How Can You Calculate the Distance AB in This Projectile and Wedge Problem?

In summary: Oh, right, I forgot the wedge is not smooth.So that external force is the normal force of the wedge on the ball. This is the force that causes the impulse that changes the y-component of the momentum of the ball. This force also does work on the ball, because it exerts a force on the ball while the ball is travelling through a distance in the direction of the force.What is the change in kinetic energy of the ball as it travels along the wedge?The change in kinetic energy of the ball as it travels along the wedge is equal to the work done by the normal force of the wedge on the ball. This can be calculated using the formula W = F*d, where W is the work done,
  • #1
Satvik Pandey

Homework Statement

A wedge of mass m and angle θ is placed on a smooth ground. As shown in the diagram A is a point on ground. A particle also having mass m is dropped from a height h at a horizontal distance x from A . It finally touches the ground at point B . Find √3AB in metres.

Details and Assumptions

Take m=5kg ,h=2√2 metre ,x=1metre.tanθ=1/√2

The collision of the ball with the wedge is elastic and the wedge is free to move.

Homework Equations

AS the collision is elastic so momentum of system is conserved and kinetic energy is conserved.

The Attempt at a Solution

given tanθ=1/sq.root(2)
using this we can find the the initial distance of ball above point A(v3)=3/√2.
so velocity of ball when it collided wedge=√(3√2)g.
since K.E. is conserved so 3√2g=v1^2+v2^2...(1)(V1 is velocity of ball after collision and v2 is velocity of wedge after collision)
now tanθ=1/sq.root(2) so θ=35.26
applying law of conservation of momentum in Y-direction
3/√2g=-v1 sin2θ+0......(2)(considering upward direction -ve).
Are my two equations correct.
Answer of this question is 1.268.
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  • #2
Satvik Pandey said:
given tanθ=1/sq.root(2)
using this we can find the the initial distance of ball above point A(v3)=3/√2.

Isn't the initial distance above point A "h"? Did you mean just the height above the wedge? If so, wouldn't that be 2√2-√2 = √2?

Satvik Pandey said:
applying law of conservation of momentum in Y-direction
I don't think the Y-direction of conservation of momentum is important. The Earth is counteracting (and conserving) all of the [itex]ΔP_y[/itex] the entire time. (where P stands for momentum)

Wouldn't you want to apply conservation of momentum in the x-direction along with conservation of energy to find the final velocity of the wedge?
  • #3
Nathanael said:
Isn't the initial distance above point A "h"? Did you mean just the height above the wedge? If so, wouldn't that be 2√2-√2 = √2?

Let the particle fall on point E on the wedge
tanA=ED/AD but AD=1
so [itex]\frac{1}{√2}[/itex]=ED/1
SO ED= [itex]\frac{1}{√2}[/itex]
height of particle above wedge=h-ED
  • #4
physics fig.png

This is the figure.
  • #5
You're right, sorry, I don't know why I was thinking tanθ=x/"ED"

Anyway, do you know what the final velocity of the wedge is? (and initial velocity of the ball after it bounces off the wedge?)

Conservation of KE and Momentum should give you this answer
  • #6
Nathanael said:
You're right, sorry, I don't know why I was thinking tanθ=x/"ED"

Anyway, do you know what the final velocity of the wedge is? (and initial velocity of the ball after it bounces off the wedge?)

Conservation of KE and Momentum should give you this answer

Applying conservation of momentem in X-direction
m√(3√2)g=mv1cos(90-2θ)+mv2(v1 and v2 are the velocities of particle and wedge after collision)
3√2g=v1^2+v2^2...(1)(from conservation of kinetic energy)
Could you please explain a bit more why was the application of conservation of momentum in Y-direction not effective?
  • #7
Satvik Pandey said:
Applying conservation of momentem in X-direction
m√(3√2)g=mv1cos(90-2θ)+mv2(v1 and v2 are the velocities of particle and wedge after collision)

You mean √(3g√2) right? (The g is in the square root?)

This is the speed of the particle right before it hits the wedge, correct?

Isn't that speed completely vertical? So why would it be involved in "conservation of momentum in X-direction"?
  • #8
Satvik Pandey said:
Could you please explain a bit more why was the application of conservation of momentum in Y-direction not effective?


When you drop a ball, the momentum in the Y-direction changes, right?

Well then how is Y-momentum conserved?
It is conserved because the Earth moves upwards with the same momentum as the ball moves down.

The reason is of course that the ball pulls up on the Earth with the same force that the Earth pulls down on the ball.
(The definition of "Force" is "change in momentum per change in time" ... So, if they always have the same force on them, then they always change momentum equally, (and oppositely,) and so momentum is conserved)
In the situation you have, the Earth is moving up with the same momentum the ball is moving down, so momentum in the Y direction is conserved.
(If the momentum in the Y direction of the wedge changed, then either the Y-momentum of the ball or Earth would need to change accordingly, but it doesn't so they don't.)
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  • #9
Nathanael said:
You mean √(3g√2) right? (The g is in the square root?)
Nathanael said:
This is the speed of the particle right before it hits the wedge, correct?
Nathanael said:
Isn't that speed completely vertical? So why would it be involved in "conservation of momentum in X-direction"?
I just need two equation in terms of v1 and v2 to get the values of them.Why can't we get one of the equation by setting up conservation of momentum in X-direction?
  • #10
Satvik. It looks like you are assuming that the velocity of the ball just after the bounce makes the same angle θ relative to the normal of the wedge as the velocity just before the bounce. This would be true if the wedge did not recoil, but it is not generally true if the wedge does recoil. (Think about a case where the mass of the wedge is very small compared to the mass of the ball. The velocity of the ball would hardly change when it hit the wedge in this case.)

You have three unknowns: the recoil speed of the wedge, the x-component of velocity of the ball just after the bounce, and the y-component of the velocity of the ball just after the bounce.

So far, you have only two equations: conservation of energy and conservation of the x-component of momentum of the ball-wedge system.

[The y-component of momentum of the ball-wedge system is not conserved because there is a strong impulsive external force that acts on the ball-wedge system in the y direction during the collision. Can you identify this force?]

You're going to need a third equation. What can you say about the component of the velocity of the ball that is parallel to the wedge during the collision?
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  • #11
Satvik Pandey said:
I just need two equation in terms of v1 and v2 to get the values of them.Why can't we get one of the equation by setting up conservation of momentum in X-direction?

You can, it just wouldn't be the equation you wrote. Your equation involved the vertical momentum (right before the collision) which isn't relevant to the equation.
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  • #12
TSny said:
Satvik. It looks like you are assuming that the velocity of the ball just after the bounce makes the same angle θ relative to the normal of the wedge as the velocity just before the bounce. This would be true if the wedge did not recoil, but it is not generally true if the wedge does recoil. (Think about a case where the mass of the wedge is very small compared to the mass of the ball. The velocity of the ball would hardly change when it hit the wedge in this case.)
I didn't think about that.You are right.
TSny said:
[The y-component of momentum of the ball-wedge system is not conserved because there is a strong impulsive external force that acts on the ball-wedge system in the y direction during the collision. Can you identify this force?]
Is it the reactionary force on wedge due to earth(or surface below)

TSny said:
You're going to need a third equation. What can you say about the component of the velocity of the ball that is parallel to the wedge during the collision?
Let the particle be deflected by angle 'S' after collision relative to normal of the wedge with velocity v1---
component of this velocity parallel to wedge= v1cos(90-S)
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  • #13
Satvik Pandey said:
Is it the reactionary force on wedge due to earth(or surface below)

Yes, that's right.

Let the particle be deflected by angle 'S' after collision relative to normal of the wedge with velocity v1---
component of this velocity parallel to wedge= v1cos(90-S)

OK. But rather than taking v1 and the angle S as two of the unknowns, it might be better to take v1x and v1y as unknowns. You're going to need them for handling the projectile motion later. So, your three unknowns are v1x, v1y, and v2 (the recoil speed of the wedge).

(1) Can your write an expression for the component of v1 that is parallel to the surface of the wedge in terms of v1x, v1y, and the (known) angle θ?

(2) Let vo be the velocity of the ball just before the collision. Can you write an expression for the component of vo that is parallel to the wedge surface just before the collision?

What is the relation between (1) and (2)?
  • #14
TSny said:
(1) Can your write an expression for the component of v1 that is parallel to the surface of the wedge in terms of v1x, v1y, and the (known) angle θ? ?


TSny said:
(2) Let vo be the velocity of the ball just before the collision. Can you write an expression for the component of vo that is parallel to the wedge surface just before the collision?

vo cos(90-θ)=vocosθ

TSny said:
What is the relation between (1) and (2)?
I thought of applying law of conservation of momentum in direction parallel to the wedge but in this direction a component of external force(reactionary force) on wedge is acting.So I can't do this.Is it right?
I am not getting any way to establish relation between (1) and (2).
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  • #15
Satvik Pandey said:

OK, but there will also be a contribution from v1y.

vo cos(90-θ)=vocosθ

Are you sure you have the right trig function here? For example, consider the special case where θ = 0.

I thought of applying law of conservation of momentum in direction parallel to the wedge but in this direction a component of external force(reactionary force) on wedge is acting.So I can't do this.Is it right?
I am not getting any way to establish relation between (1) and (2).

Right. Momentum of the ball-wedge system is not conserved in the direction parallel to the surface of the wedge. However, consider just the ball's change in velocity when it hits the wedge. What is the only impulsive force that acts on the ball during the collision? In what direction does it act? What can you say about the change in the component of the velocity of the ball that is perpendicular to this impulsive force?
  • #16
TSny said:
OK, but there will also be a contribution from v1y.
Yes I forgot that,it should be v1xcosθ-v1ysinθ.
TSny said:
Are you sure you have the right trig function here? For example, consider the special case where θ = 0.
vocos(90-θ)=vosinθ.I wrote it vocosθ by mistake.
TSny said:
Right. Momentum of the ball-wedge system is not conserved in the direction parallel to the surface of the wedge. However, consider just the ball's change in velocity when it hits the wedge. What is the only impulsive force that acts on the ball during the collision? In what direction does it act? What can you say about the change in the component of the velocity of the ball that is perpendicular to this impulsive force?
I think the only Impulsive force that acts on the ball is reactionary force on the ball from the wedge.
It acts in a direction normal to the wedge.
change in the component of the velocity of the ball that is perpendicular to this impulsive force=final velociy in that direction -initial velocity in that direction.
Since component of impulse in direction parallel to the plane is zero so
Is it right?
  • #17
Satvik Pandey said:
Since component of impulse in direction parallel to the plane is zero so
Is it right?

Yes, assuming +x is toward the left and +y is upward in your picture.
  • #18
Now I have three eq.
But here is more than three variables.Do I need to make some more equations?
  • #19
Satvik Pandey said:
Now I have three eq.
But here is more than three variables.Do I need to make some more equations?

I'm a bit confused with the notation. I thought we were using vo for the speed of the ball just before hitting the wedge.
You found vo = √(3√2g).

v2 is the symbol we were using for the recoil speed of the wedge.

What does your equation (2) represent? Where did 2θ come from?

Try to construct 3 equations in the three unknowns: v1x, v1y, v2. Your equation (3) looks good.
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  • #20
TSny said:
I'm a bit confused with the notation. I thought we were using vo for the speed of the ball just before hitting the wedge.
You found vo = √(3√2g).

v2 is the symbol we were using for the recoil speed of the wedge.

What does your equation (2) represent? Where did 2θ come from?

Try to construct 3 equations in the three unknowns: v1x, v1y, v2. Your equation (3) looks good.
From the conservation of kinetic energy ---
From the conservation of momentum in X-direction----
Since v1=√(v1x^2+v2x^2)
putting this value in eq ( 2)

or (3√2g)=v[itex]_{1x}[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex]+v[itex]_{1y}[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex]+v[itex]_{2}[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex]...(2)
and eq(1) becomes

Is it fine now?
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  • #21
Satvik Pandey said:
From the conservation of kinetic energy ---

From the conservation of momentum in X-direction----

What is the direction of the velocity vo? Should it contribute to momentum in the x directrion?
Since v1=√(v1x^2+v2x^2)
putting this value in eq ( 2)

I think you meant to type v1y instead of v2x here.
or (3√2g)=v[itex]_{1x}[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex]+v[itex]_{1y}[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex]+v[itex]_{2}[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex]...(2)

OK, Good!
and eq(1) becomes

This one isn't correct. Try setting up the conservation of momentum in the x direction again. You should get a very simple equation.
  • #22
Yes eq(1) is wrong.I wrote Vo in this equation by mistake.Sorry for this.
If we consider +ve in right direction then----
  • #23
There is a mistake (3g/√2)=v[itex]_{1x}[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex]+v[itex]_{1y}[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex]+v[itex]_{2}[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex]
I forgot the sign of division.
  • #24
Satvik Pandey said:
Yes eq(1) is wrong.I wrote Vo in this equation by mistake.Sorry for this.
If we consider +ve in right direction then----

This looks pretty good. Of course, the x-component of the velocity of the ball just after the collision will be opposite the direction of recoil of the wedge. I'm not sure your equation takes into account the opposite directions.

Anyway, you now essentially have your 3 equations for v1x, v1y, and v2. It might be good to rewrite them together. I would suggest that you take the positive x direction to the left and the positive y direction upward. I think that will be natural for the projectile motion part.
  • #25
Satvik Pandey said:
There is a mistake (3g/√2)=v[itex]_{1x}[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex]+v[itex]_{1y}[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex]+v[itex]_{2}[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex]
I forgot the sign of division.

Should there be a division here? I thought you found vo = ##\sqrt{3\sqrt{2}\;g}##.

Related to How Can You Calculate the Distance AB in This Projectile and Wedge Problem?

1. How does the angle of incline affect the trajectory of a projectile?

The angle of incline can affect the trajectory of a projectile in several ways. If the angle is increased, the projectile will have a shorter horizontal distance but a longer vertical distance. This means that the projectile will have a higher peak and a steeper drop compared to a lower angle of incline. Additionally, a higher angle of incline will also result in a shorter flight time for the projectile.

2. How is the velocity of a projectile impacted by the incline?

The velocity of a projectile is impacted by the incline in two main ways. First, the incline can affect the initial velocity of the projectile. For example, a higher incline will result in a higher initial velocity for a projectile launched at the same speed. Second, the incline can also affect the velocity of the projectile as it travels along its trajectory. A steeper incline will result in a higher acceleration, therefore increasing the velocity of the projectile.

3. What is the relationship between the distance traveled and the angle of incline?

The distance traveled by a projectile on an incline is directly proportional to the sine of the angle of incline. This means that as the angle of incline increases, the distance traveled by the projectile also increases. However, it is important to note that this relationship only holds true for projectiles launched at the same initial velocity and from the same height.

4. How does the mass of the projectile affect its trajectory on an incline?

The mass of the projectile has a minimal effect on its trajectory on an incline. This is because the force of gravity acts on all objects equally, regardless of their mass. Therefore, a projectile with a larger mass will experience the same trajectory as a smaller projectile launched at the same angle and initial velocity. However, a heavier projectile may have a slightly shorter flight time due to its increased resistance to air resistance.

5. What are some real-world applications of studying projectiles on inclines?

Studying projectiles on inclines has many real-world applications. One common application is in sports, particularly in the long jump and ski jumping events where athletes must take into account the angle of the incline to achieve the longest distance. It is also important in engineering, such as designing roller coasters and other amusement park rides. Additionally, understanding the trajectory of projectiles on inclines is crucial in military and defense applications, such as artillery and missile systems.

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