How do having no mass or charge affect structure?

In summary, I am curious to know if anyone can shed some light on a question I have concerning the neutrino. ...I will not go into detail about the original question again. I will just summarize the answers that I was given. The neutrino, as any other elementary particle (it's not important if they have or not a mass different from zero) is pointlike. This statement is to be read in the following sense: as far as we know right now the neutrino has no internal structure (it's an elementary particle), it means that it isn't composed of any king of "subparticle". In our understanding an elementary particle has no dimension, they are like points, that
  • #1
I am curious to know if anyone can shed some light on a question I have concerning the neutrino. I am referring only to the electron neutrino and not the others that have theoretical mass values. If it has not mass or charge does that mean it has no dimensions? Or because it has no mass can it have any dimension? Is there any theory on the structure or physical properties of quontum particles? I ask because I am trying to understand some fundamental structural qualities in the quantum world. Thanks in advance for your insight.
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  • #2

I should spell check before submiting...
  • #3
The neutrino, as any other elementary particle (it's not important if they have or not a mass different from zero) is pointlike. This statement is to be read in the following sense: as far as we know right now the neutrino has no internal structure (it's an elementary particle), it means that it isn't composed of any king of "subparticle". In our understanding an elementary particle has no dimension, they are like points, that means just that they dimensions are smaller than any mesure we can realize right now.
  • #4
Also there is presently no reason to suppose that the mass of the electron neutrino is zero.
  • #5
That makes sense on a basic level. I understand also that the physical dimensions given to the larger particles is based on the motion of quarks. It seems to me that an object with no mass and no charge we might conclude it is more fundamental than a particle with mass and charge? Its kind of like trying to understand the mechanics of a black hole. If an object can be infinitely small why can't it also be infinitely large? Again I am just trying to rap my head around the concept of no charge or mass. Seems to me if it exists and we can measure it or detect it then whe should be interested in its structure. Assuming neutrinos have in fact been detected.
  • #6
Bill_K said:
Also there is presently no reason to suppose that the mass of the electron neutrino is zero.

Right. I am only referring to the current theory about those values. Is the current value assigned to the electron neutrino such because it is so poorly understood?
  • #7
As I have understood, your difficulties are related to the fact that neutrinos havo no mass and no charge. But this is not a limitation. For example electrons have both mass and charge but they are pointlike too. The importat concept is that there is no such thing as poinlike objects in nature. When we say that an object is pointlike we are talking about a mathematical description, but in nature it is just something whose dimension we are not able to mesure yet because they are very very small.
It can happen for both massless or massive particle, or for both charged or chargeless particles (consider also that electric charge is not the only charge in nature).
The concept of mass is a concept completely unrelated to the concept of dimension.
  • #8
Got it... Thanks again for helping. I totally get that mass and dimension are different concepts and in classical mechanics they have a vital relationship. So in quantum mechanics then, I am guessing, The two concepts are not related in such an intrinsic fasion?
  • #9
variable1 said:
Right. I am only referring to the current theory about those values. Is the current value assigned to the electron neutrino such because it is so poorly understood?
Neutrinos are understood quite well, actually. We have a theory that says that electron neutrino has non zero mass. Experimental data place upper bound on the mass (according to Wikipedia it's 2.2 eV which is freakishly low).
  • #10
Dead Boss said:
Neutrinos are understood quite well, actually. We have a theory that says that electron neutrino has non zero mass. Experimental data place upper bound on the mass (according to Wikipedia it's 2.2 eV which is freakishly low).

There in is my missunderstanding... I was looking at a chart for sub-atomic particles and it labeled the charge and mass as zero. I looked up your reference and did see the >2.2 eV reference... Thanks
  • #11

variable1 said:
I should spell check before submiting...

I think you meant "submitting" ... :-p
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  • #12
Given that the Higg's boson has been confirmed, shouldn't we be able to predict the theoretical mass of a neutrino?
  • #13
No, the mass is put in by hand. It is the value of the coupling of the neutrino to the Higgs. The Higgs mechanism does not give a prediction for Standard Model masses.
  • #14
Yes... I am sure that given how recent Higgs has been potentially discovered there are several efforts underway to reconsile a lot of unknowns to include the mass of the neutrino.

Being that my original post had to do with structure are there any theories about the actual structure of sub-atomic particles? I am interested in the basis for charges. I understand that we know particles come in the 3 basic charges but why do they have said charge? It is my opinion that structure would play a key roll in the nature and source of those charges. Or is it a matter of it is what it is and we leave it at that?
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  • #15
kloptok said:
No, the mass is put in by hand. It is the value of the coupling of the neutrino to the Higgs. The Higgs mechanism does not give a prediction for Standard Model masses.

Wait.. What? I thought the Higgs was the source of mass in matter?
  • #16
Where is the 'spell check icon'...I have nver found you can tell
  • #17
variable1 said:
Wait.. What? I thought the Higgs was the source of mass in matter?

The following quote from forum user Bill_K should answer your question (from this thread):

Bill_K said:
The Higgs particle only relates to the rest mass of certain elementary particles, not mass in general. Composite particles like the proton for example, would still have mass even if the Higgs did not exist.

Furthermore, even for those particles, the Higgs does not explain why they have mass. It only permits them to. I hope you see the difference! Electrons, muons, quarks couple to the Higgs field, and the strength of their coupling determines their mass. But no one understands why the coupling exists, or why the various masses have the particular values they do. Some future theory will have to answer these questions.
  • #18
Ah... ok. That does make sense. But as I read some of the other Higgs posts I understood the Higgs mechanism ie the particle and the field, is fundamental to all sub-atomic particles and it is this mechanism that explains why particles have mass. It was only a theory without proof before its likely discovery here in the last few days. I was under the impression that the Higgs mechanism is what was being used to explain why particles have mass. Correct me if I am wrong.. Which I probably am.. Thanks again for the help in understanding this issue.

FAQ: How do having no mass or charge affect structure?

1. How does having no mass affect the structure of an object?

Having no mass means that there is no physical matter present in the object. This can greatly affect the structure of the object as there is no weight or density to provide stability or shape. The object may also have different properties and behaviors compared to objects with mass.

2. How does having no charge affect the structure of an atom?

The charge of an atom is determined by the number of protons and electrons it has. Having no charge means that there is an equal number of protons and electrons, resulting in a neutral atom. This can affect the structure of the atom as it may have different chemical properties and may not interact with other charged particles in the same way as a charged atom.

3. Can objects with no mass or charge have a defined structure?

Yes, objects with no mass or charge can still have a defined structure. For example, photons have no mass or charge but they still have a defined structure as they consist of a bundle of energy and have properties such as wavelength and frequency.

4. How does the absence of mass and charge affect the structure of a molecule?

The absence of mass and charge in a molecule can greatly affect its structure. For instance, molecules with no mass or charge may not have a distinct shape or may not bond with other molecules in the same way as molecules with mass and charge. This can impact the molecule's properties and functions.

5. Can objects with no mass or charge still have an impact on their surroundings?

Yes, objects with no mass or charge can still have an impact on their surroundings. For example, gravity, which is a force that affects the structure of objects, can be influenced by objects with no mass or charge, such as black holes. Additionally, electromagnetic forces, which are responsible for the formation of chemical bonds, can also be affected by objects with no charge.
