How did he calculate the probabilities?

I figured it out.In summary, the smallest detectable showers in a larger area are 10^{16} eV. By considering only these showers, the lower counting rate for the setup can be determined. The probability of detecting a 10^{16} eV-shower at 0 m distance is 0.86, at 100 m it is 0.12, and it is zero at larger distances. Simplifying this, the probability of detecting a shower within 100 m of the center is 0.49, with zero probability outside this region. The collecting area is calculated to be 31415 m^{2}. The probabilities of 0.86, 0.12, and 0 can be
  • #1
0 (page 24/48)
"The smallest showers detectable with a reasonable probability over a larger area are [tex]10^{16}[/tex] eV showers. A lower shower counting rate for the setup can be deduced by only considering showers with this energy. A [tex]10^{16}[/tex] eV -shower is detected with a probability of 0.86 at 0 m distance, 0.12 at 100 m, and with zero probability at larger distances. This can be simplified to a probability [tex]P = \frac{0.86+0.12}{2} = 0.49[/tex] to detect a shower hitting within 100 m of the center, and zero probability outside this region. This collecting area is then 31415 m[tex]^{2}[/tex]."

How did he calculate the probabilities 0.86, 0.12 and 0? Please explain, this is so important...
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  • #2
Urvabara said:
How did he calculate the probabilities 0.86, 0.12 and 0? Please explain, this is so important...

Never mind...
  • #3

The author calculated the probabilities based on the detection efficiency of the setup for a 10^{16} eV shower at different distances from the center. This information was likely obtained through experimental measurements or simulations.

At 0 m distance, the probability of detecting a 10^{16} eV shower is 0.86, meaning that if a shower hits directly at the center of the setup, there is a high chance of it being detected.

At 100 m distance, the probability decreases to 0.12, indicating that the detection efficiency decreases as the distance from the center increases. This could be due to factors such as energy loss or scattering of the particles in the shower.

Beyond 100 m, the probability drops to zero, meaning that there is no chance of detecting a 10^{16} eV shower at distances larger than 100 m from the center.

To simplify the calculation, the author took the average of the probabilities at 0 m and 100 m, which is (0.86+0.12)/2 = 0.49. This means that there is a 49% chance of detecting a 10^{16} eV shower within 100 m of the center.

Based on this probability, the author then calculated the collecting area of the setup to be 31415 m^{2}. This is the area within which a shower has a 49% chance of being detected.

In summary, the probabilities were calculated based on the detection efficiency of the setup at different distances from the center, and the average probability was used to determine the collecting area.

FAQ: How did he calculate the probabilities?

1. How do scientists calculate probabilities?

Scientists use mathematical formulas and statistical analysis to calculate probabilities. They also take into account factors such as sample size, probability distributions, and confidence intervals.

2. What tools do scientists use to calculate probabilities?

Scientists use a variety of tools such as calculators, statistical software, and programming languages like R and Python to calculate probabilities.

3. Can probabilities be calculated for any situation?

In theory, probabilities can be calculated for any situation. However, the accuracy and reliability of the calculated probabilities may vary depending on the available data and assumptions made.

4. How do scientists validate the calculated probabilities?

Scientists use methods such as hypothesis testing and cross-validation to validate the calculated probabilities. They also compare the results to known outcomes or use real-world data to confirm the accuracy of their calculations.

5. Can probabilities change over time?

Yes, probabilities can change over time as new data becomes available or as the underlying conditions of a situation change. This is why it is important for scientists to continually update and improve their calculations as new information emerges.
