How Did the Invasion of Iraq Impact Your Perspective on War?

  • Thread starter Sorry!
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In summary, the conversation revolved around the feelings and impact of the Invasion of Iraq. The initial question asked how people from different countries and cultures felt about the invasion, to which one person shared their memory of watching it on CNN and feeling sickened by the destruction and loss of life. Another person mentioned the high number of civilian casualties and questioned the necessity of such a rapid and powerful military invasion. The conversation also touched upon the fact that similar conclusions have been drawn on the Political Forums, with many agreeing that it was a mistake. The overall sentiment was one of sadness and a desire to move on while not forgetting the mistakes made.
  • #1
I just finished watching that show called Generation Kill and I was reading the thread in the Politics forum. Since there are plenty of people on here from a variety of different countries/cultures I was wondering: How did/does the Invasion of Iraq make you feel?

I remember watching the invasion on CNN. I was in grade 9 at the time and aspiring to be a pilot for the Canadian forces. I remember watching the live video footage of Baghdad and you could hear the roar of fighter jets, you coudn't see them though. Next you would hear Iraqi AA weapons shooting blind (they had no way to detect the US bombers so were firing based mostly on sound). Then it would be semi quiet and BOOM a huge explosion followed by another and another... It was one of the sadest things I had ever seen... it made me feel sick to my stomach to know that another human being like myself was over there living through that. That day I decided that if as a pilot I may have to do that that I didn't want to do it.

"Americans might be offended by a comparison with September 11. But if that event traumatised the US, how do we measure the impact of such a rapid, high-powered military invasion on the life of ordinary Iraqis?"

7,629 civilians were killed during the Invasion of Iraq and from what I saw in the episodes of Generation Kill it was probably just the American military going way beyond the necessary means. This number is only the Invasion... not a total since occupation.

I do however remember feeling completely in awe at how quickly the Iraqi army was defeated. They put up barely any resistance only killing 172 coalition forces in the invasion compared to the 10 000 they had lost. It made me feel that in these modern times if a modern country with an advanced military wanted to invade a country, they just can go do it no problem... in out in a few months country completely destroyed and the opposing country couldn't even put up a fight. Would this be the same way against a country like say Britain? The would be bombed pretty much the exact same way... and I think that it is those bombings that really turn the tide of the war. It's not exactly like a sudden invasion will allow Britain to effectively 'counter-attack' America... Say America wanted to invade Canada?
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  • #2
Similar conclusions have been drawn over thousands of times on the PF. There is not enough to argue about; most agree it was an act of poor judgment. The damages cannot be undone hence I believe it is time to move on while not forgetting the mistakes made.
  • #3
rootX said:
Similar conclusions have been drawn over thousands of times on the PF. There is not enough to argue about; most agree it was an act of poor judgment. The damages cannot be undone hence I believe it is time to move on while not forgetting the mistakes made.

Has it? Sorry I never saw a thread about this on PF before lol... I'm getting more specifically at their feelings during the invasion, not what they felt after the fact.

Sorry if it's been posted already though
  • #4
Sorry! said:
Has it? Sorry I never saw a thread about this on PF before lol... I'm getting more specifically at their feelings during the invasion, not what they felt after the fact.

Sorry if it's been posted already though

I believe Iraq war has been discussed many times before.. now once again in the Politics. I never see anything new in them ... Same material over and over again.
  • #5
Sorry! said:
How did/does the Invasion of Iraq make you feel?
Sad - for the lives lost and damaged. :frown:

Related to How Did the Invasion of Iraq Impact Your Perspective on War?

1. What was the main reason for the invasion of Iraq?

The main reason for the invasion of Iraq was the belief that Saddam Hussein's regime possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and posed a threat to the United States and its allies. This belief was based on flawed intelligence and later proved to be false.

2. Was the invasion of Iraq legal?

The legality of the invasion of Iraq is a controversial topic. The United Nations did not authorize the invasion, and some argue that it violated international law. However, the United States and its allies argued that the invasion was justified under the principle of self-defense and the belief that Iraq possessed WMDs.

3. How many casualties resulted from the invasion of Iraq?

The exact number of casualties from the invasion of Iraq is difficult to determine. According to the Iraq Body Count project, which tracks civilian deaths, there were between 185,000 and 208,000 documented civilian deaths as a direct result of the invasion and subsequent conflict. However, estimates vary and do not include military casualties or deaths indirectly caused by the invasion.

4. Did the invasion of Iraq achieve its goals?

The invasion of Iraq was intended to remove Saddam Hussein from power, eliminate Iraq's possession of WMDs, and promote democracy and stability in the region. While Saddam Hussein was removed from power, no WMDs were found and the country has faced ongoing conflict and instability since the invasion.

5. What were the long-term consequences of the invasion of Iraq?

The invasion of Iraq had significant long-term consequences, including a rise in sectarian violence, displacement of millions of people, and the emergence of extremist groups such as ISIS. It also strained relationships between the United States and other countries, and has had a lasting impact on the political and social dynamics of the Middle East region.

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