How do I calculate the bending energy for a cross-linked beam network?

In summary, the conversation revolved around a project involving a cross-linked network of beam-like objects where extensional and shear strains were applied and an energy minimization procedure was used to find optimal positions for all cross-links. The need to calculate total energy of the system was discussed, including the addition of bending energy. The conversation also touched upon the use of Bernoulli beams and the calculation of bending moment. The topic of calculating force and solving the Bernoulli equation with four boundary conditions was also brought up. It was suggested to use a finite element analysis program to obtain the necessary boundary conditions for each beam in the 3D network.
  • #1
Hello, I'm working on a project involving a cross-linked network of beam-like objects. We take these networks and apply extensional and shear strains to it, then apply an energy minimization procedure to find the optimal positions for all the cross-links in the new state. Therefore I have to calculate the total energy of the system. Right now, my computation includes only extensional/compression energy so kx^2/2, but I need to add bending energy. And I'm stuck here. I know my beams are supposed to be Bernoulli beams. The bending energy (as I understand it) is the bending moment:
M = EI *(u'') (second derivative of the deflection). In order to compure this I need the defection. To get this, I need to solve the Bernoulli equation:
EI*(u'''') = w where u'''' is the fourth order deriv of deflection and w is the force.
I'm not sure what my "force" should be. Basically at a crosslink, the two beams are attached together at a certain angle. If after the whole network has moved, this angle has changed between the two beams, then a force has been imposed there because the beams are no longer at their optimal angle.

So: 1. How do I calculate this force? is it just as simple as the difference in the angle times a spring constant? or something like this

2. Once I have the force, I have to solve the Bernoulli equation to get the deflection, so being a fourth order equation I need four boundary conditions. 2 at each end of the beam, so in this situation these wouldn't be "clamped" right? Because technically they can move, even though its not very energetically favorable for them to do so. If it's not clamped, then any suggestions on what the boundary conditions should be in this situation? Because the ends are certainly not free either...

Any suggestions would be most helpful. If this is the incorrect section to post this under, I apologize!
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  • #2
jjyoung: Is your beam network coplanar, with all displacements coplanar? Or is this a 3-D network? The transverse applied load w on each beam is zero. The end boundary conditions (BCs) of each beam depend on the response of the entire network. Therefore, you will need to run a finite element analysis program to obtain the translational and rotational displacements of each node. Then you will have the end BCs for each beam.
  • #3
It is a 3D calculation. So these beams can translate and rotate in 3D.

So you are saying my Bernoulli equation should be EI*u'''' = 0, and I should be able to get boundary conditions like u and u' for the two ends of each beam, which will give me the four conditions to solve for u

thank you for the advice!
  • #4
Yes, but there will be six boundary conditions per node, twelve for each beam.

Related to How do I calculate the bending energy for a cross-linked beam network?

What is bending energy and why is it important in scientific research?

Bending energy is a measure of the amount of energy required to deform or bend a material. It is important in scientific research because it can help us understand the properties and behavior of various materials, such as polymers and proteins.

How is bending energy calculated?

Bending energy is typically calculated using mathematical equations that take into account the properties of the material, such as its stiffness and geometry, as well as the amount of force being applied to it. The specific equation used may vary depending on the situation.

What factors can affect the bending energy of a material?

The bending energy of a material can be affected by a variety of factors, including its stiffness, geometry, the amount of force being applied to it, and any external conditions such as temperature or humidity. The composition and structure of the material can also play a role.

Why is it important to accurately calculate bending energy?

Accurate calculation of bending energy is important because it can provide valuable insights into the behavior and properties of materials. It can also help in the design and development of new materials for specific applications, as well as in predicting how a material will respond to different forces and conditions.

How can bending energy be used in practical applications?

Bending energy has many practical applications, such as in engineering and materials science. It can be used to determine the strength and resilience of different materials, as well as in the design and optimization of structures and devices that need to withstand bending forces. Bending energy is also important in fields such as biomechanics and biomaterials, where it can help in understanding the behavior of biological tissues and developing new medical treatments.

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