How do electronics generate frequencies/signals ?

  • Thread starter knight92
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In summary: Resistors are used to change the voltage, while capacitors discharge in bigger amounts (which can create oscillations). You can use Ohm's law to calculate the value of a resistor or capacitor, and know what value will create a certain frequency. Additionally, understanding RLC circuits will help you understand how to create FM signals with oscillators.
  • #1
Hi, I was just wondering how these electronic components connected together on a PCB with an antenna produce frequencies.

1. I found schematics for a circuit that transmits FM but it doesn't actually explain anything, you basically connect a microphone, a transister, a variable resistor, some fixed resistors, some capacitors which are connected to an antenna along with a coil of copper wire(whats this for ?). I just don't understand how these things produce a frequency that can transmit my voice. Also further reading shows that you can take the microphone out and emit noise which if at the right frequency would disrupt the signal of a nearby radio tuned at that frequency now I know why this would happen because those noise will cancel out the signal received by the radio something I learned in A-Level physics.

2. Why not just connect a capacitor to a copper coil around iron to emit frequencies much like EMPs but at low energy so it does fry anything just emit certain frequencies ? Again I am also confused about EMPs, do they work because the electrons discharged from the capacitor go round in a coil and just jump out in the air ? if so why not just use a straight wire why do we have to use a coil ?

I would appreciate if someone could explain to me the concept behind these devices. I am getting more and more interested in RF engineering even though I am doing mechanical. Cheers.
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  • #2
You must have missed an oscillator somewhere in the schematic. It generate a higher frequency carrier that the voice signal modulates on it.
  • #3
There's enough questions there to write a book-length answer (or even several books)...

Google will find plenty of tutorials on basic electronics.

If you don't know anything about electronic components, start by learning about resistors (OK, you probably know Ohms law already!) capacitors and inductors.

Then look at series and paralllel RLC circuits. You should be able to relate those to what you know about mechanical vibrations in ME.

The look at transistor amplifiers, feedback, and oscillators.

Now you know enough to design working circuits that will transmit and receive Morse code...

I'm going to stop there, because if you do start studying this, you will almost certainly come back with some more specific questions about what you don't understand (and PF is a good place to ask them).
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  • #4
You can look here for some oscillator circuits:

Depending on the circuit, these oscillators may produce sinewave or square wave output, however the output is repetitive and will normally continue until the power is removed.

Oscillator circuits with inductance and capacitance in a tuned circuit will produce sinusoidal output which can be varied in frequency by varying the values of the inductance or capacitance or both.
  • #5
You have to eat this large pizza in small chunks. :)
1. All those discrete components are performing some block level functions of FM modulator.
In the heart of the FM is the Local Oscillator (L.O.) generated by positive feedback (unstable) circuits.
In NBFM. L.O. may be generated by Colpitt or Hartley Oscillator or Crystal oscillator.
The baseband signal is integrated and multiplied with -90 degree phase shifted L.O. which is amplified and mixed with the carrier which is the L.O. itself.
The expression of FM becomes,
[itex]x_{NBFM}[/itex](t) = Acos [itex]\omega_{c}[/itex]t - A[itex]k_{f}[/itex]sin [itex]\omega_{c}[/itex]t * [itex]\int[/itex]m(t)dt
the spectrum of FM has many discrete frequency components shown below. The first one is NBFM.

Now until we see the circuit I can't tell you which part does what.

2. EMP acts much more like an antenna emits EM wave. Only more powerful. A very good thing to study the usefulness of powerful EM wave is the magnetron in microwave which makes the water molecules in food dance in its own tune. hehe. However, if the same thing is aimed at us we will be nuked.
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  • #6
Hi thanks for the reply.

Yungman- It does not have an osc in it:

Alephzero-I do know about the components like resistors and capacitors and that's why I am confused because I do understand that capacitors will be used to discharge in bigger amounts but why need more than one in a circuit ? How do you know that you need more ?

I know what resistors are, I can use the V=IR (ohm's eq) to change the voltage by alternating the resistor but how does this help at all ? I read about the RLC circuits but again how does connecting a capacitor to a coil produce harmonic oscillations. In my head everytime someone says "oscillations" I think of pendulums I just don't understand this concept in electronics.

vk6kro- the circuit there does have variable resistors and capacitors so basically that's how you change the frequencies right ? but then how do you know what capacitance sets a certain frequency can you give me an equation ?
  • #7
Kholdstare said:
You have to eat this large pizza in small chunks. :)
1. All those discrete components are performing some block level functions of FM modulator.
In the heart of the FM is the Local Oscillator (L.O.) generated by positive feedback (unstable) circuits.
In NBFM. L.O. may be generated by Colpitt or Hartley Oscillator or Crystal oscillator.
The baseband signal is integrated and multiplied with -90 degree phase shifted L.O. which is amplified and mixed with the carrier which is the L.O. itself.
The expression of FM becomes,
[itex]x_{NBFM}[/itex](t) = Acos [itex]\omega_{c}[/itex]t - A[itex]k_{f}[/itex]sin [itex]\omega_{c}[/itex]t * [itex]\int[/itex]m(t)dt
the spectrum of FM has many discrete frequency components shown below. The first one is NBFM.

Now until we see the circuit I can't tell you which part does what.

2. EMP acts much more like an antenna emits EM wave. Only more powerful. A very good thing to study the usefulness of powerful EM wave is the magnetron in microwave which makes the water molecules in food dance in its own tune. hehe. However, if the same thing is aimed at us we will be nuked.

Hey thanks for your reply. Can you tell me what the A,k and the function m(t) is in the equation ? Also what is the angular velocity w(c) for ?

this is the circuit: It does not have an amplifier or a L.O. Also I don't understand what the "positive" feedback is. I did study about it as there is a small module about electronics in my degree but I never understood what this feedback actually is. All I understand is that a device communicates with another device and the device sends some data/information back which I think is feedback.

For the emp you said it is much like an antenna which produces EM waves but then is the coil to send the EM waves like a tsunami wave ? LOL I am confused sorry for all the questions. Also do mobile phones operate on FM modulation as well or are they in a league of their own ? haha.
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  • #8
You asked about the FM transmitter.

The transistor forms an oscillator with the components around it.

The frequency is controlled mostly by the inductance of L and the combined capacitance of the 28 pF and the variable capacitor TR.
The frequency is about 100 MHz as mentioned in the text.

The 5pF capacitor is what turns this circuit into an oscillator as it provides feedback from output back to the input.

Variable resistor 1-10K does not affect frequency. It provides current to operate the microphone.
  • #9
vk6kro said:
The transistor forms an oscillator with the components around it.

The 5pF capacitor is what turns this circuit into an oscillator as it provides feedback from output back to the input.

Cheers for that mate. That is the sort of info I am looking for because it tells me how something works or why it is in the circuit in the first place. Can you tell me why the capacitor provides feedback ? is it because it is discharging ?
  • #10
Capacitors can conduct AC signals while stopping DC voltages.

That is what is happening here.

The AC signal at the collector of the transistor is connected to the emitter of the transistor and this allows some of the output signal to go back to the emitter where the transistor amplifies it and sends a bigger version of it to the output.

So, you may be able to see that this sort of behaviour will result in a circuit that generates its own signal by oscillating
  • #11
Knight, I think you understand a lot less than you think you do. That sort of overconfidence will not help you learn. You really should have at least some basic understanding of what capacitors, inductors, and resistors do if you want to understand how an oscillator works. I would recommend the allaboutcircuits website ebook, The Art of Electronics and maybe Practical Electronics for Inventors if you ignore all the example problems. They are wrong in ways that can screw up your understanding of the concepts he explains so well. The explanation for some electronic concepts are pretty good depending on how you feel about water analogies. Someone also recently recommended Electronic Principles by Malvino which looks promising to me. I plan to get myself a copy to check out. For a start try googling for LC or tank circuits. Then look at RLC circuits, which I believed are just a damped version of the same. All practical circuits will have some resistance. So even an LC circuit is really an RLC circuit in real life. A capacitor stores electrical energy. An inductor converts electrical energy to magnetic energy and stores it . When you connect them together in the right way you get a flux that continually converts between electric and magnetic and there's your oscillator. Connect an antenna to it and you will radiate those oscillations out into space as an electromagnetic wave. If you modulate that wave you can transmit information over it. Note that LC circuits are not the only way to generate EM waves. Other methods are used particularly at high frequencies.

FAQ: How do electronics generate frequencies/signals ?

1. How do electronics generate frequencies/signals?

Electronics generate frequencies/signals through the use of electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors. These components work together in circuits to produce an oscillating current, which creates the desired frequency/signal.

2. What is the role of a crystal oscillator in generating frequencies/signals?

A crystal oscillator is a specialized electronic component that uses the mechanical resonance of a vibrating crystal to create a stable frequency. It acts as the clock for the circuit, providing a precise and constant signal for other components to use.

3. How are different frequencies/signals generated by electronics?

Different frequencies/signals can be generated by changing the values of the components in a circuit, such as the resistance, capacitance, or inductance. Additionally, electronic devices such as wave generators and frequency synthesizers can be used to create specific frequencies/signals.

4. Can electronics generate multiple frequencies/signals simultaneously?

Yes, electronics can generate multiple frequencies/signals simultaneously through the use of frequency mixing techniques. This involves combining two or more signals of different frequencies to create a new signal with a different frequency. This is commonly used in communication systems.

5. How do changes in input voltage affect the generated frequency/signal?

The frequency/signal generated by electronics is often dependent on the input voltage. For example, in a voltage-controlled oscillator, the frequency will change as the input voltage changes. Additionally, some electronic components, such as transistors, can be used to amplify or modulate the input voltage to create different frequencies/signals.
