How do EMPs work and how can you make one?

In summary, the conversation discusses the working mechanism of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) and its potential use as a weapon. It is explained that an EMP works by inducing a current through the interaction of free electrons and Earth's magnetic field, causing damage to electronic devices. The conversation also mentions that constructing an EMP would require a high rate of production of gamma rays and suggests doing a Google search for more information. Additionally, the conversation briefly touches on the financial success of the inventors of EMP technology.
  • #1
Does anyone know how emps work and how to construct one?
Physics news on
  • #2
jump a spark across a gap...

Perhaps you should give us more details of what exactly you want to know; or 'do a Google' on electromagnetic pulse.
  • #3
The emp works on the compton effect. It was first detected in the first H-bomb blast. It knocked out power to some Hawainal towns hundreds of miles away from the blast. The way it works is the intence high energy gamma ray photons emmited from the bombs blast cause electrons to be knocked out of the orbits of low atomic number elements. This would happen in Oxygen and Nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere. This free rush of elecrons would interact with the Earth's magnetic field and induce a current, which would create a magnetic field. This electromagnetic pulse would then overload electrical appliances and elecric machines, such as cars. This overload would run down the line and fry wiers, semiconductors and transformers. Its a messed up weapon.
To construct and EMP, I wouldent know how to do that, but you would need a good rate of production of high energy gamma rays.
  • #4
This site gives some pretty good information.
  • #5
Adrian Baker said:
'do a Google' on electromagnetic pulse.

Heh, the two guys that started that are worth 50 billion dollars

FAQ: How do EMPs work and how can you make one?

What is an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)?

An Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) is a burst of electromagnetic radiation that can disrupt or damage electronic devices and infrastructure. It is typically caused by a sudden and intense release of energy, such as a nuclear explosion or a solar storm.

How does an EMP affect electronics?

An EMP can induce a high voltage surge in electronic devices, causing them to malfunction or completely fail. This can result in the loss of communication, transportation, and utility systems, as well as damage to personal devices such as phones and laptops.

What is the difference between a nuclear EMP and a solar EMP?

A nuclear EMP is caused by a high-altitude nuclear explosion, which sends out a burst of gamma rays that ionize the Earth's atmosphere and create a powerful electromagnetic field. A solar EMP, also known as a solar storm or coronal mass ejection, is caused by a burst of energy from the sun that can disrupt Earth's magnetic field and cause an EMP-like effect.

How can we protect against EMPs?

There are several ways to protect against EMPs, such as using Faraday cages to shield electronic devices, implementing EMP-resistant designs in critical infrastructure, and developing backup systems and contingency plans. It is also important to have proper emergency preparedness measures in place in case of an EMP event.

Can an EMP be used as a weapon?

Yes, an EMP can be used as a weapon, either intentionally or unintentionally. A nuclear EMP can be used as a strategic weapon to disrupt or destroy an enemy's electronic infrastructure, while a solar EMP can have unintentional effects on technology and infrastructure.

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