How Do Charge Distributions Affect a Spherical Dielectric Shell?

In summary, The question discusses a spherical dielectric shell with different values of dielectric constant inside and outside the shell. The task is to find the electric polarization and electric surface charge density at different points on the shell when a charge Q is placed at its center. The solutions for a) and b) are found to be Q/(4*pi*r^2) * (ε_r-1)/ε_r and 0, respectively. However, there is confusion about the sign of the solution for c) at r = a and r = b, with the correct answers being -Q/(4*pi*a^2) * (ε_r-1)/ε_r and -Q/(4*pi*b^2) * (ε_r-
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a spherical dielectric shell so that ε = ε_0ε_r for a < r < b and ε = ε_0 for 0 < r < a. If a charge Q is placed at the center of the shell, find

a) P for a < r < b
b) ρ_pv for a < r b
c) ρ_ps at r = a and r = b

Homework Equations

ρ_pv = -div(P)
ρ_ps = P [itex]\cdot[/itex]a_n

The Attempt at a Solution

I've managed to solve a) with the answer
Q/(4*pi*r^2) * (ε_r-1)/ε_r​
which is correct (checked the answers).

I've also solved b) which is ρ_pv = 0 since ρ_pv = -div(P).

I have trouble to find ρ_ps at r = a and r = b. The answer states that
-Q/(4*pi*a^2) * (ε_r-1)/ε_r and -Q/(4*pi*b^2) * (ε_r-1)/ε_r​
respectively. Where is that negative sign coming from?
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  • #2
On the r = a I would guess that we get a negative sign since we're having a unit vector a_r which goes outward from the origin. And since the normal to the surface when r = a is the -a_r I would guess that the negative sign when r = a is correct. But when r = b, the unit vector from P and a_r are booth positive, so why negative there?

FAQ: How Do Charge Distributions Affect a Spherical Dielectric Shell?

What is an electromagnetic field?

An electromagnetic field is a physical field that is produced by electrically charged particles and is characterized by the presence of both electric and magnetic components. It is a fundamental concept in electromagnetism and plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of light, as well as the interactions between electric charges and magnetic materials.

How does an electromagnetic field work?

An electromagnetic field is created when electrically charged particles, such as electrons, are in motion. As these charged particles accelerate, they produce a disturbance in the surrounding space, resulting in an electromagnetic wave. This wave carries energy and can interact with other charged particles, causing them to move and generate their own electromagnetic fields.

What is the relationship between electricity and magnetism in an electromagnetic field?

An electromagnetic field is the result of the interaction between electricity and magnetism. Electric charges create electric fields, while moving electric charges (currents) create magnetic fields. These fields are intertwined and cannot exist without each other. This relationship is described by Maxwell's equations, which form the basis of electromagnetic field theory.

What are some applications of electromagnetic field theory?

Electromagnetic field theory has numerous applications in modern technology, including wireless communication, power generation and distribution, medical imaging, and navigation systems. It also plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of electromagnetic radiation, such as light, which is essential in fields such as optics and astronomy.

How does electromagnetic field theory contribute to our understanding of the universe?

Electromagnetic field theory is essential in understanding the fundamental forces and interactions in the universe. It explains how electrically charged particles interact with each other and the effects of these interactions, such as the behavior of light and the formation of magnetic fields in celestial objects. It also plays a crucial role in modern theories of the universe, such as the Big Bang theory and the theory of relativity.
