How do I calculate pressure drop in a pipeline?

In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of calculating pressure drop in a pipeline. The speaker is seeking help in understanding how to interlink the values of dp (differential pressure) for various equipment and valves in order to calculate the dp of a scrubber. They mention using a spreadsheet to list the pressure drop of each element and suggest looking at a specific link for more information.
  • #1
Majo Joy
Anybody can help me for calculating pressure drop in pipeline. I really appreciate the suggestions from your side. i have the values of dp for equipments and valves...i want to know how to interlink with these dp values for calculation...i want to know, how to calculate the dp of scrubber. i had the dp of dermister, cyclone and Schoepentoeter in scrubber...
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  • #3
Generally for a semi a complicated process i'd put together a spreadsheet listing the pressure drop of each element. The manufacturers can provide the pressure drops for the equipment.

FAQ: How do I calculate pressure drop in a pipeline?

What is pressure drop calculation?

Pressure drop calculation is a method used to determine the amount of pressure loss that occurs in a fluid system, such as a pipe or duct, due to factors like friction, bends, and restrictions.

Why is pressure drop calculation important?

Pressure drop calculation is important because it helps engineers and scientists design efficient fluid systems that can transport fluids at desired flow rates with minimal energy consumption. It also ensures that the system can operate safely without excessive pressure buildup.

What factors affect pressure drop in a fluid system?

There are several factors that can affect pressure drop in a fluid system, including fluid properties (such as viscosity and density), flow rate, pipe/duct diameter, pipe/duct length, roughness of the pipe/duct surface, and the number and type of bends, valves, and other restrictions in the system.

How is pressure drop calculated?

Pressure drop is calculated using mathematical equations, such as the Darcy-Weisbach equation or the Hazen-Williams equation, which take into account the various factors that affect pressure drop in a fluid system. These equations can be solved manually or with the help of specialized software or online calculators.

What are some common methods to reduce pressure drop in a fluid system?

There are several methods that can be used to reduce pressure drop in a fluid system, including increasing the pipe/duct diameter, reducing the number of bends and restrictions, using smoother pipe/duct surfaces, and choosing a fluid with lower viscosity. It is important to carefully consider the trade-offs between pressure drop reduction and other factors, such as cost and system efficiency, when selecting a method to reduce pressure drop.

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