How Do Characters of Group Actions Define Values on Conjugacy Classes?

  • Thread starter Kreizhn
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In summary, the values in the table can be calculated using the Orbit-Stabilizer theorem and the fact that the stabilizer of an element of $S_\mu$ is the product of the stabilizers of each point under the action of the symmetric group.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider the symmetric group on n-letters denoted [itex] S_n [/itex]. For [itex] \lambda [/itex] a positive integer partition of n (under the usual cycle type notation) define [itex] \sigma_\lambda[/itex] to be the character of the permutation representation of [itex] S_n [/itex] acting on the set of all ways to divide n into sets of size [itex] \lambda[/itex].

Show that these characters have the following values on conjugacy classes of [itex] S_4 [/itex]

[tex] \begin{array}{l|rrrrr}
& [1 1 1 1] & [2 1 1] & [2 2] & [3 1] & [4] \\ \hline
\sigma_4 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
\sigma_{3,1} & 4 & 2 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\
\sigma_{2,2} & 6 & 2 & 2 & 0 & 0 \\
\sigma_{2,1,1} & 12 & 2 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
\sigma_{1,1,1,1} & 24 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0

The Attempt at a Solution

Even just trying to figure out what "the character of the permutation representation of [itex] S_n [/itex] acting on the set of all ways to divide n into sets of size [itex] \lambda[/itex]" means is hurting my head, though I think I might get it. In particular, let [itex] \mu [/itex] be another partition of n and take [itex] S_\mu [/itex] to be the set of all [itex] \mu [/itex] partitions of [itex] \{ 1, 2, \cdots, n \} [/itex]. Then [itex] (\lambda,\mu) [/itex] element of the table is the number of fixed points of [itex] S_\mu [/itex] under permutations of cycle type [itex] \lambda [/itex].

First Question: Have I interpreted this correctly? Some scratch calculations imply the numbers in the table may actually be the number of orbits (for any fixed element) of the action.

Second Question: Is this well defined? Namely, by choosing an arbitrary [itex] \lambda [/itex] cycle, are we always ensured the number of fixed points of [itex] S_\mu [/itex] are the same? I think this is true (and must be for the table to make sense), and works because [itex] S_\mu [/itex] contains ALL the possible partitions of n by [itex] \mu[/itex].

Third Question: How does one calculate these table values in a reasonable way. I can kind of see it, but it's not precise in my head.
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  • #2
Thanks in advance for any help.A:The character is well defined, because if you have two permutations of the same cycle type, they conjugate each other, and so the number of fixed points of $S_\mu$ under them must be the same.To calculate the values in the table, you can use the Orbit-Stabilizer theorem. The idea is that you consider the action of $S_4$ on $S_\mu$, and look at the orbit of a single element of $S_\mu$ under this action. If you take a permutation $\sigma \in S_4$ of cycle type $\lambda$, then the number of elements of the orbit of this single element of $S_\mu$ is $\frac{|S_4|}{|\text{Stab}(\mu)|}$, where $\text{Stab}(\mu)$ is the stabilizer of that element of $S_\mu$. Since the size of the orbit does not depend on the particular element of $S_\mu$ chosen, the same formula holds for all elements of $S_\mu$.The size of the stabilizer of an element of $S_\mu$ can be calculated using the fact that it is the product of the stabilizers of each point under the action of the symmetric group. We can calculate the stabilizer of a point $p$ by considering how it is permuted by elements of $S_4$. If $p$ is in a part of size $k$, then the stabilizer of $p$ will be $S_{k-1}$ (it is the set of permutations that fix $p$). So if the partition is $\mu = (\mu_1, \mu_2, \cdots, \mu_r)$, then $$|\text{Stab}(\mu)| = |S_{\mu_1 - 1}||S_{\mu_2 - 1}| \cdots |S_{\mu_r - 1}|.$$You can then use the result of the Orbit-Stabilizer theorem to calculate the size of the orbit of an element of $S_\mu$, and so the character value.

FAQ: How Do Characters of Group Actions Define Values on Conjugacy Classes?

1. What is a group action?

A group action is a mathematical concept that describes how a group of objects, or elements, can be transformed or operated on by a set of operations, or actions. It is a fundamental concept in group theory and has applications in various fields of mathematics, including abstract algebra, geometry, and combinatorics.

2. What are the key components of a group action?

The key components of a group action are the group, the set of objects being acted upon, and the set of operations or actions that transform the objects. These components must satisfy certain properties, such as closure and associativity, in order for the group action to be well-defined.

3. What is the significance of the orbit and stabilizer in a group action?

The orbit and stabilizer are two important concepts in group actions. The orbit refers to the set of all elements that can be obtained by applying the group action to a given element. The stabilizer, on the other hand, refers to the subgroup of elements that leave a given element unchanged under the group action. These concepts are useful in understanding the structure of a group and its actions.

4. How does the concept of group action relate to symmetry?

Group actions are closely related to symmetry. In fact, symmetry can be thought of as a type of group action, where the set of objects being acted upon are geometric figures or shapes, and the group consists of transformations that preserve the shape, such as rotations, reflections, and translations.

5. What are some real-world applications of group actions?

Group actions have many practical applications, including in crystallography, chemistry, and physics. For example, group actions can be used to understand the symmetries of molecules and crystals, which is important in determining their properties and behavior. Group actions are also used in coding theory and cryptography, where they are used to encode and decode data for secure communication.
