How Do Green Functions Relate to Boundary Conditions in Quantum Field Theory?

In summary, the reduced Green function in x and t is a delta function, and we can replace plane wave solutions in those dimensions with delta functions.
  • #1
Hey folks,

I'm trying to get a handle on my old Nemesis, Green functions. I have a massless scalar field confined between two parallel plates separated by a distance a (in the z dimension) and the field satisfies Dirichel BC's. Basically I'm trying to work from line 1 of a book to line 2 (K. Miltons the Casimir Effect p23).

'The Green function satisfies'


"We introduce a reduced Green function g(z,z) according to the Fourier Transform"

[tex]G(x,x')=\int\frac{d^dk}{(2\pi)^d}e^{i\vec{k}.(x-x')}\int\frac{d\omega}{2\pi}e^{-i\omega(t-t')}g(z,z') [/tex]

This is all the book says so sorry of that's not much info. I'm fairly sure that [tex]\partial=\nabla+\frac{d}{dt}[/tex].

What I want to understand (and see the math for) is how to get from line 1 to line 2. I'm pretty sure that it involves Fourier transforms, but I would like to see it. Also, I don't understand the concept of a reduced green function. Can anyone either point me to a good reference, or better still explain how and why it is used.

I hope someone can walk me through this.

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  • #2
I don't know all the details of that particular problem, but what I remember from electrostatics is that the "reduced" Green's function is essentially a separation-of-variables technique. If we have, for some linear operator L,

[tex]LG(\vec x, \vec x') = \delta^3(\vec x - \vec x')[/tex]

then we can write

[tex]\delta^3(\vec x - \vec x') = \delta(x - x') \, \delta(y - y') \, \delta(z - z')[/tex]

(or we could use some other coordinate system, such as [itex]r, \phi, \theta[/itex], transforming to it with the proper Jacobian).

Given the boundary conditions, x and y are free, but z is bounded by the planes z=0 and z=a. So we can write

[tex]\delta(x - x') = \frac{1}{2\pi} \int dk_x \, e^{ik_x(x-x')}[/tex]

which is just an identity using Fourier transforms (the integral is over the entire real line). We can do likewise in y, because y also has no boundaries. This leaves us:

[tex]LG = \frac{1}{(2\pi)^2} \int dk_x \, e^{ik_x(x-x')} \, \int dk_y \, e^{ik_y(x-x')} \, \delta(z - z')[/tex]

My memory gets shaky at this point, but you might be able to see where to go. For [itex]L = \partial^2[/itex], L is pretty simple to invert for the two Fourier transforms. What's left is a function [itex]g(z, z')[/itex] that needs to be solved for.
  • #3
Thanks Ben. I think I actually realize what I don't understand now. Let's say our Geometry is in x,z and t. We can use techniques from Separation of variables to write our GF as:


Where the [tex]\mu[/tex]superscript runs over x,z,t.

Ok up to here, but then the second line of my first post implies that


Ok, so here lies my problem. Why can I just assume that the reduced green function in x and t is just a delta function?
  • #4
I may have made a slight mistake; I'm not sure. But you should have

[tex]\partial^2 G = \delta(x - x') \, \delta(y - y') \, \delta(z - z') \, \delta(t - t')[/tex]

rather than just G on the left hand side. Once you have that, you can choose to represent some of those delta functions by their Fourier transforms (or Bessel function series, or what-have-you) in the frequency domain.

The reduced Green's function in a particular dimension is not a delta function; it is [itex]\partial^2g[/itex] that is a delta function.
  • #5
ok, I think it should be:

[tex]G(x,xs')=\int\frac{d^dk}{(2\pi)^d}e^{i\vec{k}.(x-x')}\int\frac{d\omega}{2\pi}e^{-i\omega(t-')}g(z,z') [/tex]

because the physics is contained in the z direction so we just expect plane wave solutions in the x and t so we can replace them with delta functions. Then we put this expression for G into the first equation G''.

Thanks for your insight! :)

FAQ: How Do Green Functions Relate to Boundary Conditions in Quantum Field Theory?

1. What are Green Functions?

Green Functions are mathematical functions that are used in the field of differential equations to solve boundary value problems. They are named after British mathematician George Green who introduced them in the 1830s.

2. How are Green Functions related to Boundary Conditions (BC's)?

Green Functions are used to solve boundary value problems by incorporating the given boundary conditions into the mathematical equation. The Green Function satisfies the boundary conditions and allows us to find the solution to the problem.

3. What are some applications of Green Functions and BC's?

Green Functions and BC's are used in various fields of science and engineering, such as electromagnetics, fluid dynamics, quantum mechanics, and heat transfer. They are also used in real-world applications, such as modeling the behavior of electric circuits and predicting the response of electronic devices.

4. What are some properties of Green Functions?

Green Functions have several important properties, such as symmetry, translation invariance, and linearity. They also have a singularity at the point of interest and decay rapidly as we move away from that point.

5. Are there different types of Green Functions and BC's?

Yes, there are different types of Green Functions and BC's depending on the specific problem being solved. Some common types include Dirichlet BC's, Neumann BC's, and Robin BC's. Each type of BC represents a different physical boundary condition that needs to be satisfied in the solution.

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