How crystal + electricity works together

In summary, the conversation is about someone who claims to know how to use electricity and crystals to do extraordinary things, but refuses to share any information. The person asking for help has researched and found some real ways to use electricity and crystals together, but is still looking for more information. The conversation also reveals doubts about the credibility of the person who claims to have knowledge about this topic.
  • #1
hey everyone I am new to the site an new to physics ( bare with me if I am not as smart as some ) , =)

ok, i have this friend who is world widly known for his work, but cut this short, he uses electricity an crystal an can do some out of the ordinary stuff with this he has been in numerous projects with the government for his work,

he will not tell me how any of this works, but i have been researching in the area's he has worked an all i can figure out is there is numerous crystal's an amplifies recievers an electrical equepment,

so if anyone could help me out with understanding how crystal + electricity works together, an what u can achieve with this be much apprecaited
Physics news on
  • #2

My money is on your friend being full of crap.

But as far as real ways to interface electricity and crystals, you have diode junctions, piezoelectric effect, Faraday effect, and Stark effect. Look these up, and you should have a pretty good idea of things you can do with real crystals and electricity. Some of these are fairly amazing, but they are already used in everyday electronics, so it's nothing out of the ordinary.
  • #3

thankx for ur in put i have came across piezoelectric effect, am have been looking into that, my friend isn't full of ****, he has lists of qulifications, havard phd professor, an worked at montauk.
  • #4

"I know a guy whose name I am not going to tell you who can do some things with electricity and crystals that I am not going tell you either; he won't tell me how whatever this that I am not going to tell you is works - please tell me" does not meet the standards of this forum.

We need some facts and some detail in the very next message, or this thread will be closed.
  • #5

I can provide some insight into how crystal and electricity work together. Crystals are solid materials with a regular, repeating arrangement of atoms or molecules. This regular arrangement gives crystals unique properties, such as piezoelectricity, which is the ability to generate an electric charge when pressure is applied to the crystal.

When an electric current is passed through a crystal, the atoms or molecules in the crystal vibrate, causing the crystal to emit a small amount of light. This phenomenon is known as electroluminescence and is the basis for devices such as LED lights. Similarly, when pressure is applied to a piezoelectric crystal, it generates an electric current, which can be harnessed for various applications.

In terms of using crystals with electricity, one application is in electronic circuits. Crystals can be used as oscillators, which are essential components in electronic devices such as radios, televisions, and computers. The oscillation of the crystal helps to maintain a constant and precise frequency, which is necessary for the proper functioning of these devices.

Another application is in amplifiers, where crystals can be used to amplify electrical signals. This is achieved by using the piezoelectric properties of crystals to convert the electrical signal into a mechanical vibration, which is then amplified and converted back into an electrical signal.

In addition to these applications, crystals also have healing and balancing properties, which may be the reason your friend is using them in their work. However, it is important to note that these claims are not supported by scientific evidence and should be approached with caution.

In summary, crystals and electricity work together through the piezoelectric effect, where the crystal's regular atomic arrangement allows for the generation of an electric current or light when pressure or an electric current is applied. This property has various applications in electronic devices and can also be used for healing and balancing purposes, although these claims are not scientifically proven.

Related to How crystal + electricity works together

1. How does electricity impact the formation of crystals?

Electricity can be used to stimulate the formation of crystals in a process known as electrocrystallization. This involves applying an electric current to a solution containing dissolved ions, causing them to move towards the opposite charged electrodes and form solid crystals.

2. Can crystals generate electricity?

Yes, certain types of crystals, such as piezoelectric crystals, have the ability to generate electricity when subjected to mechanical stress or pressure. This phenomenon is known as the piezoelectric effect.

3. How do crystals conduct electricity?

Crystals can conduct electricity through the movement of charged ions or electrons within their lattice structure. This movement creates a flow of electric current, allowing the crystal to act as a conductor.

4. What is the role of crystals in electronic devices?

Crystals are commonly used in electronic devices as oscillators, which generate a precise and stable electrical signal. They are also used in filters and resonators to control and manipulate the frequency of electrical currents.

5. Can crystals store electricity?

While crystals themselves do not store electricity, they are often used in conjunction with other materials to create capacitors, which can store electrical charge. This is due to the high dielectric constant of some crystals, which allows them to hold a large amount of charge in a small space.

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