How do babies develop language skills?

  • Lingusitics
  • Thread starter Vance
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In summary, Chomsky believes that the grammar engine in our brains enables us to reconstruct the language spoken to us as children, and that intonation and tone are key indicators of understanding.
  • #1
Can you tell me about it ?
Where does it come from ? Why do we understand each other though we speak different languages ?

Thanks in advance
Science news on
  • #2
vance think now you are all free right ?
So vance make this question, please help...

  • #3
Where does it come from ?
Where does it come from ?
Where does it come from ?
Where does it come from ?
  • #4
Well notably Chomsky said that we have a grammar engine somewhere in our brains that at a sufficiently abstract level enables each of us to reconstruct internally in childhood the language spoken about us. Recently Chomsky has conjectured that instead of the complex generative grammar facilities which have long been associiated with his theory, only recursion is hardwired in the human brain. He feels that is sufficient for each individual to reconstruct his home language in order to understand and speak it.
  • #5
Well, from recently being in the presence of many babies in the newborn to 2 year old range (we have had a real baby-boom lately!), I've been fascinated by their language development. One thing I've really noticed is that some things are common among all of them, even if their parents speak different languages at home. One of those is the nonverbal language...pointing to things, associating different actions with one another (for example, my friend's daughter gets her hat when she wants to go outside because she has associated going outside with her mom putting a hat on her). The other thing I've noticed is that long before the baby babble becomes coherent words (at least to those of us not fluent in baby babble), the tones and inflections of speech develop. It is the most bizarre thing to listen to a kid babbling and it sounds like they really just said a sentence, just in a foreign language or something, and yet it was all just babble. Intonation conveys a lot of meaning (something seriously lost on the internet in written word). I've noticed this when around people speaking languages I'm not as fluent in. Even if I don't understand the words, I know when they are telling a joke, or asking a question, just by the way they speak, not by the words used. I have cousins who are twins and my mom and aunts all tell me that they had their own language when younger. The two of them would talk to each other in babble nobody else understood, but it seemed they understood each other quite well. I think language development is incredibly fascinating, but I don't know much about it other than what I've witnessed in babies.

FAQ: How do babies develop language skills?

1. Where did the first language originate?

The origin of the first language is a topic of debate among linguists. Some theories suggest that language evolved from grunts and gestures used by early humans, while others propose that it was a divine gift or a result of cognitive development. There is no conclusive evidence, so the exact origin of language remains a mystery.

2. How many languages are there in the world?

The exact number of languages in the world is difficult to determine because it depends on how you define a language. Some estimates suggest there are over 7,000 languages, while others propose a lower number due to dialects and regional variations. Additionally, some languages may be considered endangered or extinct.

3. Can language be traced back to a single source?

No, it is unlikely that language can be traced back to a single source. As humans migrated and evolved, languages also diversified and evolved alongside them. While some languages may share common roots, there is no one language that can be considered the origin of all others.

4. How do languages change over time?

Languages change over time through a process called language evolution. This can occur through various mechanisms such as borrowing words from other languages, sound changes, and grammatical changes. Language also evolves as societies and cultures change, leading to new words and phrases being created to describe new concepts and ideas.

5. Why do languages have different writing systems?

Different writing systems exist because languages have evolved and developed independently in different parts of the world. Some writing systems, such as the Latin alphabet, have been adapted and used for multiple languages. However, others, like Chinese characters, are specific to one language. Writing systems also reflect the cultural and historical influences of a particular language and its speakers.

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