How can you help end world hunger by playing a word game?

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In summary, is a website that allows players to guess words based on their definition and the correct answer to that word provides rice to the UN World Food Programme to help end world hunger. Yesterday, the website donated 42153550 grains of rice.
  • #1
I found this website on another forum called It is basically a word game where for every word you get right, Free Rice donates 10 grains of rice through the United Nations to help end world hunger. Yesterday(10/29/07) they donated 42153550 grains of rice. Let's make that number rise. I know a lot of you are really smart people and should know a lot of these words. So if you have 5 or 10 minutes to spare, why not feed a hungry mouth?

If you do play, post how much rice you donated.

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  • #2
I've seen that site for testing your vocabulary (Evo will love it). I'm skeptical about whether it's legitimately helping send food to anyone...who's going to count all those grains of rice? :biggrin: But feel free to entertain yourself with it regardless.
  • #3
I got to 320 but my internet connection here was slow so I stopped.
I seem to be good at guessing because I thought there was something wrong, I kept getting correct answers even though I had never seen or heard the word, but I did finally get some wrong.
  • #4
The same happened with me when I played it...I found out I'm a very good guesser. :biggrin: For some words, that makes sense...I could guess something about them from their root parts.

It looks like good practice for someone studying for the SAT or GRE, or similar type tests, where you need to know a lot of esoteric vocabulary words that you'd really never use in everyday speech.
  • #5
I got them all wrong and as a result an entire village starves.
  • #6
jimmysnyder said:
I got them all wrong and as a result an entire village starves.

:smile: And the schoolkids who wonder why they need to learn all those words finally have an answer. :biggrin:
  • #7
This is fun! I'm averaging around a level of 44 but I've never broken past 46 (and I must have touched it a half-dozen times).
  • #8 you know just how many grains of rice are in a bag of rice??
I think it's a game only..not really there to benefit anyone at all :frown:
  • #9
I think it's a great benefit to folks studying for the GRE - I recall seeing many of these words in my Barron's word-list!

I estimate that a 20-lb bag of rice has about half a million grains. So yesterday's total was about 100 bags of rice.

PS: Finally broke past the 46 barrier! Current high is 49.
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  • #10
From their FAQs:
Who pays for the donated rice?

The rice is paid for by the advertisers whose names you see on the bottom of your vocabulary screen. This is regular advertising for these companies, but it is also something more. Through their advertising at FreeRice, these companies support both learning (free vocabulary for everyone) and reducing hunger (free rice for the hungry). We commend these companies for their participation at FreeRice.

If you have the rice to give, why not give it all away right now?

We are not sitting on a pile of rice―you are earning it 10 grains at a time. Here is how it works. When you play the game, advertisements appear on the bottom of your screen. The money generated by these advertisements is then used to buy the rice. So by playing, you generate the money that pays for the rice donated to hungry people.

Ah...maybe I shouldn't play with the adblocker on. :biggrin:
  • #11
jimmysnyder said:
I got them all wrong and as a result an entire village starves.


Careful... you might just earn yourself a one-way ticket to the volcano.
  • #12
Gokul43201 said:
I think it's a great benefit to folks studying for the GRE - I recall seeing many of these words in my Barron's word-list!

Yeah, that's true!
  • #13
Web game provides rice for hungry

An internet word game has generated enough rice to feed 50,000 people for one day, the UN's World Food Programme (WFP) has said. The game, FreeRice, tests the vocabulary of participants. For each click on a correct answer, the website donates money to buy 10 grains of rice. Companies advertising on the website provide the money to the WFP to buy and distribute the rice.

FreeRice went online in early October and has now raised 1bn grains of rice. That is enough rice to feed 50,000 people for one day, the WFP said on Friday.
  • #14
This really is a lot of fun. I'm still hovering between 46-47, but I'm getting there. Even if I'm not sure, I usually have the definition down to 2 answers and one of them is always correct, I just need to select the correct one more often.
  • #15
I too hung about the 46-47 range most of the time I played. Never made it past 49 would have been nice to hit 50. And I helped send out about 6500 grains.

I must try again when I find more time. Got to get that elusive 50.
  • #16
Wow, we need a Dutch version. Incredible how many useless words there are. One I knew for sure due to my profession: Empenage. Although it's never used.
  • #17
Wow, I thought I was good when I saw I was in the low 40's! You guys must have bigger dictionaries than I do!:biggrin:
  • #18
There are a lot of nautical terms in the list (you'd think they shanghaid a hatchful of stevedores and bosuns to write it up), and I have the advantage of having a sailor dad. Let's give it another go now...
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  • #19
G01 said:
Wow, I thought I was good when I saw I was in the low 40's! You guys must have bigger dictionaries than I do!:biggrin:
I used to read the dictionary for fun and I was a prolific reader when I was growing up, so I have a very large vocabulary, or as one person put it "I'm a wealth of useless information". Gokul is just plain amazing though.
  • #20
funny--- I read a small dictionary one time--I think it was only about 600pp----then I decided to read two small set encyclopedias. I took two years of Latin for pre-med, and the number of word derivatives of some Latin words is amazing--manus, for one.
  • #21
I finally took the quiz. I was able to hover between 44 and 47. I got some by knowing, some by latin or greek roots, and some by guessing. I was curious to find out how hard the words get when you hit 50, so I started looking up the meanings. After 49 there wasn't a single word that I could even guess at. I did get it up to 50 though. I drew 1150 grains of rice.
  • #22
jimmysnyder said:
After 49 there wasn't a single word that I could even guess at.
Only if you're being impatient. I'm positive I can show that many of the words in the 49 range are guessable (and I haven't had a single lesson of Greek or Latin). I'll demonstrate if I get back up there. Right now, I'm stuck at 45/46/47; I think I need lunch.

FAQ: How can you help end world hunger by playing a word game?

1. What does "Help feed a hungry person" mean?

"Help feed a hungry person" is a call to action to provide food to individuals who are experiencing hunger. This can involve donating food, money, or time to organizations that work to alleviate hunger in various communities.

2. How can I help feed a hungry person?

There are many ways to help feed a hungry person. You can donate non-perishable food items to a local food bank, volunteer at a soup kitchen or food pantry, or make a monetary donation to organizations that provide food assistance to those in need.

3. Who are the hungry people that need help?

The hungry people who need help can include individuals of all ages, races, and backgrounds. They may be experiencing temporary financial hardship, living in poverty, or facing other challenges that make it difficult for them to access food on a regular basis.

4. Is my contribution really making a difference in helping to feed a hungry person?

Yes, your contribution, no matter how big or small, can make a significant impact in helping to feed a hungry person. Every donation and act of kindness counts and can make a positive difference in someone's life.

5. How can I spread awareness about the issue of hunger and the need to help feed hungry people?

You can spread awareness about the issue of hunger by educating yourself and others about the causes and effects of food insecurity, sharing information about organizations that work to alleviate hunger, and using social media to raise awareness and encourage others to get involved in helping to feed hungry people.
