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Homework Statement
Assume we have an infinitely deep square well of length L, with the left edge of the well at -L/2. Assume U = 0 at the bottom and infinity at the top. A) Using the time independent Schrodinger Equation, derive the wave equation for a particle trapped in this well. Make sure your equation is properly normalized
Homework Equations
shrodingers equation, the general solution to it which is Asinkx +Bcoskx=psi(0)
The Attempt at a Solution
I know that sin is and odd function and cos is even so I am supposed to arrive at two wave functions and have different values of n, even values for cos and odd for sin. I am supposed to get Psi(x)= (2/L)^.5sin(npix/L) where n is odd values and the same thing except cos and even values. I am having trouble deriving this using my boundary conditions, and I am also having trouble normalizing it.