How Do Fermion and Scalar Fields Interact in Lorentz Invariant Terms?

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In summary, the most general reasonable form of the Lorentz invariant interaction term between a fermion field \psi and a scalar field \phi is \psi^{\dagger}A\psi\phi, where A is a Lorentz invariant matrix. However, there are also terms with arbitrary numbers of derivatives of fields, such as \partial_{\mu}\psi^{\dagger}A\partial^{\mu}\psi\phi or \psi^{\dagger}A\partial_{\mu}\psi\partial^{\mu}\phi, that could potentially be included. However, these terms are usually discarded due to their coefficients having dimensions of (mass)^{-n}, making them small and non-renormalizable
  • #1
What is the most general reasonable form of the Lorentz invariant interaction term between a fermion field [tex]\psi[/tex] and a scalar field [tex]\phi[/tex]?

A common choice for the interaction is something like [tex]\psi^{\dagger}A\psi\phi[/tex], with [tex]A[/tex] being a Lorentz invariant matrix (like [tex]\gamma^{5}[/tex]). However, I don't see why an interaction couldn't include terms with arbitrary number of derivatives of fields, as long as it's Lorentz invariant (e.g. [tex]\partial_{\mu}\psi^{\dagger}A\partial^{\mu}\psi\phi[/tex] or [tex]\psi^{\dagger}A\partial_{\mu}\psi\partial^{\mu}\phi[/tex]).

Is there any physical reason for discarding such interaction terms with derivative coupling, or maybe we simply don't need them to describe real world interactions?
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  • #2
Yes, there is a reason. Their coefficients have dimensions of [tex](mass)^{-n}[/tex] (with [tex]n \geq 1[/tex]). We usually work with effective theories, which are presumed to reduce to some more accurate theory at some very high energy scale. When a coupling constant has units of some power of mass, that mass will typically be around the energy scale at which the more accurate theory becomes important. So for experiments at energy scales much smaller than that scale, these couplings can be considered to be very small. Also, when a coupling has dimensions of inverse mass, it usually causes the theory to be nonrenormalizable. This is not a problem if the coupling is very small, because by the time you move the cutoff to a scale where it becomes a problem, the more accurate theory takes over. But if the coupling constant is large (compared to the scale you're working at), it usually is a problem.

FAQ: How Do Fermion and Scalar Fields Interact in Lorentz Invariant Terms?

What is a Fermion-scalar interaction?

A Fermion-scalar interaction is a type of interaction between fundamental particles known as fermions and scalar particles. Fermions are particles that have half-integer spin, such as electrons and quarks, while scalar particles have zero spin. This interaction is described by the Standard Model of particle physics and plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of matter at a fundamental level.

How does a Fermion-scalar interaction occur?

A Fermion-scalar interaction occurs when a fermion and a scalar particle exchange energy and momentum. This can happen through the exchange of virtual particles, which are particles that exist for a very short period of time and cannot be directly observed. The strength of this interaction is determined by the coupling constant, which is a fundamental parameter in the Standard Model.

What are the consequences of a Fermion-scalar interaction?

The consequences of a Fermion-scalar interaction depend on the specific particles involved and the strength of the interaction. In general, this type of interaction can affect the energy levels and properties of particles, such as their mass and charge. It can also influence the behavior of matter in different physical systems, such as in the early universe or in high-energy collisions.

Can Fermion-scalar interactions be observed in experiments?

Yes, Fermion-scalar interactions have been observed in experiments through various methods, such as particle accelerators and detectors. For example, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN has provided evidence for the existence of the Higgs boson, a scalar particle that interacts with fermions in the Standard Model. Other experiments have also observed indirect effects of Fermion-scalar interactions, such as the production of new particles at high energies.

Are there any open questions or challenges related to Fermion-scalar interactions?

While the Standard Model successfully describes Fermion-scalar interactions, there are still open questions and challenges that remain. For example, the origin of the masses of fermions and the nature of dark matter are still unknown. Furthermore, there are efforts to extend the Standard Model to incorporate other phenomena, such as gravity, and to better understand the behavior of particles at very high energies.

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