How Do I Calculate the Acceleration of a System with 3 Masses and 2 Pulleys?

In summary: N+50N= 150N also trying to hold it at the origin. now imagine if instead of that, the weight was moved to the right so there was now a force of -100N+50N= 0N. in either case the net force is still less than the weight's res. so without incline, the system will eventually move to the left. with incline, it will move to the right.In summary, without an incline, the system will move to the left. With an incline, it will move to the right.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

ive been stuck on this for 2 days.. i tried splitting the problem into 2 weights and then considering the last mass but NOTHING. i tried SO MANY attempts NOTHING WORKS and its starting to make me angry. the block on the flat surface has a res of 250N and the fapp of the other 2 masses combined is only 130N. HOW DOES IT MOVE? PLEASE help me !
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Physics news on
  • #2
I will leave this to someone who has more of an idea of what they are doing, the only thing i can see is that you have wrote down the angle as 30 degrees on the diagram when it says 35 degrees in the box underneath. Other then that I'm at as much of a loss as you are.
  • #3
oh no sorry about that, i only used 30 because i wanted to do the numbers in my head rather than do sin35. please pay no attention to my writing
  • #4
Draw a Free Body Diagram for each block.
  • #5
ive done all that on a separate paper, i came to a conclusion that there is no acceleration but the question fully asks to solve for a... I am so lost i really don't know what to do
  • #6
If you draw a FBD for each mass you should end up with 3 equations and 3 unknowns. The key considerations are (1) the acceleration of each mass is the same, and (2) the tension between m1 and m2 is different than the tension between m2 and m3.

If you tell us the F=ma equation you got for each mass we can help guide you.
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  • #7
i can't get my head around the whole thing..

m1 =
fnet = ma
100 + (-T1) = 10a

m2 =
fnet = ma
50sin35 + (T?) + (-T2) = 5a

m3 =
fres = uFn
fres = 150
fnet = ma
T2 + (-Fres) = 30a

please someone help i have no idea
  • #8
You pretty much have it. Looks like you are using g = 10 which is ok I guess. For equation 2, the T is T1 because the tension between m1 and m2 is equal and opposite. Also, you might want to double check your geometry, I'm not sure sin35 is right. In summary, you have 3 equations you can solve for T1, T2 and a by substitution:

1. 100 - T1 = 10a
2. 50sin35 + T1 - T2 = 5a --- verify that sin35 is correct
3. T2 - 150 = 30a
  • #9
thank you so much for verifying my equations good sir at least now i don't have to doubt my self if they are right or wrong.

but yes the geometry is correct because 50sin35 will give you the component of gravity that is parallel to the surface and cos would give you the perpendicular

im going to work this out now and see how it goes and ill reply. thanks again :)
  • #10
according to my work, a = 0 because the combined applied force of m1,m2 is less than the res of m3.

can anyone verify?
  • #11
I get the same result, that there will be no acceleration. Seems a bit odd, but there's nothing in the question that prevents that from being the right answer.
  • #12
I think you need to assume the system is already in motion otherwise the coefficient of kinetic friction wouldn't apply. The acceleration will depend on which direction the system is moving.
  • #13
vela said:
I think you need to assume the system is already in motion otherwise the coefficient of kinetic friction wouldn't apply. The acceleration will depend on which direction the system is moving.
Hm, interesting, I hadn't thought about it that way. Though that does seem like an unusual assumption to make, and besides there's no information about the direction of motion.

I was thinking you'd have to assume that the coefficient of static friction is equal to or greater than the coefficient of kinetic friction, which as far as I know is a reasonable assumption in normal situations.
  • #14
the system only moves to the left because there isn't anything applying it to move in the right direction. can anyone build on that

  • #15
gob_b said:
the system only moves to the left because there isn't anything applying it to move in the right direction. can anyone build on that

If you assume the system is initially in motion, that motion could have m3 moving to the right, or moving to the left. As vela points out, you will get a different acceleration in each case. (Different in more than simply the sign.)

In either case, the system will eventually come to rest, and stay at rest.
  • #16
god there is so many possibilities...

can anyone come up with an ultimate correct answer?
  • #17
heres how i imagine it.

picture the worst case scenario where there is NO incline in this problem, but instead both m1,m2 are hanging straight downward. therefore the down force would be 100N+50N= 150N this force would equal the fres force of m3 and therefore no movement. now if we add this incline back, the app force of m1+m2 is now obviously < 150N.

does this not suggest that a is 0 here? but that would mean fnet = 0?
  • #18
With the given information, the problem is ambiguous. You need to make additional assumptions to come up with answers, so just state what those assumptions are and give the corresponding result. There are effectively only three possibilities: the system is already moving to the left; the system is already moving to the right; and the system is at rest (in which case you need to make an assumption about static friction).
  • #19
for the sake of the question, assume its going to the left.
can anyone come up with an answer?
  • #20
gob_b said:
for the sake of the question, assume its going to the left.
can anyone come up with an answer?
OK, if you're going to assume it's going to the left, you should be able to solve the problem. Give it a try and if you have problems, post what you do. (After all, it is your homework :wink:)
  • #21
i got 0.13 for a.

and T1 tension was 110N which is greater than 100N the gravity force acting down for m1.

is this even possible?
  • #22
gob_b said:
i got 0.13 for a.

and T1 tension was 110N which is greater than 100N the gravity force acting down for m1.

is this even possible?
Yes, it's possible, even expected, for T1 to be greater than 100N. You start with m1 moving downward, but slowing down, so its acceleration is upward.

T1 - m1g = m1a > 0

so, T1 > m1g .
  • #23
thank you sammy,

so my a was a negative small decimal. and t1 is > 100 like i said.

to my knowledge a negative A means that it did not move correct?
therefore t1 must e > 100 to keep it from moving down

am i right?
  • #24
gob_b said:
thank you sammy,

so my a was a negative small decimal. and t1 is > 100 like i said.

to my knowledge a negative A means that it did not move correct?
therefore t1 must e > 100 to keep it from moving down

am i right?

since you only were given the coef of kinetic friction i would assume the that the system was already in motion. If your accel was negative then that means the system for that instant was slowing down. It would be better if the question gave a little more information.

FAQ: How Do I Calculate the Acceleration of a System with 3 Masses and 2 Pulleys?

What is the concept of 3 masses and 2 pulleys?

The concept of 3 masses and 2 pulleys involves a system of connected masses and pulleys, where the masses are suspended by ropes or strings and the pulleys are used to redirect the forces and change the direction of motion. In this system, there are three masses and two pulleys, creating a complex mechanical system that can be used to study forces and motion.

How do you calculate the forces in a 3 mass, 2 pulley system?

To calculate the forces in a 3 mass, 2 pulley system, you need to consider the weight of each mass, the tension in the ropes, and the direction of motion. The forces can be calculated using Newton's laws of motion and the principles of equilibrium. This can be done by drawing a free-body diagram for each mass and analyzing the forces acting on them.

What is the purpose of using 3 masses and 2 pulleys in an experiment?

The purpose of using 3 masses and 2 pulleys in an experiment is to study and understand the principles of forces and motion in a complex system. This system allows for the manipulation of forces and direction of motion, making it a useful tool for experiments and demonstrations related to mechanics and physics.

How do you ensure accuracy in a 3 mass, 2 pulley experiment?

To ensure accuracy in a 3 mass, 2 pulley experiment, it is important to carefully measure and record the masses, lengths of the ropes, and angles of the pulleys. It is also important to minimize friction in the system and make sure all components are securely attached. Additionally, repeating the experiment multiple times and taking an average of the results can help to reduce errors and increase accuracy.

What are some common real-life applications of a 3 mass, 2 pulley system?

A 3 mass, 2 pulley system can be found in various real-life applications, such as elevators, cranes, and weightlifting machines. It is also used in simple machines like a block and tackle system, where the pulleys are used to lift heavy objects with less effort. In engineering, this system can be used to design and analyze complex mechanical systems and in physics, it can be used to study the principles of forces and motion.

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