How can you solve for the remaining variables when multiplied by zero?

In summary: The Jordan Normal Form of a matrix is a way to represent a matrix as a block diagonal matrix with Jordan blocks on the diagonal. Each Jordan block corresponds to an eigenvalue and its size is equal to the geometric multiplicity of that eigenvalue. In this case, there are three Jordan blocks for the eigenvalue 2, indicating that its geometric multiplicity is 3. This means that there are three linearly independent eigenvectors corresponding to the eigenvalue 2.
  • #1

Homework Statement


The Attempt at a Solution

I haven't tackled anything bigger than a 3x3 matrix. Anyone have any good pointers for reducing this matrix? I'm assuming the quickest way is still going to be the cofactor method?
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  • #2
Its an upper triangular matrix, so eigenvalues are pretty much on the diagonal here, they are all 2. Taking the determinant yields (2-lambda)^5, setting (2-lambda)^5=0, you get lambda1=lambda2=lambda3=lambda4=lambda5=2.
  • #3
No need to calculate, only to think :smile:

The matrix is upper-triangular, what does this immediately tell you about the eigenvalues?
  • #4
Ok, the discussion about the eigenvalues being the main diagonal values is clear. If the five eigenvalues are = 2, then plugging that value into the eigenvector matrix leaves only the one values in the 5x5 matrix above. Setting the matrix = 0 only leaves the eigenvector = 0; how are there then three linearly independent eigenvectors. What am I overlooking?
  • #5
By definition an eigenvector cannot be the zero vector.
I'm assuming you're using the usual methods I see undergraduates use, (A-xI) = 0
If we represent vectors as (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) we get x2=0, x5=0
Then solving for x1,x3,x4 we can get 3 linearly independent vectors which form a basis for null(A-xI)

An easy one would be to take 3 vectors from the usual basis.
However the question doesn't really ask for the eigenvectors, just show that they do exist.
  • #6
There are three Jordan Blocks corresponding to eigenvalue 2, so its geometric multiplicity is 3.
  • #7
From the definition of "eigenvector", if v is an eigenvector with eigenvalue 2, then
[tex]\begin{bmatrix}2 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 2 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 2 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 2 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 2\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}u \\ v \\ x \\ y \\ z\end{bmatrix}= \begin{bmatrix}2u+ v \\ 2v \\ 2x \\ 2y+ z \\ 2z\end{bmatrix}= \begin{bmatrix} 2u \\ 2v \\ 2x \\ 2y \\ 2z \end{bmatrix}[/tex]

which gives the equations 2u+ v= 2u, 2v= 2v, 2x= 2x, 2y+ z= 2y, 2z= 2z. The first equation tells us that v= 0 and the fourth equation that z= 0. But u, x, and y can be any numbers.
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  • #8
ninty said:
By definition an eigenvector cannot be the zero vector.
I'm assuming you're using the usual methods I see undergraduates use, (A-xI) = 0
If we represent vectors as (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) we get x2=0, x5=0
Then solving for x1,x3,x4 we can get 3 linearly independent vectors which form a basis for null(A-xI)

An easy one would be to take 3 vectors from the usual basis.
However the question doesn't really ask for the eigenvectors, just show that they do exist.

Yes, the (A-xI) = 0 method is the one I used and got x2 = 0 and x5 = 0. How can you solve for x1, x3 and x4 when they are multiplied by zero? Wouldn't that also make them zero?

Landau said:
There are three Jordan Blocks corresponding to eigenvalue 2, so its geometric multiplicity is 3.

This isn't something that we went over in Linear or ODE, can you expand on this thought some more?
  • #9
HallsofIvy said:
From the definition of "eigenvector", if v is an eigenvector with eigenvalue 2, then
[tex]\begin{bmatrix}2 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 2 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 2 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 2 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 2\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}u \\v \\ x \\ y \\ z\end{bmatrix}= \begin{bmatrix}2u+ v \\ 2v \\ 2x \\ 2y+ z \\ 2z\end{bmatrix}= \begin{bmatrix} 2u \\ 2v \\ 2x \\ 2y \\ 2z \end{bmatrix}[/tex]

which gives the equations 2u+ v= 2u, 2v= 2v, 2x= 2x, 2y+ z= 2y, 2z= 2z. The first equation tells us that v= 0 and the fourth equation that z= 0. But u, x, and y can be any numbers.

You just put [/math] on the end instead of [/tex] and I took the zero out of the variable column. That's what I was confused on, the fact that x1, x3 and x4 could be any value. I just assumed that they were also zero since putting 2-2 = 0 for the eigenvector only left the two 1's in the matrix corresponding to x2 = 0 and x5 = 0. Thank you guys for the insight and provoding a good matrix template for future use.
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  • #10
gabriels-horn said:
Yes, the (A-xI) = 0 method is the one I used and got x2 = 0 and x5 = 0. How can you solve for x1, x3 and x4 when they are multiplied by zero? Wouldn't that also make them zero?
Whatever values they have, they get multiplied by zero resulting in zero, so it doesn't matter what they are. In other words, you are free to choose x1, x3 and x4, which means you can form three linearly independent eigenvectors (e.g. taking x1, x3, x4 equal to 1,0,0, equal to 0,1,0, equal to 0,0,1, gives you three independent eigenvectors.)
This isn't something that we went over in Linear or ODE, can you expand on this thought some more?
Your matrix is already in Jordan Normal Form. The number of Jordan blocks corresponding to a given eigenvalue coincides with the geometric multiplicity of that eigenvalue. In this case there are three such blocks for eigenvalue 2.
  • #11
Landau said:
Whatever values they have, they get multiplied by zero resulting in zero, so it doesn't matter what they are. In other words, you are free to choose x1, x3 and x4, which means you can form three linearly independent eigenvectors (e.g. taking x1, x3, x4 equal to 1,0,0, equal to 0,1,0, equal to 0,0,1, gives you three independent eigenvectors.)
Your matrix is already in Jordan Normal Form. The number of Jordan blocks corresponding to a given eigenvalue coincides with the geometric multiplicity of that eigenvalue. In this case there are three such blocks for eigenvalue 2.

So the Jordan block is essentially dependent on the 1 values of the superdiagonal, and since x1, x3 and x4 have no entries above them on the superdiagonal, the number of Jordan blocks is equal to 3?
  • #12
gabriels-horn said:
Yes, the (A-xI) = 0 method is the one I used and got x2 = 0 and x5 = 0. How can you solve for x1, x3 and x4 when they are multiplied by zero? Wouldn't that also make them zero?
No, multiplying x1 by 0 does NOT make x1 0, it makes the product 0. All that means is that you don't have that variable in that particular equation.

This isn't something that we went over in Linear or ODE, can you expand on this thought some more?

Related to How can you solve for the remaining variables when multiplied by zero?

1. What are eigenvalues of a 5x5 matrix?

The eigenvalues of a 5x5 matrix are the special set of numbers that, when multiplied by the matrix, result in the same vector as when the matrix is multiplied by that vector. In other words, they are the numbers that do not change the direction of a vector when that vector is multiplied by the matrix.

2. How are eigenvalues of a 5x5 matrix calculated?

The eigenvalues of a 5x5 matrix can be found by solving the characteristic equation, which is determined by taking the determinant of the matrix minus a multiple of the identity matrix. The resulting equation is then solved for the eigenvalues.

3. Why are eigenvalues of a 5x5 matrix important?

Eigenvalues of a 5x5 matrix are important because they provide valuable information about the matrix and its corresponding system of equations. They can also be used to determine important properties of the matrix such as its invertibility and diagonalizability.

4. Can a 5x5 matrix have complex eigenvalues?

Yes, a 5x5 matrix can have complex eigenvalues. In fact, a matrix can have complex eigenvalues even if all of its entries are real numbers. This is because the characteristic equation can result in complex roots.

5. How many eigenvalues can a 5x5 matrix have?

A 5x5 matrix can have a maximum of 5 eigenvalues. This is because the number of eigenvalues is equal to the dimension of the matrix. However, it is possible for a matrix to have less than 5 eigenvalues, depending on the matrix's properties and entries.

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