How do emissivity and absorptivity affect thermal imaging results?"

  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Can these be different where the temperature inside is different than outside a building
Hi all,

I’ve run into a number of paints that are sold as “thermal” paints, or insulation paints. I know it’s mostly bs, but want a clarification on how emissivity and infrared absorption relate.

The salesperson says the paint surface has an emissivity of 0.91, and reflects 99.5% of infrared energy (95% of the solar energy infrared, visual and UV). He claims with thermal images, that the paint can reduce the surface temperature of concrete by about 20 degrees on a hot day (taking it from about 47C down to 26C when the ambient temperature is about 31C). While the white colour would reflect the visual spectrum, it would assist a little, but the additional ceramic additives would largely be useless and unnecessary.

My understanding of radiation is if it is reflecting 99.5% of infrared energy (absorbing only 0.5% of the energy), it effectively has an emissivity of 0.005; which is would make a thermal image completely irrelevant to use if the emissivity setting is 0.91. Even if in reality, the paint surface is absorbing 20%, it would still effectively have an emissivity of 0.2.

However, he seems to think that one can have one can have a surface with a high emissivity, and low absorptivity. My understanding is that this is impossible. Or even if it was possible, the thermal camera would mostly be reading the reflected infrared energy, rather than the emitted energy, making the thermal image, based on an emissivity of 0.91, incorrect.

Am I out to lunch, or is he?
Science news on
  • #2
Mostly he is. One needs to always be comparing apples to apples. For instance, the specular reflectance can be much more directed than the "diffuse" Remission from a surface at temperature It is the diffuse emission , thermodynamically constrained by the principles of detailed balance, that drive most of reciprocity. One cannot spontaneously cool an object using paint alone. This would violate the Second Law. But there are coatings that can reduce the influx of directed radiant energy at some wavelengths and promote the emission at others (into cold interstellar space) in a way that minimizes the Temperature of the object. Check this out

Not magic but clever.
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Likes OmCheeto
  • #3
Thanks. Interesting stuff. I assumed that there was a grain of truth behind the claims. The video was fantastic; but mostly backed up what I suspected. His homemade paint needed 20-30 thin coats to be effective and took the entire day to apply to a small square. Not very practical for applying to a roof. Shortcuts that make it more practical would reduce the efficacy of the coating.

The video you showed really only talked about visual light, and used thermometer, rather than thermal camera to get the readings. I wished that they took a reading from a thermal camera as well to show the difference that coatings can make to the temperature reading.

Assuming that the salesperson claims of the paint reflecting 99% of the infrared spectrum of solar energy is true, the thermal camera reading of the surface temperature would be reading the reflected ambient infrared, rather than the surface temperature itself? And the camera would need to be adjusted to account for that reflection, regardless of what the stated emissivity of the surface is?
  • #4
All light carries energy (heat). There is nothing "magic" about infrared. We simply feel (see) it with our backside or our outstretched hands but not our eyes. The energy flux from the sun actually peaks in the blue green (~500nm). So a perseveration about IR is counterproductive. There are coatings that will "improve" a situation that involves steady state radiant flux (but cannot change equilibrium detailed balance)
I shall not (re)produce a treatise. Lotsa physics here. What a thermal camera reports can be tricky to interpret.
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Likes gmason85

FAQ: How do emissivity and absorptivity affect thermal imaging results?"

1. What is emissivity, and how does it affect thermal imaging results?

Emissivity is a measure of how efficiently an object emits infrared radiation compared to a perfect blackbody at the same temperature. In thermal imaging, objects with high emissivity appear hotter and more accurately represent their true temperature, while objects with low emissivity may appear cooler and can produce misleading results.

2. What is absorptivity, and how does it relate to emissivity in thermal imaging?

Absorptivity is the ability of a material to absorb incident radiation. According to Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation, for an object in thermal equilibrium, absorptivity equals emissivity. Therefore, materials with high absorptivity also have high emissivity, which means they will both absorb and emit infrared radiation effectively, impacting thermal imaging accuracy.

3. How do different materials' emissivity values impact thermal imaging accuracy?

Different materials have different emissivity values, which can significantly impact thermal imaging accuracy. Materials with high emissivity (close to 1) provide more accurate temperature readings, while materials with low emissivity can reflect ambient radiation, leading to inaccurate temperature measurements. Understanding the emissivity of the material being imaged is crucial for interpreting thermal images correctly.

4. Can you adjust for emissivity in thermal imaging cameras?

Yes, most advanced thermal imaging cameras allow users to adjust for emissivity. By inputting the correct emissivity value of the object being observed, the camera can compensate for emissivity variations and provide more accurate temperature readings. This adjustment is essential for precise thermal analysis.

5. How do environmental factors influence emissivity and thermal imaging results?

Environmental factors such as ambient temperature, humidity, and the presence of other heat sources can influence emissivity and thermal imaging results. For example, reflective surfaces can pick up heat from surrounding objects, leading to inaccurate temperature readings. Ensuring proper calibration and understanding the environmental context are important for accurate thermal imaging.

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