How do i balance this chem equation?/can i use decimals & fractions?

In summary, the conversation discusses balancing a chemical equation and the use of fractions and decimals in the process. It is mentioned that the given equation may have a typo and cannot be balanced, but modifications can be made to make it possible. The final balanced equation is provided, but there is a discussion about whether it makes sense in a chemical context. It is also noted that there may be other errors in the chemistry textbook.
  • #1
the question asks me to balance the following equation

C2H3NO + H2O ---> C2H8N2O + 2CO2

i attempted to balance it

2C2H3NO + H2O ---> C2H8N2O + 2CO2

i can't get all the oxygens to be equal, if someone can show me how to do this last step, id appreciate it

also can one use decimals/fractions to balance a tricky equation?
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  • #2
That reaction can't be balanced. The numbers are just incompatible. Perhaps there's a typo in the question?

There's nothing essentially wrong with using fractions, but it's customary to clear them out in presenting the answer.
  • #3
man this is the 10th time there's been a typo, this chemistry textbook is full of em.. :(
  • #4
It can be balanced with CO as a product.
  • #5
can you show me how?
  • #6
Try, it is not that hard. Just write CO instead of CO2. That's not the same reaction, but perhaps that's the mistake they did.
  • #7
supernova1203 said:
also can one use decimals/fractions to balance a tricky equation?

Absolutely. The chemical equation is an empirical device and as such, represents moles of species reacting and not just single molecules so it's perfectably acceptable to say, 1/2 of a mole is used in this equation as opposed to saying 1/2 of a molecule.
  • #8
Borek said:
It can be balanced with CO as a product.

Or maybe C2H8N2 on the right-hand side? I'm not sure C2H8N2O is even possible.
  • #9
jackmell said:
Absolutely. The chemical equation is an empirical device and as such, represents moles of species reacting and not just single molecules so it's perfectably acceptable to say, 1/2 of a mole is used in this equation as opposed to saying 1/2 of a molecule.

Note: it is perfectly acceptable to use fraction during balancing, however, it is less so after that. Correctly balanced equation should have lowest possible integer coefficients. This is "only" a convention, however, you will often face this convention looking for thermodynamical data (for example think reaction quotient, think equilibrium constants). Thus it is better to avoid fractions in the final equations.
  • #10
obafgkmrns said:
Or maybe C2H8N2 on the right-hand side?

As good guess as every other :smile:

I'm not sure C2H8N2O is even possible.
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  • #11
Sorry, didn't notice someone had answered it previously. Just saw it in the thread list and remined me once when I was in lab and a bunch of students I was teaching chemistry marched in and confronted me on the matter insisting a reaction couldn't be balanced.
  • #12
well using the help you guys have given me i have attempted to balance it again on the premise the 2CO2 is actually a CO

and voila!

2C2H3NO + H2O ----> C2H8N2O + 2CO
  • #13
supernova1203 said:
well using the help you guys have given me i have attempted to balance it again on the premise the 2CO2 is actually a CO

and voila!

2C2H3NO + H2O ----> C2H8N2O + 2CO

But does it make sense though? You studying chemistry right? Is that reaction reasonable? I don't know. Just seems to me sayin' it's CO just to make the problem easier is not really being a chemist. You won't be able to get away with that in your senior year. On what chemical grounds are you basing your decision? Maybe you need to research it. All else fails, well you got a lab right? Just be careful.
  • #14
jackmell said:
But does it make sense though? You studying chemistry right? Is that reaction reasonable? I don't know. Just seems to me sayin' it's CO just to make the problem easier is not really being a chemist. You won't be able to get away with that in your senior year. On what chemical grounds are you basing your decision? Maybe you need to research it. All else fails, well you got a lab right? Just be careful.

Please reread the earlier discussion. We pointed supernova to the modifications of the original equation that allow it to be balanced. There in obvious problem with the original question, these modifications at least allow supernova to train balancing skills.
  • #15
Borek said:
Please reread the earlier discussion. We pointed supernova to the modifications of the original equation that allow it to be balanced. There in obvious problem with the original question, these modifications at least allow supernova to train balancing skills.

You're right. Sorry.
  • #17
Ygggdrasil said:
The reaction being referred to is probably the dimeriziation of methyl isocyanate in the presence of water (, in which case the product should be C3H8N2O, not C2H8N2O.

hm... yes the question asked me to balance part of the reaction that took place at the bhopal plant incident, so you would be correct i think, either case the original equation is a typo in the book

Ill post some attachements for further clarification :)

hopefully this will shed some more light on the matter :)

the 2nd attachment has the original equation i posted earlier, which turned out to be weird, after a bit of work and help from members we figured the equation was off probably a typo(there are many in my book), so i changed the euqation and balanced it, in previous posts in this thread


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FAQ: How do i balance this chem equation?/can i use decimals & fractions?

1. How do I balance a chemical equation?

To balance a chemical equation, you need to make sure that the number of atoms of each element on the reactant side is equal to the number of atoms of that element on the product side. You can do this by adding coefficients (numbers in front of each compound) as needed. Remember, you cannot change subscripts as this would change the actual molecules involved in the reaction.

2. Can I use decimals in a balanced chemical equation?

No, you cannot use decimals in a balanced chemical equation. Coefficients must be whole numbers to accurately represent the number of atoms involved in the reaction. If you end up with a decimal coefficient, you can multiply the entire equation by a number to convert it into a whole number.

3. Can I use fractions in a balanced chemical equation?

Yes, you can use fractions in a balanced chemical equation. However, it is not recommended as it can make the equation more complicated and difficult to understand. It is better to convert the fraction into a whole number by multiplying the entire equation by a number.

4. How do I know when a chemical equation is balanced?

A chemical equation is balanced when the number of atoms of each element on the reactant side is equal to the number of atoms of that element on the product side. Additionally, the total charge of the reactants must be equal to the total charge of the products.

5. Can I balance a chemical equation without knowing the products?

No, it is not possible to balance a chemical equation without knowing the products. The number of atoms of each element on the reactant side must be equal to the number of atoms of that element on the product side to have a balanced equation. Without knowing the products, you cannot determine the number of atoms involved in the reaction.
