How Do Everyday Concepts Become Mind-Boggling When We Think Deeply About Them?

  • Thread starter Hatesmondays
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In summary: They just instinctively go through the process of metamorphosis.#6Eating is a strange concept when you think about it. We take in different materials and break them down for energy, only to expel them later on. It's even weirder that we do it together socially, but we don't gather as a family to go to the bathroom.#7Expressions of affection can be strange, like putting someone else's genitals in our mouths.#8Drinking milk from other species is not a common practice in nature, yet we do it regularly.#9Pictures and cameras allow us to capture a single moment in time that we can look at for the rest of our lives.#10
  • #1
If you really think about these they are mind-boggling.1.
Roads. I can get in my car right now and go pretty much anywhere. There is an unbroken route from where my car is parked to virtually every location on this continent. And if I can’t get there by car, there are often specific places to park my car that make it as convenient as possible to get to where I want to go. We take it for granted, but it’s kind of crazy to me sometimes.

When you figure out that you are a brain controlling a body

Babies weight around 8 pounds when they’re born, and around 20 pounds a year later. Having eaten mostly milk. Those babies took milk and turned it into 12 pounds of flesh, bone, and brain. Babies are freaking made of milk.

How words are spelled/look. If you look at words long enough, you begin to question why words were chosen to have that certain spelling. Or how the shapes were even formed. Or why a different letter wasn’t chosen. Or how in the hell is that word pronounced the way it is

Do caterpillars know they they are going to become butterflies? Or do they just get in a cocoon thinking, what the heck am I doing?

Eating is pretty weird when you think about it. You grind up various materials to suck energy out of them and then poop them out. I think it’s weird that we eat together socially, but at the same time it’s not like we are getting together as a family to take a poop. It’s just the other side of the same process.

People stick other people’s genitals in their mouths as a sign of affection.

Drinking the milk of other species.

Pictures/cameras. I just captured this ONE moment in time that I can now look at for the rest of my life.

Being pregnant. It’s like “Yeah, there’s a tiny person inside me. He eats what I eat and moves around in there sometimes.”

Trying to imagine if nothing ever existed.

if you didn’t know a language how would you think?

Calling people “baby” romantically or sexually…ew.

Ripping the skin off a creature and wearing it around. Sure it’s dried and treated with chemicals, but look closely and you can still see pores and where the skin folded.

wireless technologies kinda hurt my head.

Kissing, Why is it that touching your lips is a sign of affection.

The idea of assigning value to currency. I had you a piece of paper and you give me goods/services.

The fact that we can see things.

Being alive. Spend five minutes studying anatomy/genetics/evolution and it becomes really clear just a few things could be different and you’d have Huntington’s. Or Sickle Cell. And life would be shitty.
It’s incredible as many of us are as healthy as we are.

Your skin is crawling with billions of bacteria.

How people invented language. Seriously. How did they come up with words?!

All these people around the world, believing in different gods: to know that such a vast majority of them simply has to be wrong, is to wonder how wrong we can be, and how little we know.
We live lives we pretend to understand and control but we really are doing more surviving than living, and more imagining than understanding. It’s weird.

People who die in tragic ways are just going about their day not knowing they’re about to die.

Literally everything. For example, right now I’m pushing some buttons with abstract symbols on them on something called a keyboard, and am instantly able to transmit my own thoughts through a machine that takes them, breaks them apart into other abstract symbols, and then reassembles and transmits them in some ethereal non-physically existing thing called the internet, where anyone, anywhere, at any time can look at that same exact pattern of lines and dots and instantly understand exactly what I was thinking

If you’re currently a virgin, you’re the only virgin in long, long line of ancestors over thousands upon thousands of years. They’re all just waiting for you to continue the chain.

Infinity. The fact that a number can go on endlessly really creeps me out.

Airplanes. You’re sitting in a chair, miles up in the sky, going 500mph on a gust of wind. And people complain about the food.28.
Clapping is really weird. You’re smacking your hands together to indicate approval.

Either we’re alone in the universe or we aren’t. Either possibility is mind-boggling.
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  • #2
Hatesmondays said:
Roads. I can get in my car right now and go pretty much anywhere. There is an unbroken route from where my car is parked to virtually every location on this continent. And if I can’t get there by car, there are often specific places to park my car that make it as convenient as possible to get to where I want to go. We take it for granted, but it’s kind of crazy to me sometimes.

I grew up in Hawaii in the 80's, and they had a bunch of roads, but the main ones were called H1 which ran through Honolulu and out though the central part of the Island to the north shore, and H2, which ran out to the east side of the island. They called these "interstate highways." Something you see ubiquitously on the mainland, USA, but Hawaii is an isolated state. So to call H1 or H2 an "interstate highway" is absurd. But that's what they did. At least back in the 80's.
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  • #3
Yes, this is a strange universe.
  • #4
A linguistics question and such things have been studied. English has crazy spellings but they occur from historical reasons. The linguists know more about this. The characters or alphabet we use came from things people used in real life.

Caterpillars have a concentration of nerves or something in their head but they might not be highly enough developed for the young animals to THINK about what they will do or become. Maybe the neurologists or zoologists know more about this.
  • #6
#1 Is nowhere close to true unless you recursively define a "location" as a street address.

Frankly, these all just sound like the inconsequential profound musings of a chemically altered mind.
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Likes Vanadium 50
  • #7
If you’re currently a virgin, you’re the only virgin in long, long line of ancestors over thousands upon thousands of years. They’re all just waiting for you to continue the chain.

Roll up ladies i am ready:biggrin:
  • #8
Hatesmondays said:
If you really think about these they are mind-boggling.1.
Roads. I can get in my car right now and go pretty much anywhere. There is an unbroken route from where my car is parked to virtually every location on this continent. And if I can’t get there by car, there are often specific places to park my car that make it as convenient as possible to get to where I want to go. We take it for granted, but it’s kind of crazy to me sometimes.

When you figure out that you are a brain controlling a body

Babies weight around 8 pounds when they’re born, and around 20 pounds a year later. Having eaten mostly milk. Those babies took milk and turned it into 12 pounds of flesh, bone, and brain. Babies are freaking made of milk.

How words are spelled/look. If you look at words long enough, you begin to question why words were chosen to have that certain spelling. Or how the shapes were even formed. Or why a different letter wasn’t chosen. Or how in the hell is that word pronounced the way it is

Do caterpillars know they they are going to become butterflies? Or do they just get in a cocoon thinking, what the heck am I doing?

Eating is pretty weird when you think about it. You grind up various materials to suck energy out of them and then poop them out. I think it’s weird that we eat together socially, but at the same time it’s not like we are getting together as a family to take a poop. It’s just the other side of the same process.

People stick other people’s genitals in their mouths as a sign of affection.

Drinking the milk of other species.

Pictures/cameras. I just captured this ONE moment in time that I can now look at for the rest of my life.

Being pregnant. It’s like “Yeah, there’s a tiny person inside me. He eats what I eat and moves around in there sometimes.”

Trying to imagine if nothing ever existed.

if you didn’t know a language how would you think?

Calling people “baby” romantically or sexually…ew.

Ripping the skin off a creature and wearing it around. Sure it’s dried and treated with chemicals, but look closely and you can still see pores and where the skin folded.

wireless technologies kinda hurt my head.

Kissing, Why is it that touching your lips is a sign of affection.

The idea of assigning value to currency. I had you a piece of paper and you give me goods/services.

The fact that we can see things.

Being alive. Spend five minutes studying anatomy/genetics/evolution and it becomes really clear just a few things could be different and you’d have Huntington’s. Or Sickle Cell. And life would be shitty.
It’s incredible as many of us are as healthy as we are.

Your skin is crawling with billions of bacteria.

How people invented language. Seriously. How did they come up with words?!

All these people around the world, believing in different gods: to know that such a vast majority of them simply has to be wrong, is to wonder how wrong we can be, and how little we know.
We live lives we pretend to understand and control but we really are doing more surviving than living, and more imagining than understanding. It’s weird.

People who die in tragic ways are just going about their day not knowing they’re about to die.

Literally everything. For example, right now I’m pushing some buttons with abstract symbols on them on something called a keyboard, and am instantly able to transmit my own thoughts through a machine that takes them, breaks them apart into other abstract symbols, and then reassembles and transmits them in some ethereal non-physically existing thing called the internet, where anyone, anywhere, at any time can look at that same exact pattern of lines and dots and instantly understand exactly what I was thinking

If you’re currently a virgin, you’re the only virgin in long, long line of ancestors over thousands upon thousands of years. They’re all just waiting for you to continue the chain.

Infinity. The fact that a number can go on endlessly really creeps me out.

Airplanes. You’re sitting in a chair, miles up in the sky, going 500mph on a gust of wind. And people complain about the food.28.
Clapping is really weird. You’re smacking your hands together to indicate approval.

Either we’re alone in the universe or we aren’t. Either possibility is mind-boggling.

Interesting that you posted all these ...on a Monday.
  • #9
Some members of the human species tend to tolerate, and may actually like, having pineapples on a meat-based Pizza.
  • #10
HossamCFD said:
Some members of the human species tend to tolerate, and may actually like, having pineapples on a meat-based Pizza.
Hmm... I'm pretty sure I read recently that DNA testing confirmed that pineapple pizza tolerance is a genetic predisposition resulting from a greater than 14% prevalence of neanderthal DNA - which is odd because neanderthals interbreed with humans in Europe and pineapple pizza is from Hawaii. I'll see if I can find the link.
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  • #11
31. It took the Jews 40 years through the desert to go from Egypt to Israel. Assuming the present boundaries for Egypt and Israel, the total disrance is at most 1,000 miles, meaning the Jewish people walked an average of 25 miles per _year_ or around 40 km in a year, a rate of a bit more than 0.1 km per day. If they had walked a bit more than 2.7 miles per day, it would have taken them a year.

Egypt is approximately a square, around 620 by 620 miles. By Pythagoras, the maximal distance between two points is the length of the hypothenuse of a right-angle triangle , whose length is 620 miles. The hypothenuse then is ## \sqrt (620^2+620^2) ~ 880 ## mi. long plus around 100 miles into Israel totals at most 980 miles <1000 miles. .
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  • #12
Hatesmondays said:
If you really think about these they are mind-boggling.<Snip>

Clapping is really weird. You’re smacking your hands together to indicate approval.

Isn't also weird that, in a group, everyone knows when/if to clap? Why don't you have weirdos clapping at random, out-of-step with everyone else? How and when does one learn the right time to clap. I have heard of non-western people who have freaked out when they first heard clapping.
  • #13
  • #14
WWGD said:
Interesting that you posted all these ...on a Monday.
I very much agree with that.
  • #15
russ_watters said:
#1 Is nowhere close to true unless you recursively define a "location" as a street address.

It's also highly location and time dependent. Try driving from Yakutsk to Kathmandu. Or Manaus to Brasilia during the rainy season.

russ_watters said:
Frankly, these all just sound like the inconsequential profound musings of a chemically altered mind.

True that.
  • #16
Hatesmondays said:
Do caterpillars know they they are going to become butterflies?
Actually no, no they don't... they do however, think they are going to become a great Chinese philosopher and write real nifty stuff...

Of course, they could just be dreaming, instead..... :oldwink:

  • #17
Hatesmondays said:
Trying to imagine if nothing ever existed.

Something similar to this is trying to imagine what existed before the universe...

Great list by the way!

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Some important factors to consider include the relevance of the topic, the reliability of the information, the potential impact of the findings, and any ethical considerations.

2. How can I critically evaluate a scientific study or article?

To critically evaluate a scientific study or article, you should consider the source and credibility of the information, the methods and data used, and whether the conclusions are supported by evidence.

3. How can I stay updated on new scientific discoveries and advancements?

You can stay updated by regularly reading reputable scientific journals and news outlets, attending conferences and lectures, and following credible scientists and organizations on social media.

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Some common biases include confirmation bias, where researchers seek out evidence to support their preconceived ideas, and publication bias, where studies with positive results are more likely to be published than those with negative results.

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To effectively communicate scientific information to non-scientists, it is important to use clear and simple language, avoid jargon, and provide visual aids such as graphs or diagrams. It is also important to address any potential misconceptions and explain the relevance of the information to everyday life.

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