How do encrypted USB flash drives work and how can we make them more secure?

  • Thread starter Vanadium 50
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In summary, hardware encrypted USB sticks, such as those using the ClevX technology, offer a secure way to store data without the need for additional software on the computer. The data on the flash chip itself is encrypted using a unique AES key. The PIN is not part of the key, but it is used to unlock access to the key. When changing the PIN, the master key is deciphered and reencrypted with the new PIN. The security of these devices depends on the randomness of the PIN chosen by the user. The exact process of how the PIN is used to unlock the key is not fully understood, but it likely involves a combination of a manual input device and a deterministic random number generator. Further research is needed to fully understand
  • #1
Vanadium 50
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Before I start, a quote: "There are two kinds of cryptography in this world: cryptography that will stop your kid sister from reading your files, and cryptography that will stop major world governments from reading your files."

Today you can buy, for $50-100, a USB stick with hardware encryption. To access the data on the disk, you need to enter a PIN on buttons on the drive. Enter it wrong too often and the data is erased. No software is required on the computer - everything exists on the drive.

My questions are how these things really work (and I hate the word "really" in these threads, because it's often ill-defined) and by "really" I mean that we should disregard what the manufacturers imply, and whether it's possible to build such a device that gets us beyond "little sister" security.

The vendors say they use 256-bit AES. I see no reason to question this. For this to have any meaning, that means the data on the flash chip itself is encrypted. But this means the PIN cannot be part of the key. If it were, changing the PIN would require all the data to be decrypted under the old PIN and reencrypted with the new PIN, a procedure which takes a good fraction of an hour. Yet it happens instantaneously.

If the PIN is not part of the key, there must be somewhere a circuit that determines if the PIN is good, and if so, to release the key. Applying a voltage to the output right these will unlock the stick. This doesn't take a major world government - a minor crime family is all you need. So how does one prevent this exploit from working, and what is needed to make these drives truly secure?
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  • #2
When you change the PIN, it needs to decipher the master key and then reencrypt it with your new pin.
The structure that is encrypted by the pin includes the master key and enough additional invariant data to reliably determine that the supplied pin must be right.
  • #3
That's very interesting - can you explain in more detail what happens when you enter the PIN?
  • #4
I will need to research this a bit more, but off-hand, I suspect one of the following two senerios:

- the pin is used to unlock access to the encryption key (think of a briefcase code lock), so simply cracking/circumventing the pin would essentially give you access to the data.

- the pin is used to unlock access to the encryption key in addition to being part of the encryption key. Changing the pin triggers a background reencryption process (similar to iPhone encryption) that uses a journal file to protect the data if unplugged during the process. In this case the pin must be cracked, circumventing wouldn't help.
  • #5
Vanadium 50 said:
If the PIN is not part of the key, there must be somewhere a circuit that determines if the PIN is good, and if so, to release the key.
You can encrypt the key with the PIN. Thus if you want to change the PIN, all you have to do is decrypt the key and re-encrypt it with the new PIN. Very fast, no matter how much data you have.

I did something similar to ensure that a user's password was not saved into a database, encrypted or not.

But for this type of device, the security strength only depends on the PIN randomness, which is probably very low for typical users.
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  • #6
From what I've read, these devices use a technolgy from ClevX called, which simply prevents access to the encrypted mass storage device until the pin is entered, nothing I've found indicates the pin is used for the encryption process at all. Padlock White Paper-1_final_v1.pdf
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  • #7
Without having access to the design documents only available to their partners, I believe the answer to how these devices "really work" is buried somewhere in the ClevX patents, these ones look the most interesting:

9,075,571 - Memory lock system with manipulatable input device and method of operation thereof

A memory lock system is provided that includes: providing a controller; providing a connector connected to the controller for providing data to the controller; providing a memory connected to the controller for receiving and storing information from the controller; and manipulating an input device connected to the controller to unlock or lock data transfer between the connector and the controller, in the controller, between the connector and the memory, or in the memory.​
9,690,952 - Encryption key generation in encrypted storage devices

A system and method of generating an encryption key in a self-encrypting mass storage device that includes using a manual input device as input for a micro-controller that contains a cyclic counter. An input device event triggers the micro-controller to read the current state of the cyclic counter. An accumulation of cyclic counter values is used as a source of entropy to seed a deterministic random number generator. The output of the deterministic random number generator is used as an encryption key for encryption/decryption processes within the mass storage device.​
  • #8
What have I learned - the AES key is unique, which is good, and not in 1-to-1 correspondence with the PIN, which is good. However, it's still unclear how the drive tells the decryption engine (or the encryption engine, which for AES is the same thing) that a valid PIN has been entered. If it just sets the voltage on a line high, this can easily be exploited.

Related to How do encrypted USB flash drives work and how can we make them more secure?

1. What is an Encrypted USB Flash Drive?

An Encrypted USB Flash Drive is a portable storage device that uses encryption to secure the data stored on it. This means that the data is converted into a code that can only be accessed with the correct password or decryption key.

2. How does an Encrypted USB Flash Drive work?

An Encrypted USB Flash Drive uses a combination of hardware and software encryption to protect the data stored on it. The hardware encryption is built into the device and ensures that the data is encrypted as it is being saved onto the flash drive. The software encryption requires a password or decryption key to access the data.

3. What are the benefits of using an Encrypted USB Flash Drive?

Using an Encrypted USB Flash Drive provides an extra layer of security for your data. This is especially useful for sensitive or confidential information. It also allows you to safely transfer data between different devices without the risk of it being accessed by unauthorized users.

4. Are all Encrypted USB Flash Drives the same?

No, there are different types of Encrypted USB Flash Drives with varying levels of security and features. Some may have stronger encryption methods or additional security features such as biometric authentication. It is important to research and choose the right one for your specific needs.

5. Can Encrypted USB Flash Drives be hacked?

While no security measure is 100% foolproof, Encrypted USB Flash Drives are designed to be extremely difficult to hack. The encryption methods used are very strong and, as long as the password or decryption key is kept secure, the data on the flash drive should remain safe from hackers.

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