How do constraints affect the Hamiltonian in mean-field approximation?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of a constraint in a simple tight-binding Hamiltonian in half-filling systems. The constraint is enforced by adding a Lagrange multiplier, which can be interpreted as a chemical potential. There is confusion about how the constraint works in mean-field approximation and whether squaring it would help. The conversation also touches on the Fourier space representation and the process of varying with respect to the Lagrange multiplier to find the ground state energy.
  • #1
Please correct me if I make any mistakes along the way.

Suppose we have a simple tight-binding Hamiltonian
[itex]H=\sum_i \epsilon _i c_i^\dagger c_i - t\sum_{\langle i j\rangle} c_i^\dagger c_j + h.c.,[/itex]
In half-filling systems, we tend to impose a constraint such that each site has only one electron on average, i.e.,
[itex]\langle c^\dagger_i c_i\rangle = 1[/itex]

Suppose I were to ensure that this constraint is in the Hamiltonian, I add a Lagrange multiplier (which ends up to be a chemical potential?)
[itex]H=\sum_i \epsilon _i c_i^\dagger c_i - t\sum_{\langle i j\rangle} c_i^\dagger c_j + h.c. - \mu_i (c^\dagger_i c_i-1),[/itex]

Now my confusion comes in, how does the constraint work here, since the 1 is a constant, and can be effectively ignored to obtain a Hamiltonian like
[itex]H=\sum_i (\epsilon_i - \mu_i) c_i^\dagger c_i - t\sum_{\langle i j\rangle} c_i^\dagger c_j + h.c.,[/itex]
so how can I ensure that my constraint is really doing anything in mean-field (MF) since I could have the constraint be any other number?

I'm working only in the mean-field approximation.
I received a suggestion to square the constraint, and hence end up with a quartic term, that can be solved perturbatively. However, it seems at zeroth (first?) order in mean-field, the entire term disappears

[itex](c^\dagger_i c_i-1)^2 = c_i^\dagger c_i c_i^\dagger c_i -2 c_i^\dagger c_i +1[/itex]

Under MF, with the equation [itex]AB \approx \langle A\rangle B + A\langle B\rangle - \langle A\rangle \langle B \rangle,[/itex]

[itex] 2\langle c_i^\dagger c_i \rangle c_i^\dagger c_i - \langle c_i^\dagger c_i \rangle \langle c_i^\dagger c_i \rangle -2 c_i^\dagger c_i +1 = 2 c_i^\dagger c_i - 1\cdot 1 - 2c_i^\dagger c_i +1=0[/itex]

I hope someone can relieve some of my confusion.
Specifically, I am working with slave fermions and want to impose [itex]\langle f_i^\dagger f_i \rangle=2[/itex] for a spin, [itex]S=1[/itex] system, and with itinerant electrons with [itex]\langle c_i^\dagger c_i \rangle=1[/itex]
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  • #2
CKtalon said:
Please correct me if I make any mistakes along the way.

Suppose we have a simple tight-binding Hamiltonian
[itex]H=\sum_i \epsilon _i c_i^\dagger c_i - t\sum_{\langle i j\rangle} c_i^\dagger c_j + h.c.,[/itex]
In half-filling systems, we tend to impose a constraint such that each site has only one electron on average, i.e.,
[itex]\langle c^\dagger_i c_i\rangle = 1[/itex]

Suppose I were to ensure that this constraint is in the Hamiltonian, I add a Lagrange multiplier (which ends up to be a chemical potential?)
[itex]H=\sum_i \epsilon _i c_i^\dagger c_i - t\sum_{\langle i j\rangle} c_i^\dagger c_j + h.c. + \mu_i (c^\dagger_i c_i-1),[/itex]

Now my confusion comes in, how does the constraint work here, since the 1 is a constant, and can be effectively ignored to obtain a Hamiltonian like
[itex]H=\sum_i (\epsilon_i - \mu_i) c_i^\dagger c_i - t\sum_{\langle i j\rangle} c_i^\dagger c_j + h.c.,[/itex]
so how can I ensure that my constraint is really doing anything in mean-field (MF) since I could have the constraint be any other number?

But it's not just 1, it's [itex]\mu_i[/itex]. You've introduced a new set of variables into your Hamiltonian to enforce your constraint. You can't treat them as constants. Varying the Hamiltonian with respect to a [itex]\mu_i[/itex] should enforce the constraint.

I'm working only in the mean-field approximation.
I received a suggestion to square the constraint, and hence end up with a quartic term, that can be solved perturbatively. However, it seems at zeroth (first?) order in mean-field, the entire term disappears

[itex](c^\dagger_i c_i-1)^2 = c_i^\dagger c_i c_i^\dagger c_i -2 c_i^\dagger c_i +1[/itex]

Under MF, with the equation [itex]AB \approx \langle A\rangle B + A\langle B\rangle - \langle A\rangle \langle B \rangle,[/itex]

[itex] 2\langle c_i^\dagger c_i \rangle c_i^\dagger c_i - \langle c_i^\dagger c_i \rangle \langle c_i^\dagger c_i \rangle -2 c_i^\dagger c_i +1 = 2 c_i^\dagger c_i - 1\cdot 1 - 2c_i^\dagger c_i +1=0[/itex]

I hope someone can relieve some of my confusion.
Specifically, I am working with slave fermions and want to impose [itex]\langle f_i^\dagger f_i \rangle=2[/itex] for a spin, [itex]S=1[/itex] system, and with itinerant electrons with [itex]\langle c_i^\dagger c_i \rangle=1[/itex]

I don't see how squaring the constraint would have helped your original problem - you'll still produce a constant term that you would have neglected along your original line of reasoning. But, since I don't think it's appropriate to disregard the [itex]\mu_i[/itex] terms, you should be fine with the linear constraint.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply. So the next usual step is to go to Fourier space, so my Hamiltonian and chemical potential becomes something like
[itex]H = \sum_k [-2t\cos ka + (\epsilon_k - \mu_k)]c_k^\dagger c_k + \alpha\mu_{k=0},[/itex]
where we had the constraint [itex]c^\dagger_i c_i - \alpha[/itex].

Wouldn't the 2nd [itex]\mu_{k=0}[/itex] term be considered a constant shift of the energy bands then (albeit only at [itex]k=0[/itex], which leads to some discontinuous effects?)

The term in the [itex]\epsilon_k-\mu_k[/itex] doesn't inherit the constraint value, [itex]\alpha[/itex].

Also, how does one vary with respect to [itex]\mu_k[/itex] to find the ground state energy? It seems I could arbitrarily set [itex]\mu_k[/itex] as big as possible (hence enforcing the constraint), but yet doesn't seem really physical to me...

I guess I'm just confused over this constraint business.

I refer to a similar part in Griffiths QM, pg 237,238 (Chapter 5.4.3).
In Eq 5.88 and 5.89, we vary [itex]G[/itex], but we see that [itex]\frac{\partial G}{\partial N_n}[/itex] is independent of [itex]N[/itex] which was the constraint. So how is this constraint enforced in the first place?
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Related to How do constraints affect the Hamiltonian in mean-field approximation?

1. What are constraints in Hamiltonian?

Constraints in Hamiltonian refer to conditions or restrictions that limit the possible states or movements of a physical system. These constraints can be mathematical or physical in nature and are used to describe the behavior of the system.

2. Why are constraints important in Hamiltonian?

Constraints are important in Hamiltonian because they help to simplify the mathematical equations that describe the system and make the analysis more manageable. They also reflect the underlying physical laws that govern the behavior of the system.

3. What is the role of constraints in the Hamiltonian formalism?

The role of constraints in the Hamiltonian formalism is to reduce the number of degrees of freedom in the system. This allows for a more efficient and accurate description of the system's dynamics, making it easier to solve problems and make predictions.

4. How are constraints incorporated into the Hamiltonian equations?

Constraints are incorporated into the Hamiltonian equations through the use of Lagrange multipliers, which are variables that represent the constraints and are added to the Hamiltonian function. This ensures that the constraints are satisfied throughout the system's evolution.

5. What are some examples of constraints in Hamiltonian systems?

Some examples of constraints in Hamiltonian systems include conservation laws such as the conservation of energy or momentum, geometric constraints such as the fixed length of a pendulum, and holonomic constraints such as the fixed position of a particle on a surface.

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