How close can 2 coherent photons be?

In summary, coherent photons are those that are in phase, like those emitted from a laser. The minimum distance between coherent photons is the size of the atom that emitted them. It is possible to measure this distance using sensors that are closer together than the wavelength of the light. The mutual coherence function can be used to evaluate the statistical properties of the system, and it can be measured using interferometric telescopes. However, the size of a photon is not a physical property and cannot be measured.
  • #1
By coherent photons, I mean ones that are in phase (like what comes out of a laser). I would guess that they can be no closer than the size of the atom that emitted them. If adjacent atoms simultaneously emitted photons, that would give the minimum separation. For the photons to be any closer, the atoms would have to be staggered. But then they would be offset in the direction of light travel and result in phase differences.

Is there a way to measure this? It would require sensors more closely packed than the wavelength. I was reading that only recently have metamaterials been developed where patterns can be inscribed in metal smaller than a wavelength.
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  • #2
Well, I do not have an answer, but I understand your question and consider it a good one for general purposes.
  • #3
bwana said:
By coherent photons, I mean ones that are in phase (like what comes out of a laser). I would guess that they can be no closer than the size of the atom that emitted them. If adjacent atoms simultaneously emitted photons, that would give the minimum separation. For the photons to be any closer, the atoms would have to be staggered. But then they would be offset in the direction of light travel and result in phase differences.

Is there a way to measure this? It would require sensors more closely packed than the wavelength. I was reading that only recently have metamaterials been developed where patterns can be inscribed in metal smaller than a wavelength.

Photons don't really have a size. However, it's possible to write down the mutual coherence between two photons that vary slightly in frequency, direction of propagation, or both.

The mutual coherence function [itex]\Gamma [/itex] is a statistical property of the system, but can be written down as something like:

[tex]\Gamma =\frac{<E(r,t)E^{*}(r+s, t+ \tau)>}{<I(0,0)>} [/tex].

For some situations (two fully coherent sources, two mutually incoherent sources), the MCF is easy to evaluate. In general, the form can be found by the vanCittert-Zernicke theorem.

If two photons differ *slightly* from each other, the MCF is approximately of the form sin(x)/x: a sinc function. So the mutual coherence will decrease as the properties differ, but becoming zero only at specific points in parameter space. The MCF can be measured easily enough (interferometric telescopes require this information) with a Young's interferometer and/or a Michaelson interferometer.

My reference text is Mandel and Wolf's book, but it's in my office. If I think of it, I'll follow-up this post.
  • #4
thank you for your considered replies. however, by size i should have more specifically stated wavelength. For example, the radius of a helium atom is 32 pm (=.032 nm, =.000032 microns) However the wavelength of light generated by Helium Neon Gas Laser is much larger.
Specifically, the transition from upper 3s to 3p and 3s to 3p levels generate the laser of wavelengths 6328*10^-10 m (red color) and 3.39 microns respectively,Transition from 2s to 2p level generate laser beam of wavelength 1.15 microns.

My naive statement then is that the distance between photons (emitted in phase from adjacent helium atoms) should be 64 pm. However, the wavelength of the light emitted is much greater. How far apart are photons REALLY? Can this be measured to a greater precision than the wavelength of the light ?

For example, Could the distance separating photons be measured by looking at the interference caused by shining a second identical laser onto the spot of the first laser? As one laser is slowly moved from left to right, the intensity of the spot where the two beams are coincident should fluctuate as interference changes from constructive to destructive. The distance the laser has to be moved to go from maximum to minimum intensity should be the distance separating the photons.

Perhaps this question has already been asked/answered more intelligently but I cannot find it with commonly available search engines on the net.
  • #5
bwana said:
My naive statement then is that the distance between photons (emitted in phase from adjacent helium atoms) should be 64 pm. However, the wavelength of the light emitted is much greater. How far apart are photons REALLY? Can this be measured to a greater precision than the wavelength of the light ?

I don't understand what you are asking. It is true that the wavelength of emitted light is often much larger than the object emitting the light. But 'size' is not a physical property of photons.

bwana said:
For example, Could the distance separating photons be measured by looking at the interference caused by shining a second identical laser onto the spot of the first laser?

Yes- this is called measuring the mutual coherence of the sources. If the lasers are independent, the sources are mutually incoherent. The vanCittert-Zernicke theorem shows that as the light propagates, the mutual coherence changes, giving rise to a spatially correlated field:
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  • #6
thanks again.

FAQ: How close can 2 coherent photons be?

1. How is the distance between 2 coherent photons measured?

The distance between 2 coherent photons is measured using a technique called interferometry. This involves splitting a beam of coherent photons into two paths and then recombining them. The resulting interference pattern can then be analyzed to determine the distance between the photons.

2. What is the shortest distance that 2 coherent photons can be placed?

The shortest distance that 2 coherent photons can be placed is determined by their wavelength. According to the laws of quantum mechanics, the minimum distance between two photons is half their wavelength.

3. Can 2 coherent photons be placed right next to each other?

No, according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, it is impossible to know the exact position and momentum of a particle at the same time. Therefore, it is not possible for two coherent photons to be placed right next to each other without violating this principle.

4. What factors affect the distance between 2 coherent photons?

The distance between 2 coherent photons is primarily affected by their wavelength and the medium through which they are traveling. The properties of the medium, such as its refractive index, can cause the photons to travel at different speeds and therefore affect their distance from each other.

5. Why is it important to understand the distance between 2 coherent photons?

Understanding the distance between 2 coherent photons is important for various applications in physics and technology. It can help in the development of more precise measurement tools, such as interferometers, and in studying the properties of light and its interaction with matter. Additionally, it has implications in quantum computing and communication, where the precise positioning of photons is crucial.

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