How do derivatives provide answers for optimization problems ?

In summary, the use of first derivatives in optimization equations involves finding the point where the derivative is zero, which indicates a maximum or minimum. This is a necessary condition, but not always a sufficient one.
  • #1
I' at a a very very very basic level of calculus and usually have to watch a video or read something basic just to understand the basics.

I'm fascinated by optimization equations, for example what is the largest area that can made with 500m of fencing. So at some point in solving this we end up using the first derivative.

My limited understanding of first derivatives however relates to finding the slope of of a point on a curve.

What I am currently struggling to understand is how does finding the slope on a point of a curve relate to finding the maximum area that can be created with a certain amount of fencing?

thanks in advance for any help with this
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  • #2
The slope of a curve at a maximum or minimum is zero, hence the derivative of the function is zero at these points.
  • #3
Consider an area with sides of length a and b so that 2(a+b) =500. The area is given by ab and by substitution a(250-a). If you plot the graph of area (on the y axis) as a function of a (on the x axis) will get a curve:
Y = 250x -x^2 which will increase initially and them start to fall.
You are trying to find the point where the area is a maximum and that will when y is a maximum. The gradient of the curve at that point will be zero.
  • #4
If the derivative at a point is positive the function value is increasing- increasing x slightly will give a higher value so the point is not a maximum, decreasing x slightly will give a lower value so the point is not a minimum.

If the derivative at a point is negative the function value is decreasing- increasing x slightly will give a lower value so the point is not a minimum, decreasing x slightly will give a higher value so the point is not a maximum.

A maximum or minimum can only occur where the derivative is 0.

But note that this is a "necessary condition", not a "sufficient condition". The derivative of [itex]y= x^3[/itex], [itex]3x^2[/itex], is 0 at x= 0 but there is neither maximum nor minimum there.

FAQ: How do derivatives provide answers for optimization problems ?

1. What are derivatives?

Derivatives are mathematical tools used to measure the rate of change of a function with respect to its independent variable. They are used to analyze the behavior of functions and can provide information about the slope, concavity, and extrema of a function.

2. How do derivatives help with optimization problems?

Derivatives are used in optimization problems to find the maximum or minimum value of a function. By taking the derivative of a function and setting it equal to zero, we can find the critical points of the function which can then be used to determine the optimal solution.

3. Can derivatives be used to optimize real-world problems?

Yes, derivatives can be used to optimize real-world problems in fields such as economics, engineering, and physics. For example, derivatives can be used to optimize production costs in a business or to maximize the efficiency of a machine.

4. What is the difference between first and second derivatives in optimization problems?

The first derivative, also known as the slope or rate of change, tells us the direction in which a function is increasing or decreasing. The second derivative, also known as the concavity, tells us the rate at which the slope is changing. In optimization problems, the first derivative is used to find critical points and the second derivative is used to determine whether these points are maximum or minimum values.

5. Are there any limitations to using derivatives in optimization problems?

Yes, there are limitations to using derivatives in optimization problems. These limitations include non-differentiable functions, discontinuities, and critical points that do not correspond to maximum or minimum values. It is important to carefully analyze and interpret the results obtained from derivatives in optimization problems to ensure they are accurate and applicable.

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