How difficult is it to solve this elliptic ODE.

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In summary, the conversation discusses a research problem involving solving an elliptic integral related to a radial null geodesic in the Schwarzschild metric. The speaker has attempted various methods, including using Mathematica and a substitution, but has not been successful. A possible solution is suggested by using a separable ODE and obtaining an approximate solution through a series expansion.
  • #1
Hello, I am working on a research problem and I am not sure whether or not I will be able to figure this out in a suitable amount of time. I have never solved a single elliptic integral and they do seem non-trivial to gain an understanding of (most of the books I've glanced at assume a very high level knowledge of differential equations). I do not need an exact solution to this integral(I am in the regime where 1/r^3 <<1), but I am just curious how difficult it would be to obtain an approximate solution to r(λ) for

[itex] (\frac{dr}{dλ})^2 = E^2 - \frac{L^2}{2r^2} + \frac{GML^2}{r^3} [/itex]

This is an important result for physics, namely it is a radial null geodesic in the Schwarzschild metric. Usually substitutions are made to bring it to a differential equation of dr/d(phi), but I want to know the solution in terms of the affine parameter λ.

I tried separating, solving the radial coordinate and then back-solving for λ, but this was very far from being useful. Mathematica is not much help in solving this ode sadly, but I do recognize that it should have a solution in terms of elliptic functions. I even tried a u=1/r substitution and did not gain any ground that way. Any thoughts or tips on good resources and how difficult this should be to solve are welcomed.
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  • #3
Hi !
it's a separable ODE. So the function λ(r) can be expressed on integral form (attachment)
Then, an approximate is obtainded on the form of a limited series expansion. For less deviation, expand it with more terms.
If you need an approximate of the function r(λ), you have to inverse the series.


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FAQ: How difficult is it to solve this elliptic ODE.

What is an elliptic ODE?

An elliptic ODE (ordinary differential equation) is a type of mathematical equation that involves one or more derivatives of an unknown function. The equation is said to be elliptic if the highest order derivative appears with a positive sign and all lower order derivatives appear with negative signs.

How is solving an elliptic ODE different from solving other types of ODEs?

Solving an elliptic ODE is different from solving other types of ODEs because it requires boundary conditions to be satisfied, rather than initial conditions. This means that the solution must satisfy the equation at all points along the boundary of the domain, rather than just at a single point.

What makes solving an elliptic ODE difficult?

There are several reasons why solving an elliptic ODE can be difficult. One reason is that there is no general formula or method for finding the solution, so it often requires advanced mathematical techniques and numerical methods. Additionally, the boundary conditions can be complex and may not have a unique solution, making it challenging to find the correct solution.

What are some common techniques for solving an elliptic ODE?

Some common techniques for solving an elliptic ODE include separation of variables, power series solutions, and numerical methods such as finite difference or finite element methods. These techniques involve breaking down the equation into simpler parts and finding an approximate solution.

What are some real-world applications of elliptic ODEs?

Elliptic ODEs have many real-world applications, particularly in physics, engineering, and finance. They are used to model heat transfer, fluid dynamics, and electromagnetic fields, among other phenomena. They are also used in the pricing of financial derivatives and in image processing algorithms.
