How could you chemically detect peptide nucleic acid?

  • Thread starter pattylou
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In summary, Peptide nucleic acid (PNA) has been hypothesized as the primordial genetic material and may have been the first genetic material before being replaced by RNA and DNA. While it has not been observed in nature, the structure of synthetic PNA and how it base pairs with DNA can provide a comparison to DNA. PNA can be distinguished from DNA and RNA through chemical reactions targeting the backbone, such as using DNAse and RNAse to break down nucleic acids or proteases to break the amide bonded backbone of PNA.
  • #1
Peptide nucleic acid has been hypothesised as the primordial genetic material:

Nelson, KE, M Levy, and SL Miller. 2000. Proc Natl Acad Sci 97(8):3868-3871. Peptide Nucleic Acids rather than RNA may have been the First Genetic Material.

Nielson, PE. 1993. Orig Life Evol Biosph 23(5-6):323-327. Peptide nucleic acid (PNA): a model structure for the primordial genetic material?

It has never been seen in nature (although it has not been looked for, as far as I know) and it is usually thought that PNA was a transitory genetic material to be replaced by RNA and finally DNA.

The structure of synthetic PNA, and how it base pairs with DNA (which allows a comparison of the structure of PNA to DNA) is shown here (also a general structure of a polypeptide is shown.):

My biochemistry and organic chemistry are weak. It seems that there must be a way to chemically distinguish PNA from protein and DNA. Like, some in vitro reaction that would work with PNA but not the others. Can anyone help me figure out what this reaction might be?

edit: The bases are attached to the backbone via amide bonds in PNA. Could these bonds be chemically broken - releasing the bases - in some way, a way that wouldn't relese bases from the phosphodiester backbone in RNA or DNA?
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  • #2
As you indicated, the easiest way to distinguish PNA from DNA or RNA is to target the backbone. DNAse and RNAse will break down those respective nucleic acid polymers into their nucleotide constituents, but will not touch PNA. Conversely, proteases will break the amide bonded backbone of PNA but not the phosphate ester linkages of the other nucleic acids.

FAQ: How could you chemically detect peptide nucleic acid?

1. How is peptide nucleic acid (PNA) different from traditional nucleic acids?

PNA is a synthetic nucleic acid that differs from traditional nucleic acids like DNA and RNA in its backbone structure. PNA uses amino acids instead of sugar molecules, making it more resistant to degradation and more stable in various environments. Additionally, PNA can bind to complementary DNA or RNA sequences with higher affinity and specificity.

2. What methods can be used to chemically detect PNA?

One method for detecting PNA is through mass spectrometry, where PNA molecules can be ionized and identified based on their mass-to-charge ratio. Another method is through fluorescence-based techniques, where PNA can be labeled with a fluorescent dye and its binding to target nucleic acids can be visualized using a fluorescent microscope or plate reader.

3. Can PNA be detected in complex biological samples?

Yes, PNA can be detected in complex biological samples such as blood, tissue, or cell lysates. However, the detection method may need to be optimized to account for potential interference from other molecules in the sample. Additionally, PNA can be modified with chemical groups or tags to enhance its detection in complex samples.

4. How sensitive is PNA detection compared to other nucleic acid detection methods?

PNA detection methods can be highly sensitive due to the unique properties of PNA, such as its high binding affinity and stability. However, the sensitivity may vary depending on the detection method used and the specific PNA sequence being detected. Generally, PNA detection can be comparable or even more sensitive than traditional nucleic acid detection methods.

5. What are the limitations of using chemical detection for PNA?

One limitation of chemical detection for PNA is that it may require specialized equipment or expertise, making it less accessible for some researchers. Additionally, chemical detection methods may not be able to distinguish between PNA and other molecules with similar properties, leading to potential false positives or interference. It is important to carefully optimize and validate any chemical detection method for PNA before using it in experiments.

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