarly, for any other element:

$hgk \in HgK$, we can re-write this as:

$hgk = h(h_j^{-1}gk_j)k$ in $n$ different ways (one for each $j$).

This means that each element of $HgK$ is counted exactly $n$ times:

$|HgK| = \dfrac{|Hg|\cdot|K|}{n} = \dfrac{|Hg|\cdot|K|}{|H^g\cap K|} = \dfrac{H|\cdot|K|}{|H^g\cap K|}$.

For an extra bonus, what happens if the element $g=e$?
  • #3
Deveno said:
We know that the product set is bounded by $|Hg|\cdot|K| = |H|\cdot|K|$.
We have that $Hg=\{hg\mid h\in H\}$, so the number of elements of $Hg$ is equal to the number of $H$, since it is a right product of each element of $H$ with a fixed $g$, right? (Wondering)

Deveno said:
This means that each element of $HgK$ is counted exactly $n$ times:

$|HgK| = \dfrac{|Hg|\cdot|K|}{n} = \dfrac{|Hg|\cdot|K|}{|H^g\cap K|} = \dfrac{H|\cdot|K|}{|H^g\cap K|}$.

When we have that each element is counted exactly $n$ times, we do we divide $ |Hg|\cdot|K|$ by $n$ and not substract it by $n$ ? (Wondering)
  • #4
With natural numbers, at least, "times" means multiplication, not addition.
  • #5
I got stuck right now... I haven't really understood why we divide by $n$. Could you explain it further to me? (Wondering)
  • #6
mathmari said:
I got stuck right now... I haven't really understood why we divide by $n$. Could you explain it further to me? (Wondering)

For each $x \in H^g \cap K$, we have $n = |H^g \cap K|$ ways to write $hgk$, for any pair $(h,k)$ where $h \in H, k\in K$.

But here is a slicker proof I thought of the other day:

IF you already know that:

$|HK| = \dfrac{|H|\cdot|K|}{|H \cap K}|$ for any two subgroups, $H,K$ of $G$ ($\ast$),

then using the fact that for any SET $S \subseteq G$, the map $S \to g^{-1}S = \{g^{-1}s| s\in S\}$ given by:

$s \mapsto g^{-1}s$ is a bijective map,

we have $|HgK| = |g^{-1}(HgK)| = |H^gK|$

and since $H^g$ is a subgroup of $G$ with $|H^g| = |H|$, we have:

$|HgK| = |H^gK| = \dfrac{|H^g|\cdot|K|}{|H^g\cap K|} = \dfrac{|H|\cdot|K|}{|H^g\cap K|}$

by cleverly substituting $H^g$ for $H$ in our formula ($\ast$).
  • #7
Deveno said:
and since $H^g$ is a subgroup of $G$ with $|H^g| = |H|$

We have that $|H^g| = |H|$, because the map $H\rightarrow H^g=g^{-1}Hg=\{g^{-1}hg\mid h\in H\}$ given by $h\mapsto g^{-1}hg$ is bijective, right? (Wondering)
  • #8
mathmari said:
We have that $|H^g| = |H|$, because the map $H\rightarrow H^g=g^{-1}Hg=\{g^{-1}hg\mid h\in H\}$ given by $h\mapsto g^{-1}hg$ is bijective, right? (Wondering)

Indeed. In fact, one can view it as the *composition* of the two bijective maps:

$g \mapsto hg$ and $x \mapsto g^{-1}x$, with $x = hg$.

Why are these maps bijective? Essentially, we can "undo" each one by multiplying (on the appropriate side) by an appropriate inverse. That is, in a nutshell, what groups actually ARE: sets of composable and reversible mappings (the set the mappings act on may well be the underlying set of the group itself, but it may be something else, like a finite set of objects, or a geometric figure).
  • #9
Ah ok...

Thank you very much! (Mmm)

FAQ: How can we prove the equality of orders for finite subgroups of a group?

1. What does "show the equality of orders" mean?

"Show the equality of orders" is a phrase commonly used in mathematics and science to refer to the process of proving that two quantities or sets are equal in terms of their degree, or the highest power of the variables in the expression. This can involve simplifying equations, using algebraic techniques, or comparing and analyzing graphs.

2. Why is it important to show the equality of orders?

Showing the equality of orders is important because it allows us to understand the relationships between different variables or quantities. It can help us determine the behavior and patterns of a system, make predictions, and identify any underlying principles or laws governing the system.

3. How do you show the equality of orders in a mathematical equation?

To show the equality of orders in a mathematical equation, you can use various techniques such as factoring, expanding, or manipulating the terms to compare the highest powers of the variables. You can also use substitution or algebraic manipulation to transform the equation into a form where the equality of orders is more apparent.

4. Can the equality of orders be shown in non-mathematical systems?

Yes, the concept of equality of orders can be applied to non-mathematical systems as well. For example, in biology, we can compare the growth rates of different populations to determine if they are equal in terms of their orders. In physics, we can look at the acceleration or velocity of objects to see if they are equal in terms of their orders.

5. Are there any practical applications of showing the equality of orders?

Yes, there are many practical applications of showing the equality of orders. In engineering, it can help in designing systems with specific behaviors and predicting their performance. In economics, it can be used to analyze market trends and make predictions. In chemistry, it can help in understanding reaction rates and equilibria. Overall, showing the equality of orders can be a useful tool in various fields to understand and analyze systems.

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