How do electrons impact the probability of fusion in a non-plasma fluid system?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of fusion in a system involving a non-plasma fluid and a high-energy atom. The role of electrons in the target molecule is also considered, with questions about how they may affect the probability of fusion. The Gamow-Sommerfeld factor is mentioned as a way to calculate this probability, but it may need to be modified to account for the presence of electrons. The impact of coulomb forces between the fast nucleus and the target nucleus at various distances is also discussed. Overall, the effect of electrons on fusion in this system is uncertain and more research is needed.
  • #1
Aidan Davis
Consider a system in which a non-plasma fluid (eg, gas, liquid, or supercritical fluid) consisting of a single isotope (for example, deuterium would be in the form of the D2 molecule) is struck with a small atom, stripped of all electrons. This atom also has a large amount of energy, enough to make fusion by tunneling significantly probable. The target would, of course, be neutral to the incoming positive charge at comparitively large distances. How would the electrons in the target molecule effect the probability of fusion? Would the Gamow-Sommerfeld factor apply fully here, or would the electrons inhibit fusion somehow? Or would they encourage it by allowing the fast positively charged atom to approach closer to the target nucleus without being repelled by coulomb forces?
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  • #2
Burhani Khaled said:
I also need help please!
I have a guess but I'm no expert so here goes:
A nucleus involved in fusion must come within roughly one fermi of the other to fuse. The Gamow-Sommerfeld factor, derived in the context of fusion in the sun here: ,gives the probability that, for two nuclei that are on a collision course with a certain total energy between them, fusion will occur due to quantum tunneling effects. The derivation assumes the energy level is low enough not to use the energy in other ways (eg, pair production).A modification to include the effect of electrons as they exist with the molecules in a non-plasma phase would treat the electrons as point charges at a set (but slightly varying) distance from the nucleus. In hydrogen, this is .25 Å. Consider a fast nucleus on a direct collision course with a target nucleus. At 1 Å, the coulomb force between two elementary charges is 23.077 nanoNewtons, varying by the inverse square law. Acting on a single particle! However, the repulsive force of the target nucleus cancels out this effect at long distances. Over 1 Å, this amount of force is provides just 14.4 eV, not compared to hundreds of KeV in the fast atom. So it seems it should be negligible, especially considering that beam-target fusion works fine in plasma targets containing electrons. But I can't find any data/studies/tests that confirm that this is a negligible effect.

FAQ: How do electrons impact the probability of fusion in a non-plasma fluid system?

1. What is the role of electrons in fusion reactions?

Electrons play a crucial role in fusion reactions by providing the necessary energy to overcome the repulsive forces between positively charged nuclei.

2. How do electrons contribute to the overall energy output of a fusion reaction?

Electrons are responsible for carrying a significant portion of the energy released in a fusion reaction. They transfer this energy to other particles through collisions, ultimately contributing to the overall energy output.

3. Can the number of electrons affect the success of a fusion reaction?

Yes, the number of electrons present in a fusion reaction can greatly influence its success. An insufficient number of electrons can result in a weaker energy output, while too many electrons can disrupt the reaction altogether.

4. How do electrons affect the stability of a fusion reaction?

Electrons help stabilize fusion reactions by creating a negative charge around the nuclei, reducing the repulsive forces and allowing the nuclei to fuse more easily.

5. Are there any challenges related to controlling the electron flow in fusion reactions?

Yes, controlling the electron flow in fusion reactions can be challenging as electrons are highly mobile and can be affected by external factors such as magnetic fields. This requires precise control and management of the fusion environment to ensure a successful reaction.
